Warp - very fast & powerful networking library

Invoke doesn’t seem to work to get information from the server

that issue relate to this

You should rollback if it’s a bugged version or never release it as a new version.

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New Release - v1.0.11

let me know if there any issue with this version

can i get this version with wally?

there is a type error in studio when using strict mode on .Signal(‘string’):Connect(…).
‘signal’ could not be converted to {|[string]: any|}.

does not actually cause any problems, the module is just mistyped on the signal class

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Cool! I’ll keep it in mind in case I ever make a 700 player server survival game. (only reason I won’t use it sooner is because I rather not risk bugs with a third party module until I need to)

Hello, I have some concerns about this library. It seems that there’s a relatively long delay in remote events. Is this normal?

I tested in both the real game and Roblox Studio. These are 2 remote calls, one to the server, and one back. In my code, there’s no delay whatsoever and everything happens instantaneously.
(Studio footage:)

From client to server delay:


yeah that happpend to me aswell, it was like a seconrd or 2, i just reverted back to the older version till its fixed

What version exactly? I will not use Warp with this obnoxious delay.

which version did you use?
seems like this doesnt happens to me.

im using 1.0.9,the delay started 1.0.11

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I’m still on 1.0.9, everything as smooth as butter.
The new updates haven’t prompted to update as they are bloated ones imo

The latest version. I will try using the older versions.

Yes I am using 1.0.9 right now and it’s completely normal now. You should look into the changes made in v.1.0.10 that might be causing these issues. Other than that, I think this module is pretty good. :slight_smile:


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weird, but >1.0.11 version has better server efficiency for larger server scale.

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yeah but somehow theres an delay somewhere

Seems like Invoke also had some issues, switching to 1.0.9 seemed to resolve the issue

me when still on 1.0.6, forked. :sunglasses:

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