RDC24: What We Announced

Literally, hopefully we at least get an acknowledgment of this soon.


This is probably will be a custom matchmaking with ticket system,you put in your script ticket information and then Roblox matchmaking will make them match together and probably will return PrivateServer or will handle it by itself

This will probably be the same matchmaking as unity made (UI looks exactly the same)

LET THEM COOK. :speaking_head: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

I’m excited to see a lot of these changes and additions, especially parties. Although I really hope you guys consider improving the chat filter and moderation this next year as it seems to be my biggest issue with roblox. Cosidering the fact that people always find ways the bypass stuff in text chat, it is in your best interest to just focus more on moderation instead of filtering out completely family friendly words that can be misused as bypasses for bad words. I understand the reason why we can’t say “pennies”, but it’s just ridiculous how lazy that is for moderation, how pointless it is as it doesn’t stop people from bypassing, and how unfair it is for people who use these words for their intended purposes being punished and unable to say a word we should be allowed to say just because someone else maliciously used it. At this rate, I would be willing to work for free to moderate stuff for you guys if that means you guys would make the filter only filter out the actual bad words. Yall may be saving money and time by being more hands free with moderation, but you’re harming the very people making you those profits. I understand that having to be more engaged with moderating millions of users isn’t an easy task and it most likely will come with a price, but it’s owed considering that you’ve become this successful. The bigger the business, the bigger the responsibilities. You need to be willing to pay the price to maintain the profit.

I don’t even have to elaborate on the absurd UGC items that are getting through moderation, the whole community knows about it at this rate.

As far as constructive criticism, my advice would be have the