High Seas | Wrapping It All Up - Devlog #8

Hey all,

I’m Infinite_Visions, proud owner of Visions Games and my Youtube Channel. This is my eighth installment on my solo project High Seas , an up-and-coming Pirate roleplay game.

It’s been a while since I typed one of these up, but for good reason. A lot has changed, and been added! We are launching a limited Beta on Friday, the 14th! Without further ado, let’s begin.

New Features

FINISHED Game map!!!

Thanks to @Diviniite, a map has finally been constructed. It’s seriously huge (ignore the lack of water)




These monstrosities spawn when you open treasure chests. Be careful - they pack quite a punch!

I made Skeletons. . . In Roblox - YouTube

Bounty Hunting

When you have a bounty, players will be able to hunt you. When they kill you, they can collect your gold + Steal your bounty. You have to be a merchant to bounty hunt.


You can also pay off your bounty as a pirate, to return back to merchant state.


For now, this beast is mostly for show. He’ll be unleashed, to wreck havoc on the poor sailors, once Beta is over.

High Seas - Kraken (SNEAK PEEK) - YouTube

NPC Trading/Improvements

You can now trade your items with NPCs! This allows another way for you to get items and money as a merchant.


Funny NPCs (Roblox) - YouTube


These potions can be bought or found in chests. They give you special powers - speed, jump, or heal :slight_smile:

Code + Bug report system


These systems are linked to my discord server: The High Seas

Item Shop

This one is pretty self explanatory.


If I get someone to buy that 1 million robux. . .

Boat Building/Resource Collecting

This system received a huge overhaul!

It takes wood in order to build your ship. You have to chop down trees to get this wood.


Perhaps the most important of them all - Datasaving! Everything now saves and loads in correctly, thanks to @Kampfkarren’s Datastore2 module.

Other Improvements

A lot more has changed than shown above.
System messages, for one thing. General bug fixes, and game balancing has occurred.

Previous Features

Shipwrecks! (Randomly Spawning)

These shipwrecks randomly spawn around the map. They sometimes have treasure hidden within! Swarmed with sharks, they are dangerous destinations to dive to.

Treasure Hunting/Chest System

There are four different types of chest:

* Treasure Chest
* Map Chest
* Gold Chest
* Boss Chest

Map Chest

As you can see, you open the chest, and it leads you to a treasure chest (sort of like Minecraft)

Treasure Chest

This chest gives you items (swords, armor, etc)

Gold Chest

As expected, this chest gives you randomized amounts of gold when you open it.

Interactable Merchant AI (NPCs, Ships, etc)


Ships move, following their course. They can also stop at ports, during which time the NPCs unload, and sell items!

When you rob them, the NPCs attack you. Cannons also are fired (with the ability to sink your ship as well as blast you).

Pick pocketing

You can do this to get gold.

Anyone in the crew also gets angry and attacks.

Update (Sidesword, backpack)

Hey, just finished up the custom inventory backpack. You can now add/remove items from your toolbar to your backpack. (Ignore the ugly output)

You also have a sides sword, which you can change depending on your equipped sword:

Character Customization

Fancy Tutorial

This tutorial is highly interactable - it teaches the main game mechanics.


Shark AI

Spicy UI🔥

Please note: I am still working on the build/placement system gui.
Untitled_ Nov 23, 2021 9_41 PM

(Old gifs, other UIs updated since then)
Untitled_ Nov 23, 2021 9_29 PM
Untitled_ Nov 23, 2021 9_32 PM

Zone Travelling System

As you can see, a prompt appears at the top when you travel into the “Open Ocean” (out of the map), and another prompt when you re-enter the island chain.
Untitled_ Nov 23, 2021 9_52 PM
This can again be seen when you enter a smaller zone in the map.
Untitled_ Nov 23, 2021 9_53 PM

Building Improvements

Placement system has been updated. However, the actual map building has also been improved thanks to @lieliedash2. You all wanted a more realistic look; we are delivering :slight_smile:

Note: Buildings not final. There are kinks being worked out.

Huge, creative map! (Images)

Notice: Press “x” to fly around. This will let you move about the map.


As you can see, there are several islands completed. Some are basic, featuring large Armada forts. Some are floating merchant villages, bobbing on top of the waves. On a special few, large volcanoes brew ominously. . . Just watch out for the skeletons!
More villages/towns will be added. Each island will feature it’s own special structures, bosses, and challenges :slight_smile:

Epic Thumbnail/Logo

Ship Building System

This system allows you to build and design your own ship.

NPC Interaction

These npcs will assign quests, give rewards, and more!

