How to make a Greedy Mesher

If you are wondering what a greedy mesher is visit this post by @Elttob for what it is

This post will show you how to make a 2D(easily extendable to 3D) greedy mesher for all your voxel optimization needs(i would not recommend visible faces only for this as it runs slower than all in my testing). So let’s start by making a heightmap. But inside of that we will also make a table of whether or not it has been visited before(you’ll see why later).

Make the map

Okay so let’s start by defining the tables. For your height map, you can use any function you want, if its math.noise or just if the y < 20, it won’t make a difference. For now though, we will just use math.sin

local isVisited = {}
local map = {}

We’ll have them named like that. So lets loop through every x and y.

for x = 0,50,1 do
    for y = 0,50,1 do

Now let’s make map[x][y] = 0 or 1 (block or air), and we will have isVisited[x][y] be false, since we haven’t visited it yet.

for x = 0,50,1 do
    map[x] = {}
    isVisited[x] = {}
    for y = 0,50,1 do
        map[x][y] = y > math.sin(x) * 25 and 0 or 1
        isVisited[x][y] = false

Ok, now we can move on to the actual mesher!

The Greedy Mesher

Okay, so for the greedy mesher we’ll need these variables, and a utility function. isEmpty checks if block ~= 0, cause we remember that 0 is a block, and 1 is air.

local cuboids = {}
local size = 50
local function isEmpty(block)
    return block ~= "0"

Okay, now let’s get into the mesh loop.

for x = 1, size do
    for y = 1,size do
        local startX = x
        local startY = y
        local endX = x
        local endY = y
		 isVisited[x][y] = true

That should be fine. Now the actual greedy mesher!
Repeat checking if the block isVisited or the block is empty, and if both are false, then we can move the endX on by 1! This should be nested inside of the for loop.

while endX < size do
            local newEndX = endX + 1
            local isUseable = not isVisited[newEndX][y] and not isEmpty(map[newEndX][y])
            if not isUseable then
            isVisited[newEndX][y] = true
            endX = newEndX

Okay, now we can do the same for the Y except when we push up the Y, we have to go through all the blocks on the line to make sure they work. This should be right after the X loop

while endY < size do
            local newEndY = endY + 1
            local isRowUseable = true
            for dx=startX, endX do
                local isUseable = not isVisited[dx][newEndY] and not isEmpty(map[dx][newEndY])
                if not isUseable then
                    isRowUseable = false
            if not isRowUseable then
            for dx=startX, endX do
                isVisited[dx][newEndY] = true
            endY = newEndY
			-- this inserts it
table.insert(cuboids, {
            startX = startX,
            startY = startY,
            endX = endX,
            endY = endY

Now all we have to do is generate it. But I’ll leave that to you.


Here is an example of a 3D one:


This was a really good tutorial, thanks. But I’ve found a way to lower the part count even more. If we allow parts to go through parts that have a greater height in order to reach other parts of the same height on the other side, we can lower the part count even more. The first example shows the greedy mesher being used with no changes. The second example uses the second method. The part count went from 3687 to 2345, a 36% decrease. The terrain is identical, and the only problem introduced from this method is Z-fighting, which could also be solved.

The best part about this is how easy this change is to implement.

while endX < grid do
	if not isVisited[endX+1][startY] and map[startX][startY] <= map[endX+1][startY] then
		if map[startX][startY] == map[endX+1][startY] then
			isVisited[endX+1][startY] = true
		endX = endX+1

When scanning the first column, change the condition to check if the height of the starting coordinate is less than or equal to the height of the coordinate. If it is, then proceed, and only mark the coordinate as visited if the height is equal to the starting coordinate. This is because if the height is more, then the actual height is not being achieved. So that coordinate is not finished. The row will just keep scanning through that coordinate, and potentially get any other coordinates that have the same height.

if not isVisited[dx][endY+1] and map[startX][startY] <= map[dx][endY+1] then		
	if dx == endX then
		for i = startX,endX do
			if map[startX][startY] == map[i][endY+1] then
				isVisited[i][endY+1] = true
		isRowUseable = true

Here, we’re basically doing the same thing. Check if the starting coordinate is less than or equal to instead of just equal to, and when you’re marking them as visited, only mark the ones that have equal height as visited. That’s all. Those two small changes can lower your part count by around a third.


Hello! Sorry for reviving this post but I’ve been trying to get this algorithm to work on the X and Z axis for a few days now and I have yet to be able to wrap my head around it. Ive been able to make it work on 1 axis as you can see here:

But when I try to add some difference on the same axis I get this result: (the one on the left is the expected result and the one on the right is the generated result). For my implementation of this algorithm I swapped the isEmpty function for instead just checking if the parts are on the same Y. It seems I’ve been able to calculate the size of the parts correctly (as I just set it to the End value(s) subtracting the Start value(s) and adding 1), but not their position (what I do is just set the part’s CFrame to the StartX and StartZ values the algorithm generates and I swapped out the StartY for StartZ). If my own code is needed for further help ill be glad to post it! Thank you for your time.

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UPDATE: I have solved my problem. turns out the problem was that when I was scaling my parts their position would get all screwed up, so what I did was use the part’s Resize function to scale them correctly while maintaining their position!


This doesn’t appear to work for me. All my blocks are overlapping each other. And I don’t seem to be getting any errors too. Am I doing anything wrong?

-- Greedy meshing
local VoxelSize = 1

local Cuboids = {}

local function IsEmpty(block)
	return block ~= 0

for X = VoxelSize, PartToDestroy.Size.X, VoxelSize do
	for Y = VoxelSize, PartToDestroy.Size.Y, VoxelSize do
		local StartX = X
		local StartY = Y
		local EndX = X
		local EndY = Y
		IsVisited[X][Y] = true
		while EndX < PartToDestroy.Size.X do
			local NewEndX = EndX + 1
			local IsUsable = not IsVisited[NewEndX][Y] and not IsEmpty(Map[NewEndX][Y])
			if not IsUsable then
			IsVisited[NewEndX][Y] = true
			EndX = NewEndX
		while EndY < PartToDestroy.Size.Y do
			local NewEndY = EndY + 1

			local IsRowUsable = true

			for dx = StartX, EndX do
				local IsUsable = not IsVisited[dx][NewEndY] and not IsEmpty(Map[dx][NewEndY])

				if not IsUsable then
					IsRowUsable = false

			if not IsRowUsable then

			for dx = StartX, EndX do
				IsVisited[dx][NewEndY] = true

			EndY = NewEndY
		table.insert(Cuboids, {StartX = StartX, StartY = StartY, EndX = EndX, EndY = EndY})

Also which for loop? Theres two. The X and the Y

Could you explain how you use endX, endY, startX and startY? I cant seem to understand and get it working.