Future is Bright on Android is fully rolled-out [Client Beta]

Hi Creators!

Future Lighting is now fully rolled-out to all Android devices as a Client Beta! If you have an experience using Future Lighting, your Android users can now experience it properly rendered with Future!:bulb::sunny:

ShadowMap Lighting on Android currently displayed instead of Future Lighting (Left)
vs. Future Lighting on Android (Right)

After our progressive roll out of Future Lighting on Android devices, we have finally reached 100% deployment!

Please note that while Future Lighting can run on all Android devices, it is still a technology that is costly in performance and not all devices can run Future Lighting at interactive framerate. For players on lower-end and mid-range Android devices, this means they may not be able to see Future on their device, as the engine will reduce their lighting quality to offer them better framerate. In parallel, we are working on an upcoming update to provide you with some control over how you’d like lighting to scale.

While Future on Android has been stable in production for 100% of Android devices for a week, it is still in Client Beta and could be rolled back in case of issues.

Enabling Future Lighting

You can enable Future Lighting for each place in your experience, by selecting Explorer > Lighting > Technology > Future.


You can learn more about Future Lighting and how to leverage it in our Lighting Documentation and in our Guide on Enhancing Environments with Future Lighting.

:yellow_heart: Made with love by the Engine team

Please let us know of your experience and if you encounter any issue with the Client Beta of Future Lighting on Android.


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This is a EXTREME Game changer, mobile players are one of roblox’s largest audience and now that future lighting is fully rolled out that means our games won’t look wonky or crappy on videos because the user was on android, This is a BEAUTIFUL update, Thank you once again roblox.


Finally no more mobile users getting better flashlights in horror games!


Is there going to be a fix for such artifacts any time soon?



Awesome that we can now see better lighting on our android phones, it completly changes how a scene looks.

We really need that control over when to display what type of lighting quality, so it makes sense to give us the tools to build our own systems.


Great update honestly

Finnally android devices got better graphics


Finally! I have been waiting so long for this and am happy to see this is fully out. Games are gonna look a ton better than before (if they’re using the future lighting, ofc). It is slow on my tablet, but smooth on my phone. I would like to have control over shadow resolution


@LightBeamRays is Future Lighting now on VR? Specifically, I have a Meta Quest 2. As of this morning, it was not available.


It is not, no. This seems to be an Android-only release for now for non-VR devices. My Quest 2 also doesn’t have this update


True, and also when you build a concealed room where no light should shine in, but a bit of light still leaks through at the edge where two parts meet.


Sweet, now my sibling can see RTX on his android tablet. :ok_hand:


Hey @Reditect! It’s not yet released on VR. We are going to run tests in the upcoming weeks to assess its viability on Quest 2. We’ll post an update when we’re able to release Future to VR!


Ambient Occlusion on Shadowmap is miles better than Future lighting, adds so much depth. Disappointing that we still have very little control over these lighting effects.


Are you sure the walls are thick enough to not fully let light into the room?


There was an Unified Lighting FFlag that had the Shadowmap Ambient Occlusion in, while keeping most stuff of Future Lighting.


Wonderful update, is there any plans to fix the shadow however? For years we’ve been having a very pixelated and atrodicous shadow coming from the sunlight & dynamic lights?


(dynamic lights)

This is very annoying for “realistic” looking games, because no realistic environment has such a low resolution shadow, and minimal details won’t render shadows.
Perhaps an option to change the shadow quality for the game would be great!
(of course this won’t work good on all devices, but this really drags roblox’s engine down)

But ShadowSoftness makes it less pixelated, no it does not, it just blurs the quality looking even worse.

(softened shadows)


Awesome! This makes things look better, however when will mobile get the higher quality terrain textures


Future is bright. Just not for any game in the 5 chart lists you guys removed this month, or the search results which only show 30 results now. Bright for about 50 devs nice!


Great new update, it’s great seeing Roblox graphics always improving and inching closer to the real world graphics to a 1:1 scale.