Part Two: Helpful Tips and Advice For Developers From Developers | Part Two
Total Read Time: 30 Minutes
Over the last couple of days I have been interviewing developers to try to get the best advice to share to people like you who are reading this article. I have interviewed 14 very talented developers and I asked them all the same questions but to my surprise there were no answers that were the same which I am sorta happy about. Everything in this article was written or gathered by me or people who contributed to the article(Interviewees). I will say the word “Interview” a lot but I didn’t do an interview what I did was message developers questions and they replied with answers so call that what you will. I tried to get the two of every type of developer so for example two builders, two scripters, and so on but it really depended on who I was able to find and who responded to my message. That is the reason I don’t have any translators or composers in this article. I also organized everything by introducing a developer then highlighting that best part of the interview and then putting their full interview. I also decided to include some of their work to showcase some of the very talented developers that I was honored to interview. I apologize in advance if anything is sloppy or if there are any grammatical errors. I reviewed the article twice before posting but I may have missed something because the article is almost 9,000 words long. When reading this article I recommend you look at every developer and read the about them section and also their interview highlights then if you are interested check out their full interview. Also I wasn’t sure if I should put this in Tutorials or Resources so please tell me if I put it in the wrong category. I am going to be doing two parts to this because there would be too many characters if I only have one part.
Crazedbrick1 is a crazy talented builder within the Roblox community. Crazed has been developing on the platform since 2020 but started taking it seriously in 2021 when he started taking commissions. In that time he has contributed to more than 18M+ game visits. Crazed is mostly known for his stunning map environmental design, low poly Blender modeling, and so much more.
Interview Highlights
- What advice would you give to people wanting to create a successful game?
In my perspective, success is more than the number of people playing and the amount of income the game generates. A successful game is also something previously unheard of and starts trends, not joins them. Avoid making games based on fads in the community. Instead, make unique games that start a new era of games on the platform. - Any advice you would share with developers in general?
My biggest advice for all developers is to simply love what you do, and the money will follow. Do not develop on this platform if you solely want money. You will not be successful with that mindset.
Full Interview
- How long have you been developing on the Roblox Platform?
I have been developing on the Roblox platform for about three years since 2020 but I started taking it seriously and doing commissions for two years since 2021. - What is your proudest accomplishment in development?
I do not have many things to mention, but my proudest accomplishment in development is when I started working for HyperLaser games, the team behind Clean Up Roblox. This was the first time I was hired by a game studio and worked with a team of developers. - Are you currently working on a project? If so, what is it?
Yes, I am currently working on a personal showcase of a medieval tavern. It has been a while since I built medieval things, and I am having a lot of fun with it. - If you have any advice for new developers, what is it?
If I had any advice for new developers, it would be to never get ahead of yourself. Dream big, but make sure you have a solid plan to back it up. I regret not doing this when I started. I aspired to create a front-page game and to make a living from this platform, but I had no clue how I would do that. - What advice would you give to developers who are not feeling motivated?
When I am feeling unmotivated, I always think back to why I started developing in the first place. This allows me to feel the burning passion I had when I started developing. - What advice would you give to people wanting to create a successful game?
In my perspective, success is more than the number of people playing and the amount of income the game generates. A successful game is also something previously unheard of and starts trends, not joins them. Avoid making games based on fads in the community. Instead, make unique games that start a new era of games on the platform. - Any advice you would share with developers in general?
My biggest advice for all developers is to simply love what you do, and the money will follow. Do not develop on this platform if you solely want money. You will not be successful with that mindset.
*Did you face any challenges? If so, what are they and how did you overcome them?
Yes, I did face some challenges throughout my time developing, but one major one was when I was unsatisfied with reaching my goal of 100,000 Robux. To overcome this, I changed my mind set about money completely. As I mentioned before, developers should love what they do and not work solely for the money. This new idea allowed me to disregard the amount of money I was making and focus on my enjoyment of developing instead.
