Welcome to the Town of Roblox Remake [Open Source]

Back probably around 5 or so years ago now, I attempted to revive 1dev2’s Welcome to the Town of Robloxia game, and long story short, I wasn’t able to finish it. I came back to the project last year and finished it (kinda sorta at least). I always wanted to see the project go somewhere, and since it went nowhere with me, so I opened it up to copying. If there’s anything in the game that might seem interesting to you, check it out.
Link Below:

Some sceenshots too to moisten your appetite:


I just realized right after I posted this that there might be a few people reading this that might have never heard of the original game. Just for context, Welcome to the Town of Robloxia was a town and city game made back in 2010, and for a while was the most visited game on the platform (and most ripped off as well). If you’ve never played it, I would highly recommend checking out the original. It’s still a load of fun, even though its 10 years old.


Hey, a good open source but this is supposed to go in #resources

@YonYup @xDaw_son

Despite being a resource, it does not cover enough details to be re-categorized as #resources, as the category solely consists of helpful resources which has many use-cases. This one is limited and not so significant, unless specific qualities were mentioned.

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You state in the title this project is open-source. Under what license? Are we free to use any of the models of your project? If we can, then I would see no issues with posting it inside #resources:community-resources.

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The issue is clear:

Clearly, it is not significant enough to be placed there. Many other posts that did post in there with basic code of no significances resulted in unlisting. The post lacks any details in technicality which is flawed for a resource.

A good example of details:


This looks great, I was experimenting with working on the original as well but I didn’t get far.