What are you working on currently? (2023)

It’s been a while since I checked up on this topic. I forgot I replied to it. I ended up releasing my dropper game. I also ended up releasing Hypnagogia with only one chapter/part to it so far.

The last few things I did were that I tried to make a simulator with pets and stages and everything which graphically turned out smooth and polished but I had nobody to help with all the complicated scripts so I gave up.
I also made a tutorial on how to make the graphics for Hypnagogia. It took me a few hours of work but it was worth it. I was told there were better scripts to use for what I was doing but I’m no expert scripter so I can only make simple scripts without help and I need help with complicated ones.

My friend made their own game called Docks however it did not do well. They told me it was a game to vibe in however it was lacking many necessary features. They told me not to edit the game which I didn’t. I instead ended up remaking the whole game from the ground up. I did not change anything about the original game though, I just created a new one. The changes included are listed:

  • Instead of a dock and a house it’s a whole island
  • Added toggle sound buttons.

I created the island by first making a cone-like shape, removing a bit from the tip of the cone, and flattening it to make a disk-like shape. I put a bunch of those down to create an island.
My friend got a bit mad which I did not expect because usually this would be normal. I know I’ll probably get scolded in the replies to this if there are any but I’ve remade many things that my friend has made because I’m good at building things.

My friend also made their own game called Button Masters which came before Docks. I made a game that compiles most of the music used in the games me and my friend have made called Music Lobby. It took me a while to get all of the details about each audio and get the buttons which allow you to pause, play, repeat, etc.

I made a game called Untitled Room Game which isn’t as good as it could be. It doesn’t stay with the original idea which makes it lessen in quality.

That’s about it for what I’ve done since I last replied to this topic. I do really need to get back to developing games soon because my group isn’t doing so well. With all of the links I put in this it might as well be an advertisement :upside_down_face:. But anyways hopefully I’ll release Chapter 2 soon and then advertise and sponsor Hypnagogia. Until then I have many other things to do which don’t have to do with developing so I’m not going to talk about them. Thanks for reading! (if you actually did read this)


bit of a late reply but;

this is exactly how people march to twitter when Roblox makes the smallest change ever


Wow, with that music it makes that hoard of dummies terrifying! :joy: Incredible work!

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Love to see you back creating! Amazing work my friend!


Decided to try doing a GFX for the first time and this is the result!


I don’t claim to be an expert at GFX but the tires shouldn’t clip thru the sand, and the shadows are a bit off don’t you think?.(especially of the helmet).

Other than that nice work.

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Roblox War Strategy Game

World of War is an upcoming Roblox Real-Time strategy game, based off of real life countries. Players can join a country of their preference, and control everything about it. The army, economy, ideology, trading, basically anything is in the hands of the player. World of War is mostly based off of Hoi4 (hearts of iron 4) and I was inspired to make this game from Rise of Nations.

There is currently no release date for World of War, but progression is rapid. If I made any spelling errors in this, it is because I am tired.

Warning: I dont know why, but there is a loud static noise in the beginning of the clip
Also my crosshair wasnt recorded, so just bare with me lol.


(music is from the game)


Pretty cool but your issue with loading is that you only want to preload what is important; the meshes that make up the map. If you preloaded those instead, they would be there and you wouldn’t have to wait AFTER the loading screen.


Currently Testing new downed animation (+ defeated animation when entire party is downed) animation look so bad lmao


Making things for my portfolio to get commissions - any good places to get commissions and tips to price properly? I haven’t done commissions before

pls commission me


What type of game is this music for?
Cool music btw

i guess you could consider this photo-realistic

fixed graphics

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I was working on a game that might have been called Pet Battle Simulator however since I don’t have anybody who can really script the stuff I need and since I do not have the skill needed to make the scripts it remains unfinished.

For anybody wondering I made those Hexagon Pillars only using Roblox unions because I don’t have access to any tools like Blender. It took a few hours.

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You should consider Blender. It’s free and open for everyone. These Hexagon Pillars would take you about 3 minutes to make in Blender and save you a lot of time

I do not have access to Blender. I have certain restrictions that limit me to certain things.



Been a while but I’m making a potential map for a friend to put in his game. Hopefully they’ll look a little better once I’ve finished the basics and get to polishing.

Have a good day!