TheNesNes32 is a very talented GFX designer. That I was honored to be able to interview. Nes has been creating artwork on Roblox for three years now and over that time has been able to create some very stunning work.
Interview Highlights
- If you have any advice for new developers what is it?
Having patience is key, and know that high-paying commissions may not come immediately if you’re looking for some. Additionally, watch out for scams. If it seems like it’s too good to be true, don’t accept whatever offer they have.
If you’re an artist, WATERMARK YOUR ART and remove it only AFTER it’s been paid for! Make sure your art doesn’t get stolen!
Full Interview
- How long have you been developing on the Roblox Platform?
It’s been 3 years, but I only started being active on Devforums two years ago. - If you have any advice for new developers what is it?
Having patience is key, and know that high-paying commissions may not come immediately if you’re looking for some. Additionally, watch out for scams. If it seems like it’s too good to be true, don’t accept whatever offer they have.
If you’re an artist, WATERMARK YOUR ART and remove it only AFTER it’s been paid for! Make sure your art doesn’t get stolen! - What advice would you give to developers who are not feeling motivated?
Knowing that taking a break for a while is okay! I’ve found that after a long/short break, I can come back to whatever I was doing with a fresh and new mindset. Try looking at things from a new perspective! - What advice would you give to people wanting to create a successful game?
Most successful games you see on the front page and earning a lot of money know how to market to their target audience. Invest in advertising and have eye-catching or unique graphics that would make a player stay in your game. - Any advice you would share with developers in general?
Some general advice would be to stay professional when collaborating with other developers, taking commissions, posting on forums, etc. It’ll help maintain your reputation and, in fact, increase it! Maintaining a good and mature attitude will improve relationships.
EchoWinds is an amazing Game designer on the Roblox Platform. He is currently working on a horror game called Zail Park which isn’t fully released yet but looks very interesting and I highly recommend you check it out when it gets released because it looks incredible.
Interview Highlights
EchoWinds did a great job giving very helpful advice so as always I highly recommend you read the full interview. Here is maybe one of the best answers in this article.
- If you have any advice for new developers what is it?
Practice practice practice. You won’t get good at a skill overnight, but don’t let that discourage you either. The skill I’m best with is building, and I’ve been at it since 2016. You’ll improve overtime, but patience and consistency is key.
Full Interview
- How long have you been developing on the Roblox Platform?
I’ve had experience with game development on Roblox ever since early 2016. During that time it was nothing too serious, it was mostly just me making café games and putting them for sale, as well as some practice projects I began at the time but again, nothing too serious and those were left unfinished. It isn’t until recently though (early 2021) that I can back to Roblox after a 3 year break and got back into it and have been taking it more serious than ever.
- What is your Proudest Accomplishment?
I’ve been working solo on a big horror game project ever since January 17, 2021 called “Zail Park”. The game isn’t even out yet and I’ve already somehow made connections with huge developers and influencers on the platform I had never in a million years thought I would meet or even befriend them. Who knows what else awaits me once the game is out…
- Are you currently working on a project? If so what is it?
Yes, as previously said, I’ve been working on a huge horror game project called “Zail Park” ever since January 17th of 2021. The game is about you taking the role of an investigator who’s out to explore an abandoned 1970’s amusement park which was very popular at the time. Numerous cases involving missing individuals were constantly recorded eventually leading to the official closing of the place. The park manager didn’t want to speak on the topic, leaving it up you to get to the bottom of all this madness.
- If you have any advice for new developers what is it?
Practice practice practice. You won’t get good at a skill overnight, but don’t let that discourage you either. The skill I’m best with is building, and I’ve been at it since 2016. You’ll improve overtime, but patience and consistency is key.
- What advice would you give to developers who are not feeling motivated?
Don’t rely on motivation too much, you won’t always feel motivated. Discipline is what you need, work on the days you don’t want to work as doing so will take you much further than what motivation would. I’ve been working on my upcoming horror game “Zail Park” for over 2 years now, soon to be 3. I don’t always feel like working, but I know that it’s my responsibility to get things done and get this game out soon. If you keep the momentum up having discipline and working on the game even when you don’t want to, motivation eventually comes back but as said before, don’t rely solely on motivation.
