Bubble chat should overlay post processing effects

I would like it if bubble chat and post processing (specifically bloom) did not interfere with eachother.

The bloom effect makes the bubble chat bright and difficult to read, I don’t think this should be a thing and I don’t think it was intended.


  • Make this change
  • Don’t make this change

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They’re aware, but the fix is proving to be troublesome.

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As far as I’m aware, chat bubbles are BillboardGuis.

I can see situations where having effects on BillboardGuis could be desired. It would be nice if this were implemented as an option. That would take more resources though, I’d assume.

who’s the 8%?


Someone told me it’s a difficult issue because post-processing effects don’t keep tabs on what’s a neon block and what’s a chat bubble. Anyway, I’ve noticed that a lot of people say that the Moon is far too bright at night with bloom effects.

But if the Moon is too bright, that means the bloom is too bright. The Moon reflects natural sunlight, and so if your Sun is 3x brighter in-game than it is in the real world, then the Moon will be a lot brighter as well.

Yes, that’s the whole point of the bloom effect. It imitates sensory bleed on retina due to high intensity of incoming light. Since we don’t have HDR rendering yet, it assumes that anything brighter than the threshold is much brighter than the raw color value suggests.


We still need a fix for it



Just came back to this and realized you replied since this got bumped.

I wasn’t saying “Roblox staff has done a bad job because bloom is too bright”, I was saying “If you’re developing a game and your Moon is too bright then you should lower the bloom in your game to be more realistic”

It would be great to support AlwaysOnTop for chat bubbles so they are not affected by bloom

        game:GetService("Chat"):SetBubbleChatSettings({AlwaysOnTop = true})

This code above does not work and if it did - we could have readable chat!