Multiple Terrain Instances

Right now in Roblox you can’t have multiple terrain instances. There is just a default one in workspace that can’t be removed. It would make the Roblox Engine better if you can have multiple terrain instances.

One use for multiple terrain instances would be for better shorelines. Terrain will often morph weirdly when water touches it as well as other types of terrain. Shorelines look pretty when there is just sand and then turn ugly when you add the water. Idk if this is fixable some other way, but if I could put water into a different terrain instance, I believe this would solve my issue b/c the water would just go through the sand and not morph it.

Another use of this would allow more options with terrain color b/c changing color of let’s say grass would not change the color of grass from other terrain instances. So you can have as many colors of grass and other terrains colors as you want.

This idea would satisfy this issue as well:


Currently smooth terrain is difficult to finely position and scale and cannot be rotated. Making the Terrain class a creatable object would fix this issue. Each terrain object would act as an individual, separate piece terrain and the terrain’s voxel grid origin is Terrain.CFrame

This would allow for things like physically simulated smooth terrain boulders, the ability to use smooth terrain water in more places, using smooth terrain for planets (when you’re on the southern hemisphere the surface is dirt not grass)


An additional benefit of this is that terrain support can be extended to ViewportFrames in this way. I think this is a good solution to multiple limitations in the engine.

@gillern made a good point, allowing for multiple terrain instances could allow people to make terrain based models, for example, boulders.

I think that the biggest question I have about something like this is the performance impact rendering more than a few terrain groups would have. I would think that terrain could remain performant fairly easily as long as individual terrain instances are not too large as the voxel map could be scaled down, but, I could be completely wrong.


Improved Water with the Shorelines Beta - Updates / Announcements - DevForum | Roblox

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