- What advice would you give to people wanting to create a successful game?
My game isn’t even out yet for me to give the best personal possible advice on this topic but I definitely am surrounded by successful developers on the platform and have seen what they do countless times to make their games blow up. Social media is your best friend when it comes to advertising as you don’t lose anything, more so talking about TikTok. Before doing any advertising though, make sure your game stands out as much as possible from other games in the same genre. Nobody wants to play clones of already big games when they can just play the original. If your game feels new and refreshing and the concept is fun, it has the potential to get far.
- Any advice you would share with developers in general?
Keep at it, and keep improving. Make sure to think big and set goals so high that people will call you crazy, and don’t stop until you reach them. The road will be bumpy, but the hard work will pay off eventually.
Esiduff is a very talented Roblox developer, Scripter, and GFX Artist. He is known for his his game The Great Pyramid Escape [Story - Obby] which has around 650,000 visits. Esiduff also owns a group called Bird Studios Community where he publishing most of his games.
Interview Highlights
- If you have any advice for new developers what is it?
My advice for new developers is to realise that development takes a lot of time. Start small, with projects that won’t take you years to complete, and keep your expectations reasonable. Development should be fun, and in the beginning money should not be the main objective. - Any advice you would share with developers in general?
As general advice, I would say that learning to code is the thing that allows you to do anything in a virtual world. With it being a main part of game development, learning any language will make your time developing a lot easier.
Full Interview
- How long have you been developing on the Roblox Platform?
I have been an active developer since late 2019/early 2020, with no prior programming experience. Roblox was the platform that introduced me to programming, modelling and game-development in general. - What is your Proudest Accomplishment?
My proudest achievement on Roblox is the release of the first two games in my “The Great … Escape” series. They have been featured several times in YouTube videos and reached over 800,000 views, bringing my games to around 700,000 visits - which is a huge achievement for me as a relatively small developer. - If you have any advice for new developers what is it?
My advice for new developers is to realise that development takes a lot of time. Start small, with projects that won’t take you years to complete, and keep your expectations reasonable. Development should be fun, and in the beginning money should not be the main objective. - What advice would you give to people wanting to create a successful game?
Developing a game and publishing it are two completely different things - you can develop a great game, but without a proper launch, no one will ever know of its existence. This is also a very difficult part of development in my opinion, but if your game is solid, you can succeed. It’s all about letting others know what a great game they are missing out on. Of course there are other things, like keeping players engaged and having a good core game loop, but the biggest hurdle, at least for me, was getting people’s attention. - Any advice you would share with developers in general?
As general advice, I would say that learning to code is the thing that allows you to do anything in a virtual world. With it being a main part of game development, learning any language will make your time developing a lot easier.
ScenicRose is a known artist within in the Roblox community. She has been creating artwork within the community for around two years. She is most known for your stunning drawing of Roblox Avatars.
Interview Highlights
- Any advice you would share with developers in general?
It takes time to make a name for yourself, so enjoy the journey. - If you have any advice for new developers what is it?
Don’t get caught up worrying about the numbers. It doesn’t matter as long as you’re enjoying what you do <3
Full Interview
- How long have you been developing on the Roblox Platform?
Well I joined the devforum in 2021 so I guess 2 years. - What is your Proudest Accomplishment?
Definitely the time when someone bought an artwork for around 10k robux. - Are you currently working on a project? If so what is it?
I guess I could count learning modeling. - If you have any advice for new developers what is it?
Don’t get caught up worrying about the numbers. It doesn’t matter as long as you’re enjoying what you do <3 - Any advice you would share with developers in general?
It takes time to make a name for yourself, so enjoy the journey.
Work Showcase
Autterpop has been a Game Designer on the Roblox platform since 2018. Autterpop has contributed to a lot of amazing Roblox games. One of his most notable being GG Guns [VC] which has over 593.6K+ game visits. He has also worked on many other games with Rocket Arena [VC] being his most recent.