Treasure Chest System

In future updates, the first chest will give you a map. This map will lead to the second chest (the real treasure, which will give loot). The first chest will be found in ruins, sunken ships, etc. More to come :slight_smile:

Shovel/Inventory System

As you can see, there is a custom backpack gui. The shovel can dig through terrain, to locate treasure.


A beautiful minimap, in the corner of the screen. It will show the map (once I make it), and will expand to show it in greater detail.

Endless Ocean

The ocean is the main feature of any pirate game. As such, it needs to be realistic, exciting, and can’t suddenly end for the player. To combat this, I created an ocean that moves locally with you, but interacts with the server just as it does the client. Using Mesh deformation, I made some nice waves, some simple swimming animations, and a neat camera effect when under water.

Weather will be added (the ocean waves will increase/decrease according to the weather)

Rope Swinging

As we all know, rope swinging is essential to a pirate game. I had some fun messing around with physics, and got:

As you can see, you grab the rope, then move around faster and faster. When you release, you fly off a ways. This will allow you to hop ships in a “Pirate” fashion.
My ship may or may not be sinking.

Ship/Cannon Controls

Ship handling is a work in progress. I have to script my own friction, so I’m working out the kinks. In the future, waves won’t clip through the deck of the ship. The cannon and movement replicates to the server :slight_smile:

Physics will be improved - this is a very, very early stage.

Testing link: High Seas
(Please note: There will be bugs, errors, and glitches. This is the minimum viable product.)

Final Notes

What ideas do you have for this game? What can I improve on? What needs to be balanced or changed? Thank you!

Don’t feel like typing up a reply here? Use the in-game suggestions button!

If you want to stay up to date: discord server: The High Seas

What do you think about this update?

  • Looks AMAZING!
  • Looks Fine
  • Needs Work (Explain)
  • It’s Terrible (Explain)

0 voters

People who wanted to be notified for Devlogs: @6NJM, @gpz346, @nanosph, @M3TH4NOL, @hienlong_phan, @PrismaticShadows, @Lightning_Game27, @Xsticcy
(Just reply saying you want to be added, or removed)

Other High Seas Devlogs

High Seas Devlog 7
High Seas Devlog 6
High Seas Devlog 5
High Seas Devlog 4
High Seas Devlog 3
High Seas Devlog 2
High Seas Devlog 1


I think that the UI and animations need a lot of work. The NPCs look a little basic too. Try make NPCs with 3D clothing.


I agree (the animations in particular). That’s something I’ll definitely have to update.

Which NPCs in particular? The merchants/pirates need to have clothing added :sweat_smile:

Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it :slight_smile:


Needs work, add fruits <3 but all 8/10

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Wow! I really like how the game looks and works.
I already want to play it!

Never, ever give up on this project! It’s so cool. I like it so much!

I would like to get notified on every devlog from now, please!

(The game reminds me to Sea of Thieves btw.)

One more thing, how did you make the “Endless Ocean”? I’m really curious about that!


Hahah, thank you for your feedback :smiley: More features/systems like the fruit/food collection will be added in the future.


Awww you dont got my joke, i told that because one piece haha


Thank you so much for your kind words, it made my day :blush:

Sure thing!

That’s what I was going for, glad to make it.

I took a single meshpart, then moved it with the player, so the one chunk always moves with them.


Yeah, I assumed so. Too bad this isn’t anime :wink:


Just so you all know, the map is in the process of being imported. I have two servers - the scripting server + the building server. I’m combining them as I write up this reply. The scripting server is the main testing server for now.

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Also , great game!, add blood so its more interesting


I’ve updated the testing server, so the map is included! Hurrah! At this point, it is all bug testing :partying_face:


I’ve fixed a minor bug, where you could spawn with multiple people in the tutorial.

I’ve also fixed a bug where you repeatedly teleport into the tutorial, over and over again.

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I’ve made the skeleton in the tutorial chase you, per popular request.


great, but just how big is this map?


The map is pretty big. I have to recalculate, but has around 21 islands.


you can add some really small island that is not
on the map.

also, why did I need to do the whole tutorial again?

also, u ruin my day

i hate building boat


it do chase you, but it fly, skeleton cant fly, you know that.

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When I updated the place, I changed a few things . . .

It’s superman’s skeleton. Jokes aside, that’s a bug I need to work out with the rig :joy:

Rip wood.

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Something I would suggest is better thumbnails and icons. This game has potential. I don’t want the chance to become famous all because of bad marketing. To me, the thumbnails and icons look like it is for a lower quality game.