Hey all,
I’m Infinite_Visions, proud owner of Visions Games and my admittedly cringy (Or hilarious) Youtube Channel. This is my fifth installment on my solo project called High Seas , an up-and-coming Pirate roleplay game. Without further ado, let’s begin.
New Features
Spicy UI🔥
Please note: I am still working on the build/placement system gui.
(Old gifs, other UIs updated since then)
Zone Travelling System
As you can see, a prompt appears at the top when you travel into the “Open Ocean” (out of the map), and another prompt when you re-enter the island chain.
This can again be seen when you enter a smaller zone in the map.
Building Improvements
Placement system has been updated. However, the actual map building has also been improved thanks to @lieliedash2. You all wanted a more realistic look; we are delivering
Note: Buildings not final. There are kinks being worked out.
Previous Features
Huge, creative map! (Images)
Notice: Press “x” to fly around. This will let you move about the map.
As you can see, there are several islands completed. Some are basic, featuring large Armada forts. Some are floating merchant villages, bobbing on top of the waves. On a special few, large volcanoes brew ominously. . . Just watch out for the skeletons!
More villages/towns will be added. Each island will feature it’s own special structures, bosses, and challenges
Ship Building System
This system allows you to build and design your own ship.
NPC Interaction
These npcs will assign quests, give rewards, and more!
Treasure Chest System
In future updates, the first chest will give you a map. This map will lead to the second chest (the real treasure, which will give loot). The first chest will be found in ruins, sunken ships, etc. More to come

Shovel/Inventory System
As you can see, there is a custom backpack gui. The shovel can dig through terrain, to locate treasure.
A beautiful minimap, in the corner of the screen. It will show the map (once I make it), and will expand to show it in greater detail.
Endless Ocean
The ocean is the main feature of any pirate game. As such, it needs to be realistic, exciting, and can’t suddenly end for the player. To combat this, I created an ocean that moves locally with you, but interacts with the server just as it does the client. Using Mesh deformation, I made some nice waves, some simple swimming animations, and a neat camera effect when under water.
Weather will be added (the ocean waves will increase/decrease according to the weather)
Rope Swinging
As we all know, rope swinging is essential to a pirate game. I had some fun messing around with physics, and got:
As you can see, you grab the rope, then move around faster and faster. When you release, you fly off a ways. This will allow you to hop ships in a “Pirate” fashion.
My ship may or may not be sinking.
Ship/Cannon Controls
Ship handling is a work in progress. I have to script my own friction, so I’m working out the kinks. In the future, waves won’t clip through the deck of the ship. The cannon and movement replicates to the server
Physics will be improved - this is a very, very early stage.
Testing link: High Seas
(Please note: There will be bugs, errors, and glitches. This is the minimum viable product.)
What ideas do you have for this game? I am in no way an expert in UI design or building. What can I improve on? Thank you!
People who wanted to be notified for Devlogs: @6NJM, @gpz346, @nanosph, @M3TH4NOL, @hienlong_phan
(Just reply saying you want to be added, or removed)
Other High Seas Devlogs
High Seas Devlog 4
High Seas Devlog 3
High Seas Devlog 2
High Seas Devlog 1