What's Your Roblox Story?

I found Roblox at first during 2008 with one of the search results through Google while I was at my step dad’s friend house and I was looking for games to play with their son. I quickly lost interest since I was being pushed towards school and academics but the fun memories from the platform lingered in me for a long while until I came back to the platform on April 2013.

Quickly after that I met one of my life long friends who had a small Polish ro-nation group and were looking to expand it within the Polish community. I quickly caught interest in the development aspect of Roblox and they taught me how to build as well as I started looking into making clothing for the group. At 2014 I opened the first (now closed) Roblox related Polish group on Facebook which would turn to be the biggest one by 2017.

Roblox helped me keep my English sharp as well as helped me learn my native language even more as my personal life was all over the place and after 2018 when I moved to the United States, it helped me upkeep my Polish. Shortly before I moved, I started to join more English groups and started to make more English friends (some which I met during RDC 2019) and they were one of the first in real life friends I had who played Roblox with me. Around that time I took on the name of Krunnie that has been a big part of me since. Around that time I also became a bigger part of Hidden Developers until 2019.

After shortly moving to the States, I started to have issues with my father who I lived with at the time and it would cause a lot of turmoil in my life. Honestly, if not for Roblox and the people I met, I probably wouldn’t have been here today. I will be forever grateful for those who helped me through those rough times.

And then… The DevForums opened to the public. It was quite something and shortly after I joined a Team of Translators called Roblox Localization Team and quickly made friends with everyone there as well as started to get my first real commissions where I was paid quite a penny which helped me DevEx for the first time in October.

But before that happened, I managed to become a Regular on the Forum and score an invite to RDC2019. During the event, I met some of the greatest people who gave me some amazing opportunities and my fiancèe. It was also one of the best 3 days of my life as my home situation was starting to worsen at the time and my father treated me terribly for months at a time.

Fast forward to May 2020 when the pandemic was still rampaging and I was home everyday with my father and his family who treated me terribly. Long story short, the friends I met at RDC2019 have helped me leave them and gave me shelter for myself to think about what I want to do with my life and quarantine myself so a month later I could move into my fiancèe’s place.

Nowadays I work on translations as well as hone skills I couldn’t work on while living with my father and prepare myself to make games I always wanted to make. Roblox has been quite an impact in my life and I really don’t know what would I be doing if I haven’t had found the website at 2008 and later on return to it. I also look forward to the future where I can hopefully leave a mark on the platform big enough to be remembered by 100s of people.


It started back in 2011, my brothers were searching for a fun online game. I couldn’t read well back then nor spoke English at all. They came across a website with a bunch of games which recommended Roblox. They started playing it but eventually didn’t play it at all. I absolutely fell in love with that game. It was free and fun! I eventually made an account in 2012. I started learning English from it and look at me now! Then years later I started making my own games and became for hire on Fiverr. I could say Roblox has made a huge impact on my life.

Thank you and keep up the good updates!


I saw Roblox on YouTube in 2011, it was videos of players driving monster trucks around a baseplate with some ramps. From there I made an account and began playing Monster Jam games.

Soon after I began messing with free models and with my NASCAR Stop Motion Community connections, I made my first racing league on Roblox. I’d host races every Thursday at the same track, one local to me in real life, Holland Motorsports Complex in Holland, NY.

Soon after starting that though, I hated how everything I did was scrutinized for being free models so I had to learn. I learned to make my own cars, my own tracks, and eventually how to make custom race suits for my character.

After some success making some nice cars and enabling them to be free in the community I started to want to innovate. I tried learning to code via Roblox’s (now Developer Hub) tutorials on how to code. I pulled out a notebook and started writing stuff down in it. I didn’t understand things, I felt demotivated, I stopped.

Later on however, someone I knew made some code to control cars’ speeds going down pit road. It was only about 6-7 lines of code. A touched event on in the vehicle seat checking for “PitEntry” and “PitExit” blocks, then setting the MaxSpeed of the seat. Learning about touched events opened the world of coding to me. I made different sounds based on the material your car drove on, I made checkpoint systems that’d disallow you from driving backwards, I made a checkpoint system that’d tell you who’s in first, second, etc, I made a pit road speeding system that’d tell the owner if someone was too fast on pit road, I made a system that detected when your car hit the wall and gave it damage, and I made a system where when driving your tires wear out based on which lane of the track you drove on. All of these were through touched events.

