Dwiddle ~ Status Effects

TAON stands for the adventures of nooblet

Oh oof sorry guys, I totally forgot :no_mouth: :no_mouth:


It sounds great honestly, I think you should do it :tongue:


Did you hear about the new attributes beta feature?

What is that ive never heard of that before

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Oh you are going to love it! New Studio Beta: Attributes! - Updates / Announcements - DevForum | Roblox

You were like one of my biggest supporters lol:

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Yeah I checked it out but Im not really sure what all the hype is about, unless your someone who uses alot of actual object values and decide this would be great to keep stuff organized and easily accessible then yeah this is great; but I really dont use things like StringValues, or IntValues stuff like that

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Do you now remember The Adventure of Nooblet?

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Oh I use that stuff ALL OF THE TIME, that’s why I was so excited.

Well I hope you have a great time using it and happy programming :tongue: