We understand how valuable free items are as a promotional tool, and realize this was a big change; however, an oversupply of free items over time means free items will not be as valuable to users and dilute their uniqueness, thus defeating their original purpose. This also has an impact on our economy and future earnings of the community, as users spend less Robux on your creations when they get them for free.
In the future, we want the per-unit fee for free items to be dynamic and respond to market conditions similar to our dynamic price floors. It will reflect factors like the cost to our economy and the loss in creator earnings if a user had spent Robux on an item. This means that price might go up or down depending on supply and demand of free and paid items. We expect these changes to make free UGC items more valuable to the community and optimized for the right supply/demand balance.
We are always looking for new ways to help more creators of any size to monetize — if that is their goal — and are committed to continuing to invest in this product as we believe free items are critical for a healthy Marketplace.