PlayerList Updates

What game is this in? I will take a look.


In Zombi rush. Now I just found a way to fix it but if you want I can join you super quick. Link: Zombie Rush - Roblox @TheGamer101
Also if you need to contact me on discord just send a friend request. I’m smith96q#7772

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I like to think this screenshot sums up my issues with the new playerlist.

Look how cluttered the screen is with how wide the leaderboard is. You can’t see your stats and it’s just bulky. I’m absolutely all for updating the layout, but I also think the game shouldn’t be obstructed, nor should the leaderboard be distracting and cover up so much.


I prefer the old one. This one looks like bad for my opinion.


Not a fan of this. I’m playing Project Lazarus right now where the player is locked in first person and I can’t even see my 6 player server’s stats. I cant scroll them either so I just have no way of knowing what they are. This was not the case with the older playerlist, on top of this playerlist looking bulkier. My screen is 1080p btw, surely I should be able to see the whole playerlist given its so small.



The new one is still oversized. There is way too much space between players. Please revert this update to the previous player list.

For reference, check out this image what I mean with too much space between players:


The new one is as bad as the last version you guys made, honestly the idea to change it from how it was is really dumb in my opinion…


After this change went live. I have found my leaderstats which were Models aren’t working reliably at all. The player list only sometimes puts the stats on the leaderboard. Changing the leaderstats Model to a Folder makes them reliably show up.

Is this intentional?


I’ve read some of the other replies and it seems like they all pretty much agree, it’s wayyy too bulky. Please change it back I like the older UI better, or at least add a feature to toggle between the older UI and new.


This is not intentional and we will ship a fix for this as soon as possible.


I did not expect for playerlist to be that big. Imo it doesn’t fit at all, and it’s attracting your sight too much in competitive games. Even if you hide it, you can’t see your stats, which is a step jump backwards.
Please, do one of the following:
A. Revert back to the old playerlist
B. Size down the playerlist and update the rest of CoreGUI
C. Size down the playerlist and make something so it doesn’t catch your eye that much
D. Add a toggle to switch old and new playerlist.
Basically, this is the issue:


The player cards are sized following certain guidelines so they can be tap-able buttons, in the expectation of bringing this to mobile.


The width of the list is the same as the old version.


Completely understand designing UI for mobile. However, UI designed for a ten foot display (aka console) doesn’t scale well on a PC. Is it possible to shrink the size of the player cards on desktop, where there is more real estate and precision?


Hey, the issue with the playlist on my end is the fact that I can’t see my player status in games like jailbreak anymore. Example from post 168.
There are no “Kos” or “WOS” Up here anymore, pressing “TAB” does nothing.

Edit - There has been no change yet as of 1/25


Please just make the space for each username smaller. There is too much space between each username, which is annoying in 200 player games (and also in 100 player games) when you are searching for a specific user.

Also check out my previous post on this topic.


The only thing is that the Player List should be the same transparency like the others. When you hover your mouse to a username, it’s the same transparency as the rest.



The width may be the same but what about the over-powering transparency, the massive space between each username and the obstructed scrollbar which was clearly mentioned countless times before but wasn’t taken into consideration.

It’s important you inform developers for crucial feedback before launching, so necessary changes can be made. At the end of the day they drive the platform and know game experience probably more than anyone on the “Game Experience Team”.

The more transparent you are, the better and smoother the updates you implement will perform.


I feel like it goes without saying but with how intrusive and sudden this update is, there is a lack of communication here, especially since the update was pushed without some sort of beta phase.

As @ValueKing stated, feedback for updates like these is important, especially since it’s a major update to the CoreGui UI. Many games use the default player list and some interfaces are designed around working with the default player list and such, especially with how jarring the scale is compared to the old one. It makes it a real hard sell to any developer.

Personally at this rate, I would rather just go through the trouble of making my own player list or forking the old one, this one is just way less practical then the old one and extremely unnecessary.

Enjoying seeing Roblox expanding on neglected features on the site, future is looking good.

*But where be the Rename group feature :eyes: *