Ways to learn Scripting

Hi there, I am creating this topic is order to find some ways to learn scripting as the title suggest. I have been developing on Roblox for about two and a half years mostly building And now I would like to learn scripting. I would really appreciate if someone could point out some resources where I could probably start learning scripting from the basics.

  1. What do i want to achieve?
  • I am currently a 3D modeler but I would love to learn scripting which is an essential and important skill to learn but I have unable to find a good resource or place to learn Roblox Lua scripting so I decided I should probably get an advice from fellow developers from the forum.
  1. What is the issue?
  • I do not Know anything about scripting and I want to start But, I basically do not know where to start and I know nothing of scripting like concepts etc… I would really appreciate if fellow developers can point out some places (Websites or other rescources) to learn scripting. I have already tried YouTube but that is kind of jumbled and its not in order from beginner to advanced Also its hard to learn the concepts in Lua through YouTube.

To sum it up, please not that this is my first post and if there’s something I did wrong please inform me and some help in this topic would be much appreciated.


I’d like to preface this with the fact that this question has already been asked many many times. Most of the time some person will eventually tell you you should search the devforum first. Because this is your first post, I thought it really should be said.

That being said, I personally can’t stand video tutorials due to personal preference. I will look up specific things like “how to make a working robot in roblox” when I want to make something. Eventually I’ve picked up scripting on my own and was able to write my own scripts!

Another thing you should do is take a look in the roblox library. While free models have a bad rep (I’m not taking sides in this debate), you can find some interesting scripts that you can dissect and modify. Free models are notorious for malicious scripts that try to either slow your game down or break it. If you look at these scripts and see what does what, you will have a basic understanding of the language and all of the different things you can do.

I’m sure this is an obvious one but things like the Roblox Developer Hub and even the Devforum itself have great resources. The hub has a tutorial section for scripting and you can learn a lot about things like efficiency and best practices.

A less obvious one (but it kind of is) is the Roblox Creator Challenge. It is a challenge that goes over the basics of scripting where you can earn prizes. They give you a game and explain everything then you take a quiz. It’s super simple and fun.

Finally, the best way to learn anything is practice. Just make simple scripts every now and then from what you know. Or focus on creating new scripts entirely. Practicing will definitely help you evolve as a programmer. I mean I look at scripts from when I just started and I think “wow what a complete and utter disaster” due to my code being sloppy and unreadable. You’ll come a long way if you practice.


Thanks, very reassuring I will stick to those. :grinning:


So method 1 find someone who can do it and ask him if he can learn you basic things
method 2 learn c# that is quite similar and there are much more tutorials on it
method 3 say to yourself for example “I want to say to chat hello when someone join” and google how to do it and try to program it


@mistr88 I wouldn’t learn c# just so you can learn lua as this will make learning lua a much longer process.

This topic has been asked multiple times before, please search before you post. Here is a few threads that are asking the same question as you:

You may want to read over these threads as they should be able to answer your questions.

Most people will say you should just insert free model scripts and just mess around with them. This is the exact way I started to script and the way a lot of people on here started. This process will help you with your problem solving skills as this an essential skill for scripting.

The best resource for me so far has been right here on the developers forum. Just reading topics people have created about different elements of scripting has catapulted my knowledge. Also if you are struggling with a certain element of scripting and you can’t find a video about it and you find the Developer Hub too confusing, then you should create a support thread about it on here. You could also use these forums to do the exact same method that I described above with code you find lying around on these forums.

Another resource is the Developers Hub. This place is very good for Api references and for brushing up your knowledge on some things that you have previously learnt.

Here is a few basic tutorials about some of the basic elements of scripting:

Developers Hub



Personally, I just watch beginning to advanced scripting playlists and then proceed to read the whole Programming in Lua[http://www.lua.org/pil/contents.html] to learn the syntax, and then I use devforum and developer hub to learn everything about the Roblox API.

Edit: If you don’t like reading whole entire books you can use these videos instead(I recommend pil if you want to know everything about it’s syntax):[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us46grT9wsA&list=PL0o3fqwR2CsWg_ockSMN6FActmMOJ70t_]


Me personally, I’m more of a hands-on learner. So, when I first started learning LUA I was making small things (with the help of the DevForum, and some YouTube videos) and I continued to slightly upgrade them from the previous. Maybe I’m changing that if statement, or adding another procedure, maybe experimenting with something else.

Another thing I also did was look at what other people were doing. I took what they had made, and learned new methods, this is how I learned debouncing.

Lastly, I looked in the scripting support category here to work through my head what I think is causing their error, and come back and see if I was correct, or if not learn what the pros were saying about it and learn from them.

Take your time, and go at your own pace.


Pretty cool to find my game in this thread. Glad you like it!


If you want some more answers, I made a post like this a while back that you can check out :slightly_smiling_face:


I say just what I sayed to other and all of them learned it and about c# if you learn console basic it is easier than solve (without knowing what does " do) what to put on client and server
But it is just tip and learn it how you want

Hey! I wish you best of luck learning. I’ve posted to help people learn about three times here is my recent one;

Here are some great ways, that’ll get you far ways.

Open free models, check their scripts, understand how they work, and try combining code!

  • This works most of the time, I helped many people learned how to code like this, once you get the hang of it you will be able to start scripting.

Use the DevForums

  • Another great resource is the ROBLOX official Developer forums, the site we are speaking on currently. This site can help you with any coding, building, just about any development issues.

Use the developer.roblox.com site

  • This site is a great site to learn scripting, here it is
    Roblox Developer Hub
    This is an amazing way to learn.

YouTube Tutorials

  • There are many YouTubers who can have great and helpful tutorials. If they provide the code in a model, try making it yourself instead of using the model. If your just using the model, try understanding how it works.

And finally, friends!

  • If you have experienced friends who can code, ask them for help, they most likely will help.

Don’t forget, you also need tons of patience to learn how to code. You have the good, and the bad, coding can get complicated, just never give up, you’ll be great at one point. Good luck!

~Kensizo :slight_smile:


It is obviously easier to learn lua if you already know an other language so learning any other language could be useful but I don’t know if the time taken to do that will be worth it

I’m not a scripter myself but I can give you a few tips, you can try YouTube as there a lot of YouTubers who makes videos to help you learn, if it lua then that my only choice as there not much things out there for lua.

Not worth it, I recommend starting off with LUA, and then moving to other languages like I did. Like English and Latin, LUA and other languages are similar.

For me it was good to know one side c# before client and server sides lua

Personally I already knew how to use python, learning lua was way easier except for the object being pseudo objects in lua.

Personally I started with lua but I did not know anything about strings,… and I stopped because it was too hard and I started with c# and when I returned to lua when perfectly knowing c# I easily understood what is the each side permission
(This int best method (because roblox rules) but with making OWN blank game and exploiting it, you will also learn what is client side permission)

The best way to learn lua is to code and code until you achieve what you want do it a lot and you will improve.

The best way to learn to code is to be dedicated, have patience, and be willing to step out of your comfort zone to learn new things.

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Good motto, but when its hard and you don’t know basic you will just copy from internet code that you don’t know what mean