How do you make a car?

I have been recently exploring with cars in roblox but I don’t know how to build them and all the tutorials out there aren’t great. So does anyone know how to make a good way to make a working, moving, steering car?


Maybe you can see this video first:
The car tutorial thing


I saw that one but I didn’t like the steering mechanism.

I found a better tutorial, here u go Car tutorial


Most cars will use the new Roblox physics constraint system.

For a guide and how to experiment there is the Roblox tutorial which is mainly for how to setup the constraints of the chassis, the control script I’d say is basic and not that good and customizable (server sided will face severe lag).

For a more comprehensive scripting + chassis there is this great tutorial:

For a chassis + script as a model there is this, also has some cool control systems so it’s compatible on mobile as well, however some might say it’s not that good as steering and throttle should be seperate as thumbstick is hard to control.

Not sure what steering mechanism you want.

This one is the completed car with Ackerman steering:


As you can see above, there are tons of different ways to make a car chassis. I think you need to explore the various options and figure out what type of chassis you want to use based on your game needs.

The easiest chassis is the default chassis Roblox provides with a vehicle seat, commonly called a “tank chassis” in racing groups because it drives like a tank. The steering on these aren’t great, but work surprisingly well on large, high speed oval tracks. They are also very stable.

The constraint chassis are better at steering, but can sometimes be a bit unstable and you need to be very particular in how you rig the car so it’s stable.

A-Chassis is a very good, open source steering car. However, these operate on the client, not the server. This means that the drivers’ actions are registered instantly, but collisions between vehicles will seem odd at best, and only one of the two cars will collide properly.

I’m sure there are more chassis options out there, but most stock car racing communities on Roblox use one of these options.

Hope this helps!



If you want to make the car from scratch, then you can search tutorials of the basic roblox car chassis, or if you want a pre made chassis, there’s a chassis called “A-Chassis” you may be familiar with this chassis as many roleplay games and just car games in general use this. So you can say it’s pretty good and trusted. It also has pretty realistic features. All you have to do is get this model: (And yes this is the official version of the chassis.

All you have to do is insert it into your workspace, put some tires and add a body and that’s your car. I’m not going to do into depth about it and how to set it up, but you can search on YouTube: “How to make a car with A-Chassis Roblox Studio”

Hope this helps.

Any questions?

Feel free to reply.


the car kit has been removed and the devhub moved to create docs thing

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hello im look for a flot car script i got wheels but not script i need help


hey heres one thats really useful. it may be one hour but it teaches you about throttle and steering floats, steering, throttle, springs, constraints, all that good stuff. This is also made by the guy who made the infinite terrain plugin


thank you for help me sorry for late reply i ben busy