Learning to Design 2d Clothing | ScenicRose


New Advanced Tutorial!
Also, sorry for being inactive!

This will be a set of tutorials from basic to advanced designing for anyone who wants to learn more about designing clothing!

Hope this helps!

Feel free to request tutorials!


  • These are all how I personally design clothing. You are free to change it up!
  • I will be updating this hopefully a few times a week to insert more tutorials.

What I’ll be teaching:

  • Designing basic clothes
  • Basic shading
  • Advanced shading
  • Adding wrinkles
  • Using filters
  • Adding textures
  • Creating accessories
  • Requested tutorials

Essentials Needed Before You Start

Custom Template

I’m pretty sure most of us have heard about the clothing theft in the community at least once. In order to make it harder for people to steal your designs, you should have a custom template.

Using the regular template Roblox gives you will make it a lot easier for people to steal. There’s nothing on there stating it’s yours and you made it.

The following are the steps you should take to make your own template.

  • Find an image you like, such as a picture of flowers or a cute background.
  • Download the following image OR search in google “roblox template outline” and find one that’s transparent.
  • Now, insert the outline I gave you into the program you use (REMEMBER TO MAKE THE SIZE OF THE CANVAS 585x559)
  • If the program you use has a “Magic Wand” tool, tap/click the area outside the outline
  • Then, import the image you chose in the first step. Fit it to your liking.
  • Add any words or special effects. Its all yours!

When you’ve done that, you should end up with something similar to this:

(This is my template)

Now, you have your own template to use!

Advanced Template

This will come into play in the advanced tutorials.

Just save the following image! You can customize it like in the “Custom Template” folder above!


Another way to stop clothing theft is to add a watermark to your design.

This one is fairly simple. You can either draw it out or use the text tool if the program you use has it.

Your watermark should consist of your roblox username since you are uploading it to roblox. The watermark should go on the design like this:

You could also put it in the armpits of the design, but I don’t recommend it as it’s easy to see on the women body.

A GOOD Program for YOU

You want to play around with different apps and websites until you find one that works the best for you.

Some things you want to look for in a good program are:

  • It’s easy to understand
  • You can easily design with it
  • It’s not laggy on your device
  • You can add layers (for free)
  • You can add filters such as the “noise” filter and “gaussian blur.”
  • It has different brushes

I personally use IbisPaintx because its the easiest program for me!

Some Tips:

Listen to music while designing

This definitely helps keep me motivated! Listening to your favorite songs can stop you from getting bored easily.

Take breaks and don't rush

I used to have a problem with this. I would spend hours upon hours designing and get pretty burned out. I also used to rush my designs because I wanted to get a lot done. You really should take breaks. Working non-stop isn’t good and will cause you to become tired and will most likely not want to design anymore. Rushing yourself can cause your designs to be low quality. Like lots of people say: Quality is better than quantity.

Shade, highlight, and add some texture

Shading your designs gives it some ~f l a r e~ It makes it POP! Highlights and textures give it a more realistic look!



Lesson 1: Basic Designing
Lesson 2: Adding “Noise”
Lesson 3: Basic Shading and Highlights
Lesson 4: Making Shoes
Lesson 5: Adding Wrinkles


Lesson 1: Hand-drawn Jeans
Lesson 2: Advanced Shading and Highlights


Commissions: Pricing

(This is ONLY for commissions, not the regular selling on roblox)

This part is for anyone who wants to start doing commissions or anyone who wants to buy from someone!

After looking through and analyzing other designers’ portfolios or posts, I’ve come to a conclusion of what the averages for beginner and professional prices. Of course, just because your price isn’t in the professional range, that doesn’t make you any less experienced as others!

(This may not be completely accurate, but this is what I’ve seen so far)

Also, when commissioning people, the prices really do matter. If you’re looking for something high quality, you probably won’t get it if you’re charging in the beginner range!

It’s everyone’s personal preference, of course, but you don’t want to charge too much or too less for your designs!
Here’s a few things to keep in mind when pricing your clothing!

