Introducing Exact Match Search for Experiences

Hi Creators,

We are thrilled to announce the release of Exact Match Search for experiences, the first of many upcoming search features that will improve Roblox users’ ability to find the content they are looking for. Using Exact Match, users will be able to precisely navigate to a specific game through search and developers will be able to surface specific experiences they own.

How It Works

To use Exact Match Search, users should place their queries inside double quotes (for example, “island minigames” rather than just island minigames) and the search will only return the experiences that contain the search terms included by the creator in their experience title. See examples below:


  • Exact match is currently only supported when searching for experiences.
  • Exact match is currently only supported in the app (mobile, desktop) and web, but not in the Roblox Creator Studio.
  • You may see fewer or different experiences being returned as compared to a normal search query.
  • The displayed title of an experience may not always match the query, i.e, experiences will be returned if the query matches any of an experience’s translated titles in Roblox-supported languages.

What’s Next?

As mentioned earlier, we’re actively working on further enhancements to our search quality and the overall discovery experience on Roblox. There is a lot more to come, so stay tuned!

Please let us know if you have any questions below! Your feedback is invaluable to us, and your input plays a crucial role in shaping the future of Roblox.

Happy creating!


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Thank you! Searching on Roblox has been suffering for a good while, so it’s nice to see changes made to it.

This is much appreciated and should be extended to the Avatar Marketplace as well.

Please implement searching by game category! This feature has been so underused for so long. (Comedy, Horror, etc.)


we up (good update ive been having issues with the search engine for a few years now)


Will this be extended to Groups, too? Right now, if you search “Italian Republic” under Groups, you’ll find a bunch of Star Wars clans, which doesn’t help real-life Italians find a community to network with.


There should be a hint telling that you need to use double quotes otherwise many people won’t know.


Searching has been fixed now players will no longer have to sort through games such as “EASY OBBY EASY OBBY EASY OBBY EASY OBBY EASY OBBY EASY OBBY EASY OBBY BALDIS BASICS”



Discovery currently SUCKS and I’m so glad that roblox is finally fixing it. It’s really hard to get your game out there when searching for it just gives you some “escape from baldi obby” game.

Please make more of these types of updates/features! It’s really helpful for all developers! Well, that aside from advertising and moderation.


Thank you so much for finally addressing this problem!

For so long, the Roblox search feature has been notoriously worthless. Whenever you searched up a game, 1 of 2 things will happen.

  1. The first result is the actual game (this really only happens if the game is popular), and the rest of the games are filler.
  2. Completely unrelated games that you didn’t even search up. This was a massive issue if you were searching up a game with spaces.

I am happy Roblox is finally making an update to this! Maybe the next search update is related to genres?

I will say that it should also be implemented for the Marketplace and also other places that have a search box, but the Discover page is a great start. Thank you so much!


Thank you for this feature.

I’ve noticed recently that people were reporting that experiences that they were searching weren’t showing up.

This feature has come at a good time.


When I first read the title I was immediately concerned about the implementation, since the catalog (seemingly?) has exact name search too however it’s been abused to an extreme level

with broad searches such as Headphones being… filled by items with cheesed names, which puts creators who put meaningful titles at an disadvantage

I was worried about this with broad searches such as Simulator / Tycoon being cheesed… however the quotation marks actually sounds like it’d eliminate most abuse :thinking: (the catalog exact name search does not require any such quotations)

does this exact search with requiring quotations have any plans to make it’s way to the catalog? :pray:


This sounds horrible for discoverability of anything other than big, already popular games.


A quick search for “sharkbite” returned more than just experiences with sharkbite in the title:

These had no “sharkbite” anywhere in the title.


What will happen if the result has “hi” when you search “hi”. (both with quotes)


What is the point of this?

This should be on by default, if I’m searching for a game name I expect that game to show up first no matter what, even if I’m not using quotations.

No Roblox user is going to use this because of the requirement of quotations. If this is the “solution” to the search and discovery issues that still plague the site, then this is a piss-poor answer to developers concerns.


I just posted how it shows games without the search word before games that have it… it maybe needs more work.


Does or will this feature include any user-facing messaging that they can use quotation marks in their search? I don’t expect the average user to know that this feature exists without them being shown that they can use it.


Looks great, always love the practical features being added! One question about it though, will this be added to other categories (players, groups, items, etc.) or just games/experiences?


Amazing update! While this wont eliminate copies entirely, it WILL narrow it down a ton. Games are gonna be a lot easier to find, thank you!
It does seem to have some issues tho:

I don’t think answer or drown is supposed to be there…

(Edit: I keep using well instead of while, AAAAAAAAAAAAAA)


I noticed that exact searches don’t support title cards, making it very confusing when you search for a game that has a lot of clones (which will likely happen since we are using an exact match)

It would be ideal if exact matches supported the title cards. It’s an odd omission that it doesnt.

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