What Admin Should I Use?

Oops! I accidentally chose Kohl’s Admin but what I actually recommend is HD Admin. If you want to be more professional, create your own! :smiley:


Then what is your game about, what genre it follows? It’s not so hard to understand my question.

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Alright, thanks for your help!

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I’m just saying whats the most reliable admin.

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Adonis is probably the best choice in terms of free model admins, from what I know it has no bad history and it’s a reliable and simple admin. It is always best to create your own admin if you can however.


Alright, thanks for your opinion!

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To me, I think HD Admin is the best of them all. There are a lot of unique commands in it and it has neat UIs. Highly recommend it!


Cmdr allows for a lot of the flexibility of your own admin without a lot of the pain needed to set it up. I’d recommend using it if you’re not up to making your own admin, but making your own admin if you’ve got the time/will.


The link doesn’t seem to work for me.

Here’s the actual website if the #resources:community-resources link didn’t work: Cmdr


I’m gonna ask at a higher level why your game (or any game) actually needs admin commands. To me they’re just a relic of an older Roblox

Basically just for moderation. I was kinda thinking of creating my own admin to do something like Jailbreak were you get caged.

I recommend using MakerModelLua's admin commands - it’s always been open sourced to the public and I personally trust it, but I agree that creating your own script would be for the better.

The admin system I prefer to use is Simple Admin as it’s easy to setup, it’s perfect for moderating games, it has a package system so anybody can make packages that modify the module, an easy way to request features to be added into the main module, and stays out of the way for people who aren’t admins and wouldn’t use it.

I would recommend you use SimpleAdmin. It’s open source, updated weekly, and community driven. It’s also made to be flexible, featuring a custom class-based UI kit and a package system that’s really easy to use. If you’re really interested, you can look into using SimpleAdmin Pro. It lets you control your game from a Discord bot and lets you access your game from a custom API.

You can let me know if you have any questions about the system and I’ll help you out.

The best Admins are Simple Admin and CmDr.


Hello! :smiley:

You should create your own admin because other admins have commands that you don’t even need (And those useless commands consume your game performance!). When you create your own admin you can make it suitable for your game.

I hope this helped :wink:

Don’t think any of those are safe. My game with 5k concurrent players got hacked due to having Adonis Admin. They really need to up their security.

What game are you? A roleplay game, tycoon, etc.

Hello! I recommend Exe [Admin Panel]
There is Frequent Updates and it’s Really good for Moderation.

Link: Product: exe [Admin Panel] - Creator Store (roblox.com)

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