Interview Highlights
Autterpop had some very great advice and here are some of the best advice I would like to highlight. Also make sure to read the full interview if you are interested in getting very useful information.
- When asked “If you have any advice for new developers what would it be?”, Autterpop responded with “My advice for new coming developers is to first off start small and simple and play around in the studio and prototype stuff before you try to make a game. Not only will you learn your interests, but you will know more about what you think about your upcoming game. Build around your skills for your first game if you don’t like scripting but still have to do it either create a different game or use some free models but not too many. Get people to play your game so you can get feedback or you can also ask people on the forum and you will learn more from this to make a good game.”
Full Interview
- How long have you been developing on the Roblox Platform?
I’ve been developing on ROBLOX since 2018 but on other websites and programs since 2017. - What is your Proudest Accomplishment? Are you currently working on a project? If so what is it?
My biggest accomplishment so far has been to work with the other awesome developers on ROBLOX and be a part of this amazing community! I’m always working on a few small projects, but as of lately I’ve been experimenting with building and scripting many solo projects and digital design commissions. - If you have any advice for new developers what is it?
My advice for new coming developers is to first off start small and simple and play around in the studio and prototype stuff before you try to make a game. Not only will you learn your interests, but you will know more about what you think about your upcoming game. Build around your skills for your first game if you don’t like scripting but still have to do it either create a different game or use some free models but not too many. Get people to play your game so you can get feedback or you can also ask people on the forum and you will learn more from this to make a good game. - What advice would you give to developers who are not feeling motivated?
Only make things you’re 100% certain you will follow through with
Nobody likes to admit they can’t do something. But doing that will help you realize that you have so much to learn. Don’t think you can just learn something right on the spot without practice, it just doesn’t work that way especially with developing your game even if released will lack the professional level of scripting and the things you didn’t know how to make will be flaws preventing you from continuing on with updating.
And Don’t add too many goals to your idea
It’s hard to do this, because it’s your game. So let’s make this simple. When I say don’t add too many goals what you should know I mean by that is make goals, but don’t overcomplicate things for yourself. Ever watched an anime? Closely examine the way that the story teller tells the story for the show. It doesn’t start out with the main character all of the sudden getting op right from the get go. What I mean by this is you need room for updates, so don’t add things that you could add later on. - What advice would you give to people wanting to create a successful game?
I don’t have much to say on this subject, seeing as I’ve never developed with a team or project with more than 1M+ visits. The biggest game I’ve worked on currently has 500k visits and an average 2-5 active players. We did very little advertising to this game, mainly being through discord and through friends. I’d just say try to be original and do something you’ve never seen before AND am interested in. Never work on a game you’re not interested in or else the product will not be nearly as good as it could be because of your lack of motivation.
Work Showcase
I don’t have any pictures but you can check out GG Guns [VC] which Autterpop worked on and also Rocket Arena [VC] which Autterpop created. Sorry again about not having any pictures.
Jevangelise is a very talented Game designer on the Roblox platform. He is most known for his stunning map designs. Another thing Jevangelise is known for is doing marketing analytics for games in the Roblox community.
Interview Highlights
I highly recommend you read the full interview because it has a lot of interesting stuff that you might want to learn. Here are some of the best parts of my interview with Jevangelise.
- If you have any advice for new developers what would it be?
Don’t be scared to fail. Plan big, do big, learn big. Dedicate whatever you have to it; if you give more to Roblox, Roblox will provide more to you; if you give nothing, you get nothing. You sow what you reap, even if the harvest takes a while to come. - What advice would you give to people wanting to create a successful game?
Plan very carefully. Do not start with just a few floating ideas; write them down clearly in an organised manner. Ask for help from other developers, but be careful who you choose. And be prepared to gather funds at the end of the development phase, either by contributing yourself or demanding investments; it is crucial to make your game popular through paid advertising.
Full Interview
- How long have you been developing on the Roblox Platform?
