Getting this project moving again. I’ve revised the starter tonk. It’s currently drivable, shoots and has smoke effects. More screenshots to come once I’ve fixed an issue with the turret elevator.
My AFK game.
Storage Cart
Picture of the tunnel outside 10 hr room.
Another tunnel picture.
It’s all about a subway that never stops at a station.
It uses pbr materials too for the tunnel walls!
Is this your webcam on there??
back to pavilion after 1.5 years…
so, now you may ask, what I am gonna do first? well…
Yes, I, along with crucial contributions from @SharaxJZK, shall update this map, after 3 years.
for those who wanna know what it looked like before
Hello! I know It’s been a while, but you should check out the game again! It’s almost complete, and I made a lot more content since then.
wowie! i remember this thread! busy rn but i’ll get on it later.
Good build.
But wrongly oriented wood grain…
I agree, I’d admit I should had actually spent half an hour more on fixing those first, unfortunately I got too tired and thought of calling it a day.
Will definitely consider fixing those first.
(What I basically did was, I made a blockout of the scaffold with Plastic Parts of different colors, and then in the end, with help of part picker plugin, changed the materials and colors xD )
Super cool hybrid of modern lighting and old building. Is it an adventure game or something?
modeled and rigged my first model, ik the animations are wack
Alone is a singleplayer story game with themes of adventure, sci-fi, western, horror, and drama. I have spent hundreds of hours tediously working during the past 9 months to completely remaster and remake my most popular game from 10 years ago. I put my heart and soul into this game and with it being singleplayer, it likely won’t get as much attention as other games, but if you have any interest in seeing a Roblox experience like no other, I encourage you to try it out!