What are you working on currently? (2023)

house in the middle of a city



I suggest moving the button “RACE” to the lower largest button, have “social” where race is, and “options” where social is. Maybe also have the camera smoothly shake to the music. Looks and sounds really cool!

the Seventh Heaven District, i knew it looked familiar!
nice recreation, looks sick


Currently working on an FNaF-based horror game called One Night With Classy People, with a few of my friends as characters in the game, the game is challenging and it depends heavily on RNG.

Here is a picture of the office below.


“Hey, it’s Lester. I don’t listen to my messages, but I probably listen to yours. Do with that as you will.”


AI Car or NPC car that follows road.
A* Pathfinding was implemented into the WFC algo.

Planned: I have the vehicle follow me like last time and also have several vehicle use the same logic as the flow field one I had before.
The main reason why I am using A* is speed
Getting this number as low as possible I think this is as low as it gets! Grid size is around 30x30 but the only thing preventing my from scaling is the time it takes to load all the extra instances into the workspace so I am planning on having chunks that are calculated and loaded into memory so that I don’t need to have a massive WFC at the start!

Based on : What are you working on currently? (2023) - #483 by koziahss
And :What are you working on currently? (2023) - #998 by koziahss

Will probably look at finishing my Gipity test or find out if any of the VR improvements make any difference first though…


Recent cartoony logo made as practice:


Been working a lot on optimizations for my mining game.
I reached a new record during an overnight stress test; 4.1 billion blocks generated in 10 hours
Pretty satisfied with what I accomplished. I reached this block count using legitimate drills(every single block is individually generated, mined, and replicated to any nearby players, it isn’t just setting blocks into a world table).
With this test I realized how important my compression system(“inactive” chunks are compressed into a string to save on memory) is. I paused that system and the server memory shot up from 7.5GB to 10GB+ once active chunks started reaching many thousands


Another Tutorial


I’m working on an obby. Feedback would be appreciated.
{cool obby - Roblox}

Stress testing with 1000 moving png (10 graphic with voxel lighting) and sorry for bad quality video since i compressed it


on an artist block but for ideas for stuff to do rn so i wont do anything for a lil while perhaps

in the meantime i’ll just check out my old stuff

okay fine have this



Go Fly - A low cost British airliner of BA main hub in Stansted.

Go Fly - G-IGOA - Sky Blue stored at EMA waiting to go to STN


I created a 30 minute game (it is very good trust me)
It is a meme game, but very well made (no its not, but just pretend it is good)

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Im currently working on a module script where developers can use it to making NPC even easier. Plus i even made my own algorithm for the NPC walking path! :slight_smile: It was quite hard to make this but it was fun. The tool comes up with 3 types of rigs: R6, R15-T1(Normal), R15-T2(Rthro). The developers can also change colours/add noises to the npc/and adjust it’s behavior on certain things. The developers may also add animations to the NPCs to make it more realistic and alive. Probably gonna add a speech option in order to make the NPCs be able to interact with the players. What do you think?


Model of the Day 52
Clamp stand


Interior Mapping: Fake 3d Interiors with a Flat Image

I made an interior mapping system which distorts flat images based on the camera’s perspective.

You can view the full topic here: Interior Mapping: Fake 3d Interiors with a Flat Image


Without the system applied:

Pretty ugly, the rooms are obviously fake because there’s no perspective change

With the system applied:

Much better. The rooms look 3d and change based on the cameras perspective