At November, I discovered the power of Mac OS 9 emulation.
After I tried that out, I became obsessed with one of Apple’s 1998-99 operating systems, Mac OS 9. Without that, we wouldn’t have reached beyond Mac OS X as of today.
That being said, my obsession to that got out of hand and I worked on an operating system project. I finished the first version in one day, and even when I released it in a single day, it looked great to my beginner self.
I eventually expanded it a lot because it needed to get better and was still limited.
Personalization came out, AOL Instant Messenger came out (just for the old times aesthetic), file saving came out, UI was redesigned multiple times, and still is. Wallpapers came out today, and I finally reached 100 visits in a few months.
(not a really great milestone, but I was proud of it anyway.)
Another spoiler
In the beginning I wanted to focus on the Mac OS 9 aesthetic, but eventually it became it’s own thing, and now I will likely rebrand the project.
Love seeing amazing things come out of intense passion, 10/10 learning path. I’ll make sure to check it out and curious to see how this evolves . Kudos
After looking through this I’ve just realised that my project build is so outdated… I need to revamp my ideas and look into the future of the site and not the past.
2019 tasks;
Release at least 1 game to the public hoping I’d get somewhere with it…
Thanks @GuestCapone for posting this for inspiring me to update my builds
Made a performant queue floodfill algorithm to muffle all sound sources in my game somewhat realistically based on where you are in the voxel grid and what the sound “waves” have interacted with. The farther the path takes, the higher the cost and the more muffled it is. If your head is in clear sight of the sound source, there’s no muffle. If there’s no path at all, it’s very muffled.
As for myself, got around to cleaning up my Trello board for commissions and working on my portfolio a bit, I’m not that satisfied with its current format.
Also getting back into programming again, ill have a tech demo to show off here in a few weeks. Could show it off now as is but I want a little more content done before then.
Today, I released the fifth Friday Update for Blox. With it is one oft-requested feature: block picking! It’s pretty smart: it will switch to the slot with that block in, if you already have it on your hotbar - otherwise, it’ll replace the currently selected slot. This keeps your hotbar nice and tidy!
For blocks like double slabs and grass, I can also override the block that ends up in your hotbar. For example, when you block-pick grass, you’ll get dirt, and if you block-pick a double slab, you get a regular slab.
There’s also commands, which are pretty nifty - but I’ve yet to add more:
Created a water erosion simulation to make my terrain generation look more realistic.
Here’s a timelapse of it, about 10,000 erosion iterations per frame.
Each iteration a water “droplet” spawns in a random location and travels downwards, gradually picking up sediment on the way. Each water droplet has a limited amount of sediment it can carry, based on the size of the droplet. Droplets slowly evaporate as they travel, depositing the sediment they were carrying as they lose the size to carry it. This leads to lower areas filling in with dirt, and upper areas forming crevices dug by the water.