Two of my favourite categories on the forum is #resources:community-resources and #resources:community-tutorials since there are so many great resources and tips from some amazing developers .
From time to time I see some resources/tutorials that in my opinion are either way to small/short or too low quality to really be worth posting in the category. The ones im referencing I won’t name and I respect everyone who takes the time to make something and release it for free to the world, however I would rather these categories were only for high quality tutorials / resources.
For example, one recent community tutorial only had 185 words and was pretty much just giving code of Humanoid:MoveTo() Something already documented on the developer hub and arguably way to specific to be a tutorial.
My second point is about ‘Link’ resources / tutorials. This is where the entire post just consists of a link to an external resource. Now in terms of detail, if you follow the ling you normally do tend to lean a lot, however I feel it should be a requirement to at least add some sort of basic text / description before linking the external resource for extra info. That way we can see what the post is about without having to read an entire blog post.
Finally, Another thing which isn’t a negative thing, but just a bit of a nitpick. is all resources should include a gif/image/video where applicable of the assets being shown, just for the convenience of anyone browsing over the post. I know post approval already goes through this, but this should also apply for regulars.
Overall as stated these are some of my favourite parts of the forum, and I respect everyone who takes the time to make a topic there, however I do feel there should be an obligation for the post to be of a high quality.
Side note - I tried to make this post not show anyone in a negative light, however if you feel like some of my points are unfair / badly worded do let me know and I will happily modify