Differentiate like/dislike ratings by platform

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to view the platform specific ratings of my game.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, developers will be able to accurately gauge which platform needs improvement attention. It will also help players as some games will naturally be more fun on computer or vice versa for mobile, and players will see ratings that matter to the experience they are about to get, not the game as a whole.

Concurrent players are already differentiated by platform, this feature request seems like a logical next step to improve the Roblox website for not only players, but also developers.


I tested and found that ratings are already differentiated for display on at least computer and phone sorts. This feature request is asking to only show the likes/dislikes of the game from the user’s current platform.


Games are shadow banned on mobile devices because not all of them can handle the bigger games, that’s why you’re seeing different results on mobile. Rating wise, I don’t see any difference if that’s what your pointing out.

In case you don’t understand what a shadow ban is, it’s basically when someones game is removed from the mobile top rated category because it may run too slow. This is reset every update you do and is reassessed each time.

I do agree though, it’d be nice to be able to view different platform rating stats, so I definitely support.


Actually, that’s not the case. The games page on mobile, console, and web are all different, sorted by stats on the respected platforms that they are being played on. For instance, Jailbreak might have 60k playing on web, but 10k playing on console. Meepcity has 20k on console, so meepcity is #1 on popular for console.


I’m not talking about shadow bans at all.

Say a game is on tablet and computer. It has received 10,000 ratings on computer, 5000 on tablet. 9500 likes, 500 dislikes for computer, a superb rating. 4000 likes and 1000 dislikes on tablet, less so. The developer currently has no way to get those stats. It would say your game has a rating of 13,500 likes and 1500 dislikes.

Roblox needs to show the developer and players the game’s ratings by platform, and what better way to do that than to only showcase ratings on the current platform you are viewing the game from?


I suppose the rating system is difficult to separate by platform since users can switch between platforms easily, and until now I think they have all been joined together into one simple rating.
However, your suggestion makes complete sense, considering the changes users most likely experience depending on the platform they are on.
Perhaps a global rating divided into categories for each platform (visible only to developers) would be a good way to go about that issue.
Users could, in this case, be able to vote once per platform, and their average (between -1 and 1) would result in their rounded global rating (-1, 0 or 1).


I remember one public stat that was at one RDC, I don’t know which one, but it was data on what percent of players from each platform play on other platforms. If someone knows what I’m referring to please bring it up!

The main purpose is to get the rating when the player chose to rate it. By definition, that seems like the time they felt most strongly for the game.

It would be nice to see ratings in dev stats so developers can have a central place to look at all ratings.


I’m pretty sure it’s already a feature request somewhere but in addition to platform specific ratings some sort of feedback system would be amazing to see as developers too.

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Anything going on with this feature?

I have released a new game and it has good ratings on PC, I am unfortunately hesitant to want to release it to mobile, who tend to vote based on if their device can play the game or not. Hence, this would ruin the look of good ratings for PC users, essentially lying to them that the game is worse than it really is. This currently happens with another game I run and it is unfair, as explained many times by me on this forum.


As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to know if the experience provided to players on each device is decent enough to afford a like, using roblox’s developer stats page.

Currently, I have to rely on player feedback (which is always a good thing), however this does not correspond to the majority of the community. A great part of the players do not join Discord or use the group’s wall to post feedback, making it very hard to know why they like (or dislike) the game.

This is a frustration to me (and surely many other developers), as I’m unable to know if the programmed experience for each device is good or not for the great majority of the community.

For example, my game supports all devices (PC, Phone, Tablet and Console). However, I can only see the average visit length and visit count per device.

It’d be a great addition to the Developer Stats page and a step in the right direction if we could be given the tool needed to view how many likes and dislikes each device have given the game over time.


Well this aged badly. As we all know by now, the games page now totals the players from all platforms and displays that number.

I sincerely hope this does not cause ratings per platform to be forgotten. It cannot be stated enough how important it is as developers to be able to find out our game ratings per different platforms.