I joined Roblox on September 2017. I started thinking about developing at the end of 2021 and officially began in February 2022. It has therefore been a year and a half. Although I did not join Roblox development as early as many other developers, I was blessed to have many resources and networking established rather quickly, with a lot of help from DevForum, directly and indirectly, for example, people offering me jobs through it. - What is your Proudest Accomplishment?
It was really about marketing. My significant recognition from other actually successful and experienced developers was on the subject of marketing. People invited me to analyse their data and give out solutions. I was first hired because I looked “professional” because I read a few posts on DevForum and made a few comments after merging some information. Lucky me. Long story short. I’ve managed to analyse and design marketing campaigns for many groups with dozens, if not hundreds, of members. Here’s what it’ll look like.
They may not be hard to understand, but some experience is still needed. It is one of the most critical parts of having a successful game.
Anyways. I don’t have much success on Roblox, not yet, or not ever. But I am happy with my experience, and I am still using them passionately to develop another new project.
- Are you currently working on a project? If so what is it?
I thought about why I gave up on many previous projects. It’s simple. It’s irrelevant to my passions. This is why; now, I am developing a digital institute of theology. I love to read and write about theology, and it’s why I believe it can be a pillar to hold this project. It is a core factor of my identity.
It’s still only in the early development stages. But I genuinely think it’ll be able to go from an idea to a fully functional community game with concurrent members. - If you have any advice for new developers what would it be?
Don’t be scared to fail. Plan big, do big, learn big. Dedicate whatever you have to it; if you give more to Roblox, Roblox will provide more to you; if you give nothing, you get nothing. You sow what you reap, even if the harvest takes a while to come. - What advice would you give to developers who are not feeling motivated?
Link Roblox development with something else that you love in real life. If you love gardening, make a gardening game with accurate biology on Roblox. If you love football, make a football game with precise physics on Roblox. Don’t try to make some cash-grab games; you’ll lose motivation in a few weeks. Hang on to what you’ve loved for years and take it into Roblox. - What advice would you give to people wanting to create a successful game?
Plan very carefully. Do not start with just a few floating ideas; write them down clearly in an organised manner. Ask for help from other developers, but be careful who you choose. And be prepared to gather funds at the end of the development phase, either by contributing yourself or demanding investments; it is crucial to make your game popular through paid advertising. - Any advice you would share with developers in general?
Everything you do here should have a purpose. To build, to train, to prosper, your choice. Understand why you’re doing it, what you want to achieve and what you’ll need to give to obtain it, and repeat again and again until you succeed. Make the goal clear. Don’t say, “I want a lot of Robux.” That’s ignorance. Say, “I want people to experience the most realistic horse riding experience on Roblox.” Aim for something that can be done, not dreamed of.
JoelOVIP1 is a very talented artist/graphic designer who got serious about Roblox development in 2018. Since then Joel has been known for doing graphic design/art commissions within the Roblox community.
Interview Highlights
There were a lot of interesting things in the interview with Joel I again can’t show everything So here are the best highlights from the interview that I had with Joel.
- When asked “If you have any advice for new developers what is it?”, Joel responded with the following “Be patient, it’s important to not get discouraged from rejection when you ask to work on others’ games.”
- When asked, “What advice would you give to developers who are not feeling motivated?” Joel responded with the following: “I personally look through the #feed-back section on the Devforum; it helps with inspiration.”
Full Interview
Question: What is your Proudest Accomplishment?
Answer: Probably whenever I make a significant improvement in my designs/skillset; even if the end result isn’t perfect, it still feels great.
Question: Are you currently working on a project? If so what is it?
Answer: I am currently working on a somewhat big project; it’s a combative/MMO game. Unfortunately, I can’t say the name right now.
Question: If you have any advice for new developers what is it?
Answer: Be patient, it’s important to not get discouraged from rejection when you ask to work on others’ games.
Question: What advice would you give to developers who are not feeling motivated?
Answer: I personally look through the #feed-back section on the devforum; it helps with inspiration.