Eventually I put two and two together when seeing the drift community have code that generated blocks when drifting to give a “smoke” effect and I combined this with my touched event knowledge to make a drafting script for some Talladega Nights “Shake N Bake” action.

Around the same time I got interested in making an actual “game” rather than just places with cars and a track. I went to the now defunct forums and found a scripter. I paid him 1,000 R$ to make a primitive game where players could choose a paint scheme and then every round the game would set them up to be able to race. When someone completed the set number of laps, they won and the race would end in 30 seconds. The finishing results would then display and the whole cycle repeats. My first game “Xfinity ‘15: Rookies Come Rising” was born. The game following the real life “NASCAR Xfinity Series” in 2015, NASCAR’s step down from the Cup Series. I started playing with unions and learned I could union the side of the car so that I could use one decal to paint the whole side with a design.

This game however came crashing down due to an update Roblox made revolving around buoyancy for parts. This broke the cylinders I used for the tires. So, my next game, NASCAR ‘16, used the same code and same tracks, but brand new Cup Series cars that I made all on my own. Combined with my new knowledge of unions I set off making schemes to populate the game with everyone’s favorite drivers.

For NASCAR ‘17, the addition of user made meshes resulted in a catastrophic ending of morals. Some of my friends learned how to steal the meshes from Mods made for the game NASCAR Racing: 2003 (NR2003). I used these meshes in my games from 2017-2019 without any permission from those who created them. I also pulled paint schemes from the modding community as well to populate the inventory of cars for my games.

In early 2019 I shut down my NASCAR games, citing I did not like the moral irresponsibility of using textures, models, and trademarks that I do not own.

I reached out to some 3D Modelers in the Roblox community to start making me some cars. @GuestCapone was the first, and with him I got a few cars that never wound up in a game. When he got busy, he pushed me off to his friend @JohnDrinkin. The cars made by John finish the set Guest made, and then I had him create for me some stock car meshes. Those meshes are now featured in my follow up to the NASCAR series of games I started, “NASCRA’19” (National Association for Stock Car Racing in America) a parody of NASCAR. Rather than focusing on the big tracks of NASCAR however, I focused this game on short tracks all across America and made many parodies to real life ovals fo premiere in the game.

From 2017-2019 while making these series of games, I attended 3 different colleges. I failed the first two and didn’t finish the 3rd. School just never fit for me as the homework was something that troubled me. I took tests well because I was there in the classroom, but my focus during class was a loss and finishing work outside the class room felt impossible. I was diagnosed with adhd after the first school I failed out of, Rochester Institute of Technology, pursuing a Game Design and Development degree.

While at my second school, I applied for the Roblox internship program, at the time, Accelerator and Incubator. I made it to the first round of interviews, but got no further than that. Still though, making interview round one felt like a small victory in a big war. This interview also got me access to the DevForum as a then “Basic User” (now “New Member” or “Member” (not “Regular”)

I worked quickly to a “Member” (now “Regular”) status and got invited to RDC ‘18. This was the first time I made a trip without my parents, I was 19 years old, flying across the country alone. I enjoyed it. Every minute of it. I met great people, saw faces I’d have never known existed before, and made connections.

I continued applying for the internship alone to no avail and went to RDC ‘19 with another round of enjoyment and thrill towards trying to get an internship. After RDC ‘19 I did not return to school for the fall. I was burned out with school and wanted to focus all efforts towards getting the Internship. I was contacted by @Yozoh who saw me post about looking for teammates. I asked to see some of her work with vehicle related things and I wasn’t all too impressed. She hadn’t done much work in that field. I showed a picture of what I was aiming for and rather than explaining she was capable, she replied a few hours later with a 3D model of the picture I sent her. She had no basis except 1 picture. Instantly I was ecstatic to have such a highly skilled 3D modeler to work with. She found our coder for the project @Wrathsong. He works on a lot of side projects of varying success but the work is good and I thought our chances well.

After interview after interview we made the final cut to be Spring 2020 accelerators. The dream came true for me finally. We made our way to San Mateo at the end of February. The dream came crashing down however 4 days later when Pandemic Lockdowns set in place. The Roblox office was closed and the internship program was sent into a work from home status. Roblox worked with people to allow them to go back to their hometowns without taking a financial hit, but I had just driven 2,000 miles with my dad to make myself a life in California.

