What are you working on currently? (2022)

wip christmas city (cant wait for christmas lol)


why do i see GTA cars (the faction, the banshee and the other one, the sultan i think)

no captions. just enjoy


I working on Infinite Obby Generation.
I made Halloween and Classic obbies. WIP.


Moving on to making planes and other such things. Freelance is a lot harder than i thought it was so I’m taking another year to really take my modeling to the next level before giving it a proper go.


made a simple, releastic & modern house for fun


Hints? A bit of everything is what I’m thinking


That’s a good idea! At first, I misread your post and thought you meant to add particles to each star point, but I later saw you said “trails” so now there’s both!

It’s a more detailed effect now but something about it feels less “magical” when I’m holding it in VR now, though; I think it’s because of the particles, though, not the new trails.

(In this session, I also learned that Roblox’s new physics-based character movement is incompatible with Nexus VR Character Model… I hope this doesn’t cause my experience to lose VR support in the future… :cry:)


Update to the obby:

I removed Halloween decorations and color schemes, and I am slowly adding in the first big update coming on 12/5/22. If you want to check it out, here is the link again: Super Fun Mega Easy Obby

I made a lootable weapons crate using

i apologize for the video res :frowning:


Actualmente estoy trabajando en un obby, a que ese proyecto no este como los demas obby, mi hermano me a dado muchas ideas para mejorar mi juego a que esta en proceso actualmente el juego esta abierto por si lo quieren probar.

juego: [🔊 chat de voz] PARKOUR ESCAPE DEL ZOMBIS - Roblox

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Ok :slight_smile:

And when you think the game will be finished?

In this category you can only speak in English.

Holy! This doesn’t look like roblox

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Is that really the case? Because that seems quite weird if you ask me…

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Y en donde podria encontrar la categoria castellano o mejor conocido español.


Yes, that’s wrote somewhere (don’t remember where). I reported the post and said “He should speak in English.”, and the moderator said “We’re agree there’s an issue and we’re looking into it.”.

I don’t speak Spanish. As I said you shouldn’t speak in Spanish in this category.