War Of Worlds DevLog #4.1 - Skeuomorphic HUD and Plasma Accelerator

Hey there. :smiley: Unfortunately, this Devlog will be short due to the last one completely disappeared. I will go over what I have done.

I am bad at GUI

Experimenting with Skeuomorphism.

Raycast Debug

I think I might make another Devlog in the future that goes into more detail about how I did this. I did write one before but for some reason it was deleted from the devforum.

Smoother camera and more reliable climbing

New Weapon VFX Plasma Accelerator

Previous Devlog: War Of Worlds DevLog #3 - Vindicroy Controller and Weapons

If you want to join the discord or follow me please feel free to dm.

Next week I will be working on the INFRACTION faction. Thanks for stopping by and see you all soon!


Very nice post, it looks good!

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Erm. The other post seems to have come back. :? War Of Worlds DevLog #4 - Skeuomorphic HUD and Plasma Accelerator Not sure what to do now :confused: