Camera Collision Filtering for Specific Parts

The proposed “CameraIgnoreCollision” property would improve control over how the camera interacts with objects. This property would be assignable to individual parts as a CanCollide or CanTouch and would enable the camera to ignore collisions with those parts.

This will help many developers: link1 link2 link3 link4 and more


Feature requests should be written about problems and not potential solutions(1). Roblox wants to know about your actual problem and use case for having a feature to solve that problem.

As for discussion in terms of the proposed solution, wanted to leave a comment, though it’s not good for discussion to lead with a proposed solution because then it leads to hyperfocusing on different proposed solutions instead of more support and use cases about the actual problem:

A property designed for the camera would be unnecessary API bloat for instances. The camera scripts are written in Luau and some developers also override the camera scripts or create their own from scratch, so this property could be particularly misleading and/or useless for them.

A solution I’d prefer would be exposing an API from the camera module to set, update or override the conditions in which a part is considered ignored rather than hardcoding it in based on other properties of parts. That way we can do something like designate a tag or an attribute for this rather than a niche and very specific property that isn’t applicable for some developers.


You’re better off forking the camera module to ignore parts with a tag that says “CameraIgnoreCollision”. But considering how much it is updated, exposed APIs are better. This just isn’t the way to go.

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