Motivation for our project dwindled with the work from home status. Mine especially. The project inevitably kinda flopped but I have some hope to revive it in the future. For now, I’m still here, in the Bay Area, and when I’m not working my security officer job to keep my financials afloat from living here, I’m still developing, creating, imagining.

I’m. Still. Here.


I started back in late 2014-early 2015 because I was introduced to it by my siblings. My first impressions were pretty great. I liked the concept of the game, I liked the variety of games, and I liked how you could convert Tix into Robux (When Tix was still a thing).

In 2016 when Tix was removed, I wondered if I could earn any profit. Without Tix, there was no more Robux for me. That’s when I got more serious about game developing. In 2016 I started making tons of games, testing different methods of such. In 2017 I started a new account, took developing to the next level for me, and started becoming a full time developer for a period of time. This took a pause when I took a break from developing. In 2018 I tried developing again, but ultimately ended for a while. In 2019 I opened another account, which is the one I am currently using. I started jumping back up to developing after influence from videos. Now I am here where I am. 2020 marked a new experience of developing skills, as I learned more and more. I believe 2021 will be another incredible year of developing, and the near future is ahead.

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I started playing Roblox in 2008 originally, but created my first account in 2010. At that point I was just playing games and enjoying the platform, until I learned of groups and by that I specifically mean the old generation war clans. I got into that and for me that used to be my primary reason for staying on Roblox at that time as I loved the community.

But back in 2016 the old generation clan I was a part of pretty much started dying out, which is when I unfortunately moved on to beginning with development, specifically building. Over the years I have learned, and by now I have also gotten into 2d graphic and basic scripting.

For me Roblox is a great community to connect with people and make friends and have a good time. It is what I played and enjoyed when I needed to take a break from life and step into the virtual world of gaming and it still is.

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I found Roblox in 2016 from my sister watching Denis Daily or something. Then I started playing on mobile, but not much later I switched to computer. Then I was just a kid fooling around for some years. For some reason I took a long (a few months probably) break from Roblox for no reason other than “haha i’m too old for this! i’m a mature cool kid!”…or something like that. I came back after it began to grow more popular. Wasn’t until last summer I started learning to make games. And I’m really glad I did. Now I spend way too much time on Roblox.

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My friend introduced me to Roblox and we first started playing Jailbreak a few years ago. I then forgot about Roblox and played some other games. Then, last year, I found Roblox again. I loved it ever since. But I didn’t start developing until a few months ago. I thought it would be fun to make a game so I gave it a shot. I thought I was a great developer, but I was just throwing free models around everywhere :joy: I started to build and learn with YouTube videos. When I actually started building and not using free models, is when I met @xS_ynix on the DevForum and made a showcase with him. I got way better and building and model making, and I made my own studio group! Beluga - Roblox Ever since Roblox has been amazing, meeting nice people and a wonderful community! :smile:


Well, when I was only 10 years old, I saw this game called “Roblox” on the app store. I remember seeing DanTDM playing it once, so I thought, why not give it a shot? After I downloaded it, I saw this game called “Roblox High School”, and after I started to play it, I was addicted. It was the game that made me create my first account on this site. I loved how you could explore the entire game and talk to others on it. I felt very free and relaxed whenever I played that game, that it was the only game that I think I played for a whole month, that was of course until I found the game “The Normal Elevator.” Then I was addicted to both of those games.

One of my other favorite games was Swordburst 2, I loved how beautiful everything in it looked. It felt like a perfect universe in a way. :heart_eyes: I played a ton of other games too, but that game was a huge part of my childhood.

Then, finally, here we are, in the summer of 2019, where I can’t stop playing this one game called Vesteria. Every day, every week, every minute I get the chance to play this game, I’m playing it. I loved how everything in Vesteria worked. The world, the play mechanics, the story, everything. It inspired me to make my own sword game (it failed after one day lol).

Then I joined Twitter, in the early days of Twitter, I was just cruising around, posting a bit of art, and then, I got my first compliment from a developer called “EternalDeveloper.” I was his 900th follower on Twitter, he came into my DMs, thanking me for being his 900th follower, and he said that my art was good and that I should keep it up. I remembered jumping around in happiness all over the house that day.