Question: What advice would you give to people wanting to create a successful game?
Answer: Make sure that if you go into a partnership, you both respect each other and have a mutual desire to create.
Question: Any advice you would share with developers in general?
Answer: Make sure you know what you want to create; you can create for the sake of profit or you could create for the sake of progress and to see how far the limits of Roblox can be pushed.
Work Showcase
, but I am proud of all that I’ve learned by working on things behind the scenes and the people I’ve worked with. - Are you currently working on a project? If so what is it?
One of my bad habits is coming up with a bunch of projects and hopping between them constantly. However, I do have two specific projects that are much further along than the rest. One is a card game and another is a building survival game. I won’t be able to give any further detail for either at this time, but I’m hoping they’ll both have a big impact. - If you have any advice for new developers what is it?
Focus and finish one project at a time. Start with very small projects and work yourself up to larger projects over time. Break big tasks into smaller tasks, and then break them down again. Most importantly, don’t compare yourself to others. You can do anything that anyone else can do, and that is for certain.
I’ve also written this article about the process of starting a new project: - What advice would you give to developers who are not feeling motivated?
This is one I struggle with every single day. Everyone is different, so you’ll have to find what works best for you. My mind likes to always be busy and occupied, even with just noise, so I always listen to more fast paced music as my mind likes to match that pace. My biggest issue is actually just getting started. It’s like a solid brick wall that my mind has set up. But as soon as I cross that wall, it becomes easy to work and I have to ask myself why I resisted so much getting started. I think that’s really the main thing, asking questions about yourself and finding answers.
I would also recommend taking breaks and giving yourself mandatory free time. Set reasonable goals and break them down into simple tasks so that your mind doesn’t get overwhelmed and into procrastination mode. There’s a chance that you’ve burnt yourself out of a project. Just step away from it, work on some other things, then come back with a fresh mind. Maybe you picked a project a bit too big for you at the moment, maybe you just needed a short break, or maybe your project just isn’t as fun as you thought it’d be. But make sure to not use this an excuse to jump projects over and over, else you fall into a terrible habit of doing that. - What advice would you give to people wanting to create a successful game?
Learn game design. This is something I see most developers completely ignoring. Game design is actually the most important skill to have in game development, no questions asked. If your game isn’t fun, it doesn’t matter how good the game looks, nobody will play. Now I realize Roblox’s standards aren’t all that high currently, but that makes it all the easier to stand above the rest. Learn everything you can about game design, about player psychology, and use that knowledge to craft the best gameplay experience you can for your particular game.
There’s no possible way I could give enough information in this small amount of text, which is why I encourage everyone to do their own research, as you should be doing anyway. There are many YouTube channels, for example, that cover many different aspects of game development. I would recommend ones like Extra Credits (and their Extra Credits History, as that channel was originally about game development about a decade ago and still has some of their best videos), Design Doc, GMTK (Game Maker’s Toolkit), Whitelight, and many others I can’t remember off the top of my head.
Of course, there’s also the more hard lined things such as properly marketing your game. Don’t try to make your game for everyone. People want a high quality experience for them, not a mediocre experience for everyone. Don’t follow trends too closely as trends tend to move quickly and you’ll be out-of-date by the time you release. It’s better to be the one setting a trend, rather than lacking behind one. I could probably write an entire essay about this subject, so I’ll leave it there for now. - Any advice you would share with developers in general?
Since I covered most of what I wanted to, “just have fun”. The last thing anyone wants is for development to feel like a job, else you may lose your creative drive.
Actually, I do have one bit of final advice. Design a game that you would want to play. Remember that time is a limited resource and every single other thing is competing for that attention. Make your game the thing that people, more specifically you, would rather spend your time playing than spending your time on anything else.