The more hours, effort, and quality, the higher the price should be!

Hope this helps!

Advanced Template VS Normal Template

If you were anything like me, and had NO IDEA on how to use the advanced template, here’s a guide to it!

Now, if you’re looking to do more intricate and detailed designs, it would be better for you to use the advanced template as it’s easier to line things up correctly.

Note: You can NOT upload the advanced template. You must transfer it to the normal template. A tutorial will be made on that later.

However, if you’re still doing simple designs, you can continue to use the normal template, but you should eventually move to the advanced template.

In my opinion, the advanced template is better, even if it may confused you at first. The more you use it, the easier it’ll get! Don’t give up if it doesn’t look right the first time, we all start the same way!

Commissions: How to NOT Get Scammed

This is simple enough.

Have them pay first.

That’s how life works, isn’t it? You pay before you receive.

Now if someone is asking you to give them the template or upload first, that’s a red flag.

You could also make them pay a ‘down payment’ before you start the commission to ensure that they don’t just cancel midway and you’re left with nothing.

A down payment, in the simplest terms, is a payment made before the job starts, kind of as a way to make sure they’re serious about the commission.

Anyway, stay safe out there guys!

Groups: Growing Tips and Tricks

You must’ve come here to learn more about growing your group!

Group growing can definitely be very difficult, which is why I recommend NOT starting one when you’ve just begun designing!

Anyways, here’s a few tips and tricks on growing your groups!

Run Advertisements that Showcase Your Clothing

I’ve seen a fair share of ads that don’t show the clothing, only a background and words saying something about their group. This won’t be very effective. People are usually attracted to the ads that show clothes they like. With bland ads, they won’t pay much attention to them, even if you bid a lot of robux.

Here’s an ad of mine (one of my most clicked ones!)


(Keep in mind I don’t spend a ton of money on ads)

How much you spend on your ad is completely your own preference! There’s no specific amount as you won’t really know how many clicks you’ll get.

Timing matters, however, and you should usually run ads on weekends or when people are on school breaks!

Questions Of The Day

This one isn’t for growing but just to help you have more active members!

Come to think of it, having active members can help you grow your group! Personally, I find it more appealing to join groups that are active!


Keep your prices low. That makes your group more appealing! No one wants to buy overpriced and expensive clothing, right?

I think that’s it? I might add more later!

More coming soon!


This looks really useful!
Bookmarked, thanks.


This will help a lot of people who are starting to make their own clothes, it looks amazing!


2 tutorials in 1 day :open_mouth:


NEW ‘Extra’ section! Enjoyyy!


Opinions and feedback is greatly appreciated!


Hi! Your tutorial is amazing. I followed it and made my first clothing ever

The only problem I am having though is that it looks to plain and want to shade it. But I didn’t understand the layer method and how to do shade it.

What else do you think I could do to improve this? Thanks!


Its amazing! Great job! Sorry if the shading tutorial wasn’t very clear! What program do you use? I can help!

Honestly, just shading, wrinkles and highlights would be great!


I tried paint.net and Gimp, but couldn’t work out any of them


Ohh have you tried pixlr? I know more about that one.


I actually haven’t. Any information would be REALLY helpful


Ok! You can use pixlr and I can help you with anything you’re confused on!


Ok! Will ask if I need help with it. Thank you so much for your help!!


No problem! I’m always happy to help!


So sorry for not updating! I’ll try to as soon as possible. Sorry guysss!!

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Ive been busy. Sorry everyone. New tutorial out Monday or tuesday which will be the first ADVANCED tutorial :open_mouth:

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The topic was getting too big so im changing it :slight_smile:

Edit: Finished it up. I thought making individual topics would help make it smaller and easier to manage


Working on a new tutorial! Please give feedback so I can improve this!

Also, I started working with a new program, and will hopefully use it for a tutorial soon! Hoping it’ll help people who use it!


Thank you so much for the tutorials, it helped me a lot!!!

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Ahh no problem! I’m glad they help!