Many people don’t seem to know that if you set a part’s material to force field and it’s transparency to -math.huge it becomes transparent while still casting shadows. Please note that this does not work with humanoids for some reason.
-- This is a local script since we only want it to run client sided
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService");
local Players = game:GetService("Players");
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer;
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera or workspace:WaitForChild("Camera");
local CharacterParts = {};
local Ignore = {["HumanoidRootPart"] = true}; -- Ignore these parts
local FAR =, 1e6, 1e6); -- Create a very far constant
for _, Part in ipairs(CharacterParts) do Part:Destroy(); end; -- Destroy all the parts inside the array
table.clear(CharacterParts); -- Clear the array
local function HandleCharacterChild(Child)
if (Child:IsA("BasePart") and not Ignore[Child.Name]) then
local Clone = Child:Clone();
Clone:ClearAllChildren(); -- We don't care about the children
Clone.Material = Enum.Material.ForceField; -- Set it's material to force field
Clone.Transparency = -math.huge; -- Set the transparency to -inf
Clone.CanCollide = false; -- So it doesn't fling us
Clone.Position = FAR; -- Initially place it very far
Clone.Parent = workspace; -- Set it's parent to the workspace
CharacterParts[#CharacterParts + 1] = Clone; -- Insert it to the table
table.foreachi(Character:GetChildren(), HandleCharacterChild); -- If there are existing parts inside the character
Character.ChildAdded:Connect(HandleCharacterChild); -- If any parts are added when for example the player is loading
local Character = Player.Character;
if (Character and Character:FindFirstChild("Head")) then -- Check if the character exists and the character's head exists since it can be destroyed and that can lead to errors
local CameraZoomDistance = (Character.Head.Position - Camera.CFrame.Position).Magnitude; -- Get the zoom distance
local IsInFirstPerson = CameraZoomDistance < 3; -- There might be a better way to check if the player is in first person
for _, Part:BasePart in ipairs(CharacterParts) do -- Loop through the table where we inserted all the duplicate parts
local CharacterPart = Character:FindFirstChild(Part.Name);
if (CharacterPart) then -- If it finds a part with the same name inside the character then continue
Part.CFrame = IsInFirstPerson and CharacterPart.CFrame or; -- Set its CFrame to that character's part with the same name or very far depending on if the player is in first person
This is extremely useful for those who like to make scary games for first person games. Can this also be utilized for VR Games for a more realistic look?
It really depends on how you’re going to utilize it. I don’t know much about VR Games do they use the default Roblox character? I thought they would use a viewmodel rig for the arms.
This is actually really cool, I might try this out sometime.
Note that you don’t need to put semicolons at the end of a line in Lua, it’s good practice for languages like Java, but your code will be much more readable without semicolons.
Damn, I remember some time ago I was developing a horror game in-roblox and ran into this issue. The cool thing is that I actually found a way around, which was exactly doing the -inf trick.
I don’t really understand why (maybe some release changed this or maybe it was just some mistake I had) the -inf trick only worked in-studio and not in-game, at least for me. Although, I’m glad to see that this trick finally works for everybody.
this does no longer work, or the instructions were not clearly given, i have tried to make this one work every way i could but i got no succesful results whatsoever, the forcefield technic still remains broken on mobile, while in some low end devices like tablets and vr headsets the forcefield part works just fine, well, at the expense of other rendering issues, like some things lacking “Low-Pass Filtering” such as voxel shadows and sunlight reflections, resulting in them looking pixelated