Work Showcase
MightyDantheman has worked on a lot of things but here are some of the most notable things that I found that I am going to showcase
Area Sound Kit
GilCaked is another very talented builder on the Roblox platform. He has been developing on the platform since 2018 but didn’t get serious about development until 2020 so around 3 years of “development”. One of GilCaked most notable accomplishments is finishing his prison-themed game “Imprisoned.” He is also putting a lot of time into his game imprisoned. Another thing to mention is that GilCaked also has a game called “Cakeville”, which he has been occasionally updating. Now time to get on to some inspirational and useful stuff.
Interview Highlights
When interviewing with GilCaked there was a part that really stood out to me which was when I asked “If you have any advice for new developers what is it?”, he answered with these key points:
- Your first game likely won’t be perfect, but keep creating and learning.
- Learning to develop games may be confusing at first, but will become easier as you keep at it.
- The Roblox DevForum and official documentation are helpful resources for learning. Find what works best for you, whether it’s watching YouTube videos or reading.
I highly recommend you also look at the full interview because there is so much more stuff listed in there. Unfortunately, I can’t show the full interview or you will be overwhelmed by how many words there are.
Full Interview
Question: If you have any advice for new developers what would it be?
Answer: Your first game won’t be that good. Nor will your second. If it’s your first ever experience developing, things will seem confusing. However, if you keep at it, your games/projects will gradually get better.
The Roblox DevForum, as well as the official Roblox documentation, have been a huge help for me in learning how to do things. But everyone learns differently, find what works for you. For some people YouTube videos might help, for others, reading is more efficient.
And also, be careful with the Roblox Toolbox. The Toolbox is a great way to find free assets to use in your game, but some people sneak malicious code into their scripts that may ruin your game, without you even realizing it!
Question: What advice would you give to developers who are not feeling motivated?
Think of the end result. Try not to overwork yourself. Find what’s worth your time and what’s not. I’ve gotten demotivated many times and took a year’s break. But I always came back with new ideas that I’m eager to create. Sometimes taking a break is all that’s needed!
Question: What advice would you give to people wanting to create a successful game?
Answer: Depends on what’s interpreted as successful. Although I’ve never had a hit game, they’ve always had a small community of a few players around them. Try and tell people about your game. Put it on DevForum. Make sure that the game is fun and enjoyable!
Question: Any advice you would share with developers in general?
Answer: Make a game that you want to play! If you don’t want to play your own game, chances are others won’t either. Make the game for yourself and a few friends. Then try and get more players.
Work Showcase
You can play GilCaked’s newest game Imprisoned now! Imprisoned - Roblox
Article Highlights (Part 1 & 2)
There was a lot of useful information in this article and I want to go over everything useful that I didn’t put in the Interview highlights that was discussed in the full interviews. So I have decided to put the best parts of the article in a separate section.
- “If you need help finding motivation to reach your dreams, then you need to figure out what’s really a priority in your life. I feel like demotivation shouldn’t be a factor if you truly believe that this is your goal.” - SharpSerious
- “Make sure you know what you want to create; you can create for the sake of profit or you could create for the sake of progress and to see how far the limits of Roblox can be pushed.” - joelOVIP1
- “Make a game that you want to play! If you don’t want to play your own game, chances are others won’t either. Make the game for yourself and a few friends. Then try and get more players.” - GilCaked
- “When I am feeling unmotivated, I always think back to why I started developing in the first place. This allows me to feel the burning passion I had when I started developing.” - Crazed
- “Keep at it, and keep improving. Make sure to think big and set goals so high that people will call you crazy, and don’t stop until you reach them. Road will be bumpy, but the hard work will pay off eventually.” -EchoWinds
- “Don’t be scared to fail. Plan big, do big, learn big. Dedicate whatever you have to it; if you give more to Roblox, Roblox will provide more to you; if you give nothing, you get nothing. You sow what you reap, even if the harvest takes a while to come.” - Jevangelise
Editors Notes
If you found this article helpful please consider giving it a and also sharing it because I may do more publications like this in the future
. I would like to thank everyone who participated in the production and everyone who agreed to be interviewed because this article would not be possible without them. I would also like to list some helpful development resources. This article was hard to write but I really enjoyed writing it and hopefully it was useful.
Development Resources