Introducing 8 New Base Materials [Studio Beta]

This is a good update, It just feels weird, I never expected roblox to add new materials after not touching them for so long.

imma check these out.


Nice name XDDD

Cool update, glad these are finally out after like a year or whatever

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I really like this update. It gives us more to work with when we’re applying base materials ( not custom ones ), and i like the look of these new materials, in general.

quick build i made w/clay roof tiles


It has been years since we have had new material variants.

Also, having more of these material variants will greatly enhance objects visually and give us a wider approach to making dynamic footstep sounds using Humanoid.FloorMaterial and raycasts.

Also, raycasts produce a more realistic effect, while ‘Humanoid.FloorMaterial’ is a simpler and more efficient solution.

With the newly released ‘SurfaceAppearance.Color’, I am hoping to see more elements like this in the future to give us a more dynamic and realistic approach to making games.

And also, in the future, I hope to see more materials and more options for Surface Appearance customization.

I love this update! :+1:


I wondered what these looked like when I saw the enums.

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Hey! I have a good suggestion, why dont you add shiny material?

Just like the post here: New Material For Shiny Objects

If your team adds this material, that would be the best your team!


Very nice Roblox, thanks for sharing.

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I love this. I’m currently working on 2 projects with realistic stuff and this will help. Please add more I love this.

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green… yellow… anyways i actually like this update! good job roblox


This is great feedback, thank you! + @CaptBeatty for sharing on Clay Shingles and Roof Shingles as well. Our team is working on updating those. :pray:


New roof and tile materials? Now I can make my own house :slight_smile: Thanks, Roblox!


LET’S FREAKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I’ve been waiting for Cardboard, Carpet, and especially Leather for so long, tysm!!


Thank you! This is amazing. A shame it’s only 8, but adding more stuff is great.


Waiting for Roblox to add better graphics in general.

(cool textures btw)

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Good next I want a you add is wood like a natural wood then add realistic water add the Shadow from the water like can you do it pls just add even more realistic water that don’t lag if you want the water to be better then add the Shadows from water and add leaves? And moving flowers like the grass like add flowers and some plants that will be the best for realistic and time saving and add one material that is 3D and is rocks like that will be cool okay bye.


I can respect the limitations with PBR Materials not posessing some of the same qualities as the base materials (Primarily the extra “hue” layer which doesn’t change in relation to partcolor) so long as we’re receiving extra base materials that cover textures that were previously left up to us for interpretation.

Keep these kinds of improvements to studio going, please!!


Already commented about loving the addition of new materials by default, but I have found a couple materials I’d like modified, how have the ability to do so.
The Ceramic Tiles below do not scale the texture in a way that it’s connected around the edges, had this been any other non-brick or uniform material, the randomness would be appreciated, but being a “man made” material, having the texture be repeatable around the edges would be nice, or the ability to change the scale of the texture to accommodate this would be a nice touch, not just for this material.

Also mentioned above, the persistent yellow tint of the Roof Shingles doesn’t fit the overall texture, adding the ability to tint the base material colormap would be appreciated as well.


Is it required to use the 2022 materials option to get these or are they available alongside the older material set?

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I like the new materials, but the cardboard is rather unappealing. It may just be me not liking grunge but as seen in the image, it makes packaging that should be shiny and new look like its been sitting in storage for a number of years, which is fine if your trying to do a lived-in environment, but I wish you guys would add a clean cardboard material as well. Other than that the other materials feel and look great.

Also while we are at it, id like to have a base wood that is finer grain.

And for those who are gonna say “Well just import your own material.” I do often, but I make free models as shown here in that pic, and sometimes Id like to use packaging and stuff without the need of custom materials, surface appearances, etc…


Sometimes the simple updates are the best updates. Looking forward to this :V

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