The sway in the gun is way too much. Also, too much bobbing when looking down sight. It even makes the camera clip through the gun itself. Otherwise very nice.
please let me know if there are any bugs and/or if you have a suggestion.
note: i’m taking a day or 2 days of break, i’ve been sitting on my pc for way too long my eyes hurt
I like your edit! Very impressive!
Probably add viewmodel that use player.Character’s arm instead of using the fixed viewmodel. It’s add some personalization to your gun kits.
Other than that, add magazine / ammo counter on some guns.
alright, the character using arms instead of viewmodel arms will be INSANELY hard, i’ll make a backup copy incase something goes wrong because it’ll be a big project.
Also, about the ammo count, it is toggleable in the ACS_Settings module, although disabled by default for realism, you check mags by clicking M
@GFXBIT based on my predictions, it would be possible to do it, although it wouldn’t be the best, and it would mean i would need to re-animate the guns.
I can release a seperate version from this one, when i finish this one, maybe it would be good, i don’t really know
sorry for the process being as slow as it is, i am also sick currently so i cant just stay and script 24/7
i also am running out of ideas, please someone give me ideas to do
first of all this is looking good cant wait for it to release, but maybe add a modification system where you could turn the gun to the side and click on like a scope or better barrel or you could work on optimizing it
StatusUI has english Frame names instead of whatever the language was before, easier editing
New M249 Model
Belt-like guns now have an option inside ACS_Animations to move their belt while character is moving(experimental, might break some belt-based animations) showcase: sorry for the quality i don’t have a good recorder nor a good mp4 to gif converter
Custom projectiles + Explosive ammo possible
Major bug fixes
Slightly(or very slightly) edited bobbing system
Possibly more that i forgot to mention about
this might take me at least some time, please be patient
(sorry for the late reply i was kinda shocked and i didnt know what to respond with)
thank you so much for feedback, this means a lot to me and keeps me motivated for it.
if you have any ideas btw, you can write them down, maybe i’ll consider something
update: sliding and diving seems broken, sometimes it is fast, sometimes slow, the option will still be available to turn it on but it is not recommended
i have no idea how to fix it
sorry for slow updates, i took a break from this kinda
features noted for future version(possibly final):
ammo boxes(afaik acs 2.0 doesn’t have those idk why)
different explosion also for air explosions
full-on crouch animation support(animation that can also be looped)
place will get uncopylocked
“Spotted” system(NOTE: doesn’t work unless player.Team ~= Neutral, also toggle-able in Server Config. Default Keybind: F)
Radio system(“Need Ammo!”, “Need Backup!”, “Need Pickup!”(also responses “No”, “Yes”), etc., Keybind is also F, doesn’t work when you use it to spot an enemy.)
this also might take a while even if i will sit on this project for 24/7