Creator AMA (Economy) - with Antoni and Enrico [May 22, 2024]

  1. What steps are being taken, if any, to compensate creators that have had their items falsely deleted through abuse of the European DSA form? When an item is deleted, it loses algorithm relevance, and when an item is deleted for more than a week, refunds are processed. It is exceedingly rare for the UGC support team to restore items in under 1 week, so more often than not, refunds will be processed and the creator can lose thousands of dollars. This phenomenon has impacted to top creators several times.

Currently kids are passing around guides on how to troll creators with false DMCA / counter DMCA claims while they upload copies of existing items to the catalog.

Various existing creators are being banned for the false DMCAs… while others are having our IPs taken.

Many of these cases could be EASILY handled by staff using a small amount of common sense in moderation requests (such as a 5 day old account uploading a half dozen copies of existing and best-selling items may not actually hold the IP rights as they so claim … which should be obvious to any staff at roblox when it is pointed out).

Instead we are told to “go get a lawyer and spend a few hundred dollars to sue the alt accounts and fake names”. Essentially roblox is washing their hands of dealing with the issue.

So my question is, what are the plans to address this in the short term?

Roblox should have seen this coming a mile away, and that they don’t even do MINIMUM verification on these things is shocking (such as a counter DMCA sent to me was a fake indian address / name… from 2 new Russian alt accounts with random russian emails… a simple ID verification would at least make it so these kids can’t use infinite throwaway alt accounts to do this with).


Why did you increase free limited prices so obscenely large from 20 per stock to 100? It hurts not only experiences who want to do large events for their communities but also smaller developers and creators of free UGC games. It basically makes it so only the largest creators and companies can afford larger quantities which makes most mid to lower end creators stay away. Why is it raised so high when it doesn’t really give a benefit to the people making free UGC as it doesn’t exactly correlate to increased money or sales to an experience. So why is this change needed why couldn’t it remain 20 per stock? I feel it needs to be changed back to how it was but I want to hear actual reasoning behind this change as no one was notified about it and it hurt lots of games in the free UGC genre with the change last minute with no time to prepare.


Is there an estimated date for when users will be able to purchase audio to use in games yet? As a musician I want to allow users the ability to play my songs whilst they play any game of their choosing, while also having it heard by others.


There are a lot of accessories uploaded that would be better sorted into existing categories, for example the classic head, and faces categories already exist, but are not available for creators to upload to. There are SO MANY face masks in the face/hat accessories category which do not benefit from skin colour changes, and non-animated dynamic heads are uploaded that are falsely tagged with a dynamic icon.

Layered Clothing categories are misused as a way to bypass accessory bounds, and to create handheld items, even though there is existing support for these that could be utilised, and would make the detection of them easier for developers.
(Kara Lye Foil - Roblox) (Erisyphia - Staff - Roblox) (The Pain Bringer - Roblox)

There’s a clear desire from creators, and customers for classic heads, classic faces, makeup, and hand held items.

Are there any plans to enable the creation of classic heads, classic faces, makeup, and handheld items for UGC creators? It seems like economically it would be the right move, considering the ever growing library of face masks, and non-animated dynamic heads on the platform.


Is there an estimate for when the sales count of UGC items will be fixed? Creators relied on it for distributing collaboration splits, and the removal of it has made it difficult to track the total sales of individual items. All new UGC items return a sales count of 0.


A more simplified version of my previous question:
The biggest concern I have, and a lot of others do too, is the new per-stock fees on free limiteds that came with the public UGC update. Now that we’ve had a month of these 100 Robux fees per item, are you planning on keeping it like this? Since this change, there have barely been any developer/community based events on a scale that there used to be. It has mainly been left up to big brands that are able to still afford it. So my hope is that a lowering of the per-stock fees would bring back the community created events that used come from the cheaper UGC stock fees, which would open back up for some very fun community events.


Are there any plans to remove gears in the future? Will they will transformed into handheld/back items?


Is it intentional that bundle creators are being banned when a bundle upload is rejected by moderation, or is this simply an oversight?


Will bulk uploading be a feature when uploading UGC accessories uploading process? Whenever I upload UGC onto the platform, I see myself uploading up to 15+ at a time. Although simply writing a description, adding tags and determining the upload location of your UGC is quick, doing it 15+ time is quite time consuming.


Do you have plans to potentially remove/lower the holding period for limited items? I understand the reason why you added it, however at the same time it makes the life of smaller traders harder, since the concept of “demand” items is that they sell/get traded very fast, and the holding period makes this kind of stuff way harder.


Why is the price floor so inconsistent?
Ive seen things specifically hat + face accessories shoot up from 70 robux to 95 robux in like two days which that is a massive jump. I really don’t know if theres going to be a thing for the spikes of prices to chill out a bit or not but it does affect sales a bit when an item just shoots up 20-30 robux with no rhyme or reason



Hello Antoni and Enrico!

It took one whole month for the sales of my goods to finish pending. My hat was priced at the price floor.

Are there any plans to speed up the process to which you’ll be able to receive the Robux?

It was stated that among the massive updates coming to the community, one of such was the ability to update and modify the attachments of accessories on an avatar.

What is the status on the attachment placement update?

This was another thing teased for sometime, but there has been no feedback or notice for when we could expect it, what it fully entails or even test footage to showcase how it would work.

  1. Why is the support team incapable of restoring revoked UGC permissions and what steps are being taken to remedy this, if any? User Wingardxxm needed to create a devforum post asking for help because support did nothing to help, and did not involve higher up management. User Muffinzs the YouTuber had to go through the star program to get their perms back.

we have to remember that the trading system already has specific security measures (like the fact that you need to use the authenticator app every couple trades you send)


Players who choose to wear giant layered clothing assets disrupt my players’ experience when playing my game. As a result, I have disabled layered clothing in all my games, but this is a shame because a lot of people use layered clothing nowadays.

Roblox still hasn’t come up with a fix for people bypassing layered clothing bounds using large avatar bundles such as Oinan Thickhoof to create avatars that are as big as the map or buildings. Calls to character:GetBoundingBox() and character:GetExtentsSize() do not return accurate results when layered clothing is applied on large bundles.

I shouldn’t have to restrict people from wearing layered clothing in my game because of the minority who exploit this feature - do you agree with me that this is an issue, and what steps can be taken to fix it?


We’re beginning to see a lot of avatars that are not rigged correctly to the armature to achieve poses, and animation overrides. Because they are not weighted to the armature as one would expect it means that they do not support animations correctly. This is massively disruptive to some games, and is going to be awful for current, and future compatibility.

Poses and animation overrides should be done entirely with animation packs, and emotes, but these are currently not available to users, are there any plans for allowing UGC creators and animators to create their own animation packs and emotes?
(Bold Animation Pack by e.l.f. - Roblox)


Will there be harsher moderation on accounts uploading exact replicas of Roblox-made items? Currently, an user who is moderated for uploading a copy of a Roblox item only gets a warning or a 1 day ban, and their perms are revoked for 14 days. They can just go back to uploading after those 14 days. I think punishments should be way harsher.


Is it true that we users and developers amongst roblox, will soon be able to make Audio on roblox public again?