In September, I met my first real friends. I remember this one day, ObedientMas retweeted this Discord server invite for this one guy’s game. So I joined, just to have fun, and I got the best gift of all, tons of friends. I couldn’t believe I got friends, and this inspired me to work harder on my skills.
I had never had friends before this, so September and October were the best months of my life. Some rocky things in November happened, but we managed to all forgive each other, and now my friend laughs back on how he used to hate one of my friends during that time.

Fast forward to December, I made my first group, it failed, but oh well. In 2020, I improved my skills on a ton of things, got my fanart into a game that I really admired, became a member on the DevForum, sold a ton of art commissions, and I now have 20 friends. I’m grateful for every blessing and opportunity Roblox gave me. I’ve changed so much since I first made my Twitter account, and now, I feel like it’s time for me to just work hard and to look forward to the future. I never plan on making this site my job, but I do plan on working here as a hobby. However, I think I need to step up my game a little, so now, it’s time to work hard, and have an optimistic mindset towards the future. Thank you, Roblox.


I started roblox when I was about 7-8 years old. while 2011-2013 my brother play computer
and i see play something like lego.
me: i say my brother computer brother! what are you playing what is that?
brother: playing roblox.
me: wow thats good like lego right brother?
brother: yes like lego.
I discovered roblox in April 02,2013 I Started play computer and teach me my brother how to use computer.
got used to playing it on an old Windows 7 machine for a few years, and in 2014I was allowed to make an account. my game It was made from my 8 year old mind,I’m the man that can do things again. :roblox_light: looked at RobloxStudio-:roblox: and started placing parts. My first accomplishment was in 2016, when I made a capture the flag game. I used the old Roblox flags, add some zombies any (There was also an unlucky spawn in the middle of nowhereI started to take on programming by reading the free model scripts and copying and pasting them them to make my own scripts. That’s when I truly started. I spent a couple hours almost everyday afterschool for about 2 years or so, and now I program everyday for 7hours.And now im playing roblox. from :philippines: :heart:


I started playing Roblox in late 2016, My friend told me about this game.

He showed me the Catalog Items on Roblox. A few days later I created my first Roblox Account on Mobile, I played a lot of Roblox Games until later on, I moved on to PC and I found out how to use Roblox Studio.

I started using a bunch of Free Models until I started learning how to build on roblox, I made really bad games with not a lot of Scripting. and I got better each game i made then

I discovered how to Script on Roblox I watched a lot of AlvinBlox’s youtube videos and many more. it took a lot of Scripting mistakes and help from my friends to learn.


I have always been a developer… Since I was born, that’s my story. :smirk:

Edit: I played as a guest a few times in 2013 and then created an account in 2014 when my friend created a small game. I decided to check studio out for myself.


I originally found Roblox from a neighbor at the time back in 2010 lol, we were hanging out and I noticed on the screen of his computer a block-character moving around, slashing a sword and trying to avoid bombs against other block people. I asked him what he was playing, and he told me “Roblox”. As soon as I got home I looked up the name of the game he told me. That was the day I’d started playing Roblox, and continued to do so to this very day.

I played as a guest for mid-late '10, and didn’t make an account until mid '11 (I’m a bit slow xp). It was a lot of fun, meeting all these fellow block-people, becoming friends with a few and growing up with the platform. My irl best friend and I also loved to play together on Roblox, coming up with wacky ideas and messing around lol.

In 2012 I’d discovered scripting and tried making my own - it was a simple object remover script script.Parent:remove(). I did scripting as a hobby from time to time, until 2013 when I’d discovered Kohl’s Admin Commands V2 - it was "wow"ing and amazing all packaged into one, as you could morph players, fling them, loopkill them, make them fly, give them capes, etc - it seemed it could do it all! I’d then begun to reverse engineer and learn how that script worked and how it managed to seemingly to do it all - it was all thanks to that old script that I became the programmer I am today lol. It was also where I knew from then on I knew I wanted to become a programmer - I even went to college last year to get a degree in it! (Although I had to drop out this year due to the pandemic, I hope to go back the next year)

