Multi-purpose Node Editor

hello everyone!

i have been working on a node editor for a while now and i don’t really know whether to continue this or not. i’d love to hear your thoughts on whether i should continue it or switch to something else. this project will be open sourced when released so i really want to know if you think it’ll be useful to the community.


its been done already im pretty sure theres a plugins that do the same thing but i personally dont see potential with this because roblox uses lua and its very easy to learn and people can easily learn it from watching tutorials

It’s been done before but you should definitely complete this as this would be a great project to be set on your portfolio!

It has been done before but honestly so what, we perfect things through trial and error.

I think you should, I personally hate the scratch looking Ui for all those other node editors.

its been like that for years writing your own code is way better and more flexible

its not anything new this has been a thing for years

scratch is ment for kids and was designed to get kids to understand fundamentals of coding it wasnt made so people could make big games and make money even if roblox itself added coding blueprints i doubt it would make any difference considering how easy lua is to understand and learn

“Easy” is objective, it’s not easy for everyone and in the past I’ve seen people struggle to learn it. I have a friend that took 2 years to learn it, so it fulfills my point of “Easy” being objective to everyone.

luau is easiest coding language ever compared to any other coding language you can easily learn how it works by either reading documentation or watching tutorials

just to be able to make stuff on roblox you can just learn

  • tables
  • variables
  • functions
  • modules
  • remotes

you can learn all that under 20-30 minutes or even less probably roblox chose lua on purpose because they knew it was easy to learn

well, i personally wouldn’t use such plugins to make a FULL game.

these type of plugins could be useful for proto-typing, or making complex systems ( you will need to write code on your own too).

lua will start getting harder when you get to know module scripts.

I don’t know if these scripts convert into actual scripts but maybe you could do that? After you finish making the visual node you click a convert into code button. Making it learnable in code too.

all you have to learn is how to require modules and call functions its not hard at all

i thought of actually implementing a feature that converts the nodes to luau but that definitely wouldn’t be now.

perhaps after a few updates

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Sure, I don’t think it’s hard because I know lua and have been doing this for YEARS. For someone just starting out and you teach them the basics? Introducing a module script would scare them silly.

theres already plugins that do same thing

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Yup, you said that before. Yet, maybe his could offer things that they don’t. Why do you create games? There’s already millions of games.

with games you have freedom of choice and can make anything with visual coding blueprints you cant get any unique they will always be similar to each other creating a game and a plugin isnt same thing

I don’t see what your getting at, he has freedom of creating this plugin and adding original features.

theres like 6 different plugins that do the same thing its impossible to make it more “unique” than others because they all do the same thing the only difference is UI the purpose of all those plugins are same

So? All those 6 different plugins are used, so why can’t his be used? Truly think here.