Having an issue with layered clothes on custom R15 character

Hi, im trying to make a base mesh for my game by following this Roblox guide (https://create.roblox.com/docs/art/avatar/specifications) but as you can see:

(Resting pose)

(Transformed Pose)

[Fixed the bone pivot problem]

Edit layered clothing problem:

after i added the layered clothes it causes weird deformation to the model

and the cage topology isn’t as clean as Roblox’s. I used the Roblox provided cage mesh.



What was the pose you were trying to achieve? Also, did you try posing it in blender? Try selecting everything and applying all transforms. Does it seem to be an issue with the pivot passion? If so try setting the origin of the parts to their geometry.


I’m sorry for not making it clear in the post(I’m having hard time trying to English). The issue is the bone pivot. The origins of the parts are already at the world origin. Setting the origin of the parts to the center of their geometry seems to make it worse.


Ok, keep the origins at the world origin. Are all transforms applied? In blender select everything, Ctrl + A and apply all transforms. I believe I ran into a similar problem, but I cant remember how I fixed it…


Sorry for slow reply xD i was really busy, it’s the same result as it was in the post


found a solution. I was being dumb, i forgot to parent objects to the amature


Just encountered a new problem…
after i added the layered clothes it causes weird deformation to the model

and the cage topology isn’t as clean as Roblox’s. I used the Roblox provided cage mesh.



Hey there 2 tutorials could help with your issue


I’m struggling to make my custom R15 rig support layered clothes. weight painting isn’t the issues. I think the export process might be the problem, but I’ve already tried every setting, including the one in your tutorial, and nothing works. The cage topology gets distorted and the mesh normal changes when I put on the layered clothes. Nice tutorial btw :+1:

Oh well then

The Clothing being funky is prob a Roblox issue since the layered clothing feature isnt rly perfect

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The red mesh is the cage correct? It seems that the mesh might be improperly influencing the cage. I know you said you checked yours uv’s but did you check the cages uv’s?

is this correct? it’s the cages uv’s

I tried to download the example model (fish person) from in the roblox page ( Project Files and References | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub) and import it myself. it also have the same problem as mine

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This is the cage of your person, what about the outer and inner cages for the item?

I don’t know it’s an item from the catalog.

try another item, try a few actually, if the problem persists, it could be on your side, but that is unlikely cos the same problem happened with an official Roblox model.

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It’s the same with the other item

all the items you’ve tried have the same issue? Is it in the same spots? Have you tried different types of items? (perhaps an item that goes around the full body, or now that only goes over the feet)

Yup it’s the same spot. I also tried the bodysuit which covered the whole body. It covered up all the weird deformations but it isn’t perfect. It makes the model looked off, the hand is completely gone and deformed the face
(eyebrow and eyelashes is also an item from the catalog)

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(:sob: Its so cute… )
How percise is your cage?
I noticed how the hand kinda sticks out any maybe that’s why it disappeared?
Also on the face, it seems like the eyebrow and eyelashes are shaping onto different vertices
As to why I’m not sure but If you add some more vertices maybe that will fix the problem. If you look at a Roblox head with a facial rig you will see it has more geometry than one would think

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