Roblox had also helped me when I was in school - because I did a lot of programming, I was plenty decent at math, English and science lol. Quite a few times I surprised my teachers, and they learned something new as well! x3 After finishing high school, I went on into college where I began to work towards a degree in programming. Thanks to quite a few programmers I’d met, including Roblox, I already had a good knowledge base and never really fell behind - in a way, Roblox helped prepare me for the career I want to go into. I was also one of the best in my class, not to doot my own horn. x3

In 2014, I had joined a Roblox Q&A website by the name of Scripting Helpers - Roblox had made a blog post about this new website/group, and I made an account 'cuz it was a community full of programmers, thus probably a lot of people like me! xD From there I’d really started to grow as a programmer and become more refined, as there were more experienced programmers there that’d taught me quite a bit. I also enjoyed teaching and helping others out - including those who were learning the same things I was. It was also there that I’d met my long time programming buddies @greatneil80, @sjr04 and @vanilla_wizard. <3

Without Roblox, I’m not sure where I’d be where I am today. It’s been an interesting decade with the platform, growing up with it and, thanks to it, getting a degree towards a career I truly enjoy. :slight_smile:

I hope you enjoyed this long read. <3

Ig this’s apart of my Roblox story too x3


Once upon a time, about 6-9 years ago, I discovered roblox. I only played 1 game, I didn’t know much about the site, but I played on my sister’s laptop. I didn’t want her to know that I downloaded roblox without her permission so i uninstalled it.

3-5 years later

I come home from some event at the library, and my brother comes in and tells me that he found this new game that he wanted to show me. He showed me Roblox Studio, and the memories of that 1 time I played roblox started coming in. We messed around with free models so much. Then we actually got into the games, where we usually only played bird simulator and Work At A Pizza Place, because I was too afraid to play anything else because I didn’t know what kinds of games were out there. I occasionally played a snowboarding game, admin houses and just random games I stumbled on. I also accepted all friend requests I recieved. I don’t even know if those I friended even still play roblox any more.

I made a trash game that was basically me building a house and filling it with free models and then snapping at people who critisized it. (By the way, if you critiqued Welcome to the Town of Roblox and I got mad at you, I’m sorry, unless you bullied me for it…)

Years pass, I mainly play Pokemon Brick Bronze, I made a friend of @Latios736, because he bought a donation gamepass from my garbage game XD. Pokemon Brick Bronze got taken down, and I started playing the fake remakes.

A few months pass, Loomian Legacy gets announced and that brings me back to roblox. I get on the developer forum and start programming, I say “Happy birthday” to a random person on the “Cakeday” tab, named @landonjf4. We’re good friends now, and he introduced me to a couple of his other friends. That brings me up to now. It’s honestly been quite a journey on my way here, and I’m glad I made it. Thanks so much for the memories, and I can’t wait to see what new ones I make later on! :smiley:


Pokémon Brick Bronze was what got me into Roblox and when it was deleted that’s when I understood how much entertainment a developer can provide their audience which inspired me in to game development.

#RobloxStory #RipPBB


joined 2012 by recommendation, enjoyed games like a pirates life, did absolutely nothing but mess around with free models for 5-6 years until I bothered learning lua from roblox videos, then just, made some games and stuff and explored devforum, and this happened

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My Roblox starts about 4 to 5 ish years ago my friend had discovered a game named Roblox and after a bit played it. The first ever game I played was Kick off made by @Lethal682 (btw tps soccer game fun too).After a while 2,3 ish years later I didn’t play roblox as much but I played still. In mid 2019 my uncle said you should do programming and I wan’st thinking was going fun.I resorted to programming in roblox and it makes me happy that all i got to say.

