Drop Shadow Plugin - Add drop shadows with ease!

Drop Shadow Plugin

Add drop shadows to your UI with ease!

Add drop shadows to any UI element with just a few clicks!

  • Color and offset customization
  • Simple and modern design
  • Works with all UI elements
  • Supports light and dark mode

You can add these drop shadows to ANY element. That includes text, images, frames, and so much more! This plugin also supports rounded corners and other modifiers.

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Version 1.0

Part of the bits plugin suite:

RoSound - Find audio for your games.
Task Manager - Modern and elegant to-do list.
Wall Cutter - Cut any part with ease.
PlayerList - Feature-rich player list UI.
Iconify - Royalty-free icons for your games.


Is there any demonstration on this? I would like to know how exactly this functions, or how to even use this Plugin in the first place. Would be useful for other Developers trying to figure out before they purchase your Plugin.


I’ve updated the post. Thanks for pointing this out.


Okay but like why make this paid bruh? Isn’t this just cloning the element, changing the ZIndex to be behind and adding a completely black (or whatever color) UIGradient to it with some transparency?? UIGradient can do stuff like change emoji color on text, I assume you are just using that
this is literally all that is required to achieve this effect…
and takes like 20 seconds to make and can be easily streamlined

edit: wrote some code to streamline this, I even add it to a frame called DropShadowParent like your plugin does, and this code is free for everyone

The following script should be run in the command bar or in a plugin context, as it uses the Selection service to get currently selected objects. USE_ZINDEX specifies that the shadow should be at a lower ZIndex then the parent. This has to push the other parents back/forward so that the shadow won’t paint behind other objects in the selection. This just multiplies the ZIndex by 2, so dividing by 2 will give you the original ZIndex. If this property is set to false, then the shadow will rely off of the “last-in-first-out” order, meaning objects that newly added objects will be painted over objects that were added previously. It is not recommended to rely off of this behavior, but if you want to, you have the option. Another option that you have is USE_REPARENTING, the ability to make the object itself a parent of the shadow. Doing this means you don’t have to worry about ZIndex at all. (the object needs to be a parent of the shadow, because if it was the other way around, the shadow would paint on top of the object, rather than behind it.) If you do run this, everything in your selection must share the same parent object.

local DROP_SHADOW_OFFSET = UDim2.new(0, 3, 0, 3)
local DROP_SHADOW_COLOR = Color3.new(0, 0, 0)
local USE_REPARENTING = false
local USE_ZINDEX = true

local selectionContents = game:GetService("Selection"):Get()
local selectionParent = selectionContents[1].Parent
if #selectionContents ~= 0 then
    local containerFrame = Instance.new("Frame")
    containerFrame.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0)
    containerFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
    containerFrame.Name = "DropShadowParent"
    local allParentsOk = true
    for i = 1, #selectionContents do
        if selectionContents[i].Parent ~= selectionParent then
            warn("All selected GuiObjects must share the same parent!")
            allParentsOk = false
    if allParentsOk then
        for i = 1, #selectionContents do
            local targetObject = selectionContents[i]
            if targetObject:IsA("GuiObject") then
                local targetClone = targetObject:Clone()
                targetClone.Name = targetClone.Name .. "_Shadow"
                if targetClone:FindFirstChildOfClass("UIGradient") then
                    warn("Existing UIGradient found on clone of " .. targetObject:GetFullName() .. ", replacing with shadow gradient.")
                local gradient = Instance.new("UIGradient", targetClone)
                gradient.Color = ColorSequence.new(DROP_SHADOW_COLOR)
                gradient.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(DROP_SHADOW_TRANSPARENCY)
                targetClone.Parent = containerFrame
                targetClone.Position = targetObject.Position + DROP_SHADOW_OFFSET
                if USE_REPARENTING then
                    targetObject.Position = -DROP_SHADOW_OFFSET
                    targetObject.Parent = targetClone
                    targetObject.Parent = containerFrame
                    if USE_ZINDEX then
                        targetClone.ZIndex = targetObject.ZIndex * 2 - 1
                        targetObject.ZIndex = targetObject.ZIndex * 2
        if #containerFrame:GetChildren() ~= 0 then
            containerFrame.Parent = selectionParent
            warn("No valid GuiObjects were selected! Please select GuiObject(s) and run this script again.")
    warn("Nothing was selected! Please select GuiObject(s) and run this script again.")

edit: this may not be the best solution, but hey, it’s free


Does this work on a complex settings? Like texts and frames on a UILayout?

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LMAO nice, seriously though, why sell this for robux when it’s as simple as doing that?

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bro it’s just 130 robux chill🙄

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it would be better if it was 0 for what it does tbh. paywalling the ability to make shadows is kind of ridiculous, considering how easy it is to do in like 20 seconds

What the OP is doing is demanding real money for something that someone could make in less than a minute. In fact, I could easy make my own plugin that achieves the same objective.

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It shouldn’t cost anything for how easy it is to make.

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I’d consider plugin something worth investing if it automates a complex task.
stravant’s plugins (except quick road since it does complex tasks) are free since the tasks they do are simple.
Same goes for for this. It’s a simple plugin that automates a simple task for you. So it’s kinda unjustified why would it cost robux.
Maybe I’m not understanding real magic behind it, but that’s my summary.