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In 2015-2016, I found Roblox. My friends were playing it inside of School on the servers Because we were allowed to at the time and I really wanted to play but didn’t know what the name of Roblox was. I was into Minecraft and YouTube, and I saw a Roblox portal. I clicked on that video and it was exactly what I saw my friends playing. After seeing that video, I immediately installed it on my Android Tablet and made an account, and played Roblox High School first. I really liked it so I decided to play more game like Work at a Pizza Place, Elevator and a bunch of obbies for rewards, and tycoons. I was the average 4th grader playing Roblox in 2016. Then, I got my first computer in like October of 2016. I installed Roblox and got to playing. After playing the first game on my computer, I saw Roblox Studio. I was like hmm… Then I saw that it was how you can make games. So I decided to mess around with the toolbox and decided to create a baseplate with a hotel in it lol! I then found the terrain feature and thought, hmm I think this is how developers create games (because there is brick and wood). Toolbox and terrain. I wasn’t happy with my terrain game, WEschool (First attempt to copy RHS). I couldn’t find it in 2020, so I think it is lost in time. I then created 2 cringe games, one of them being an attempt to copy RHS and the other was … well … lets just call it Free Model Survival. The attempt to copy RHS was in support until 2019, then I didn’t want anything to do with it anymore. In 2018, I created The Basic Elevator, which was a modified version of Open Sourced The Elevator. It was a good game, then about a month later, I created Jail City. I had some scripting experience at the time, but you know 2018 me, I just use free models. Not that time. I decided to look at YouTube on how I can create things myself. My sister, @kimimimi123 was one of the builders, and @SubHour, a friend of mine was the other. We created Jail City and released it in December of 2018. It got a TON of feature updates, 64 to be exact as of November of 2020. It is nearing end of support, and pretty much only gets bug fixes. I then now fast forwarding to 2020, I create Bloxy Kart! it will release in December 8, 2020!


I first found Roblox in 2016. I have had 3 accounts since then. I played a lot of tycoon and obby games back when I first started. Later, I mostly stopped playing Roblox because I got bored of it, but I came back when I started playing Jailbreak with a group of friends.

I found Roblox Studio in (I think) 2017 and started trying to make things with it. Every time I started a project, I always quit because the idea got too big that I couldn’t finish it. But when covid hit earlier this year, I had a lot of extra time and I spent a lot of it on learning Roblox Studio. I started a game where you build vehicles and battle with them, but I didn’t get very far before I gave up. After that, I made an island generator, which is the first thing I ever finished (although its not actually a game, it just generates an island).

Now I am working on a sandbox game called Adventure Builder. I started making Adventure Builder because I wanted something easy to make that I knew I could finish, because I have never finished making a game yet. I am about halfway done with the game, so it should be released in early 2021.

After I finish Adventure Builder, I want to start doing commissions and start working with other people. I also want to learn another game engine/coding language eventually.


I joined Roblox on September 2018 on my account called DeanTheBear20. I heard about Roblox from some friends at school who would always talk about MM2. I created DeanTheBear20 and would play all the time (I kinda got addicted). On the 8th of January, 2019 I created this account as my first alternative account, which I would play random scam games to see if they worked.

Sometime in 2019, deanthebear20 got hacked for a reason that I still don’t actually know. I decided to start using this account as my new main account and stopped playing scam games on it. Later in 2019, I decided to develop some games and got a decent amount of play visits. I had around 800 place visits but I took a game down because it had copyrighted content in it and I didn’t want to get banned. I now have almost 550 place visits and am working on some games. I also decided to start up a YouTube channel which is know as DeanTheBear21 and have about 15 subs. I really enjoy Roblox and the Roblox community and cannot wait to see what the future holds for all of us!



I first heard of Roblox back in 2007, when one of my kids started playing it. I would get in and do obbies with him (which was the majority of games back then), it was in the days of the old point and click to move.
I tried to use the editor to make a game back then, but the editor was so complicated, and just … bad… as I remember it, and I ended up hacking the file format, and making my own simple block map editor in C++ and having it export my level into the Roblox format. I remember I made a few platforms with some spiral stairs attached to them, I think I was trying to make a fighting game, but it never happened.
However, playing with my son was simple fun, and we had some good memories, until he sort of out grew it.

Then, 2014, had to quit my job to stay at home with my new baby who had medical issues. Lots of tough times and stressful things going on in our family. Then another kid of mine, sort of re-discovered Roblox and started playing. Remembering it from back in 2007, I joined in to play with him, the difference was like night and day.

Eventually the whole family got involved playing, it was something that we could do as a family, and just feel whole, let the worries and stresses of the real world melt away and we could just have fun.

A few months later in 2015, I read how Roblox was paying developers, so I bought the lifetime OBC, and started trying to use the editor and make something.
The editor was totally different than it had been in 2007, I could actually use it and make things.
After trying to make a zombie shooter, and a failed tycoon, Teiyia wanted to make an ultimate ‘mermaid pool’ game, and so Neverland Lagoon was born, and that has been my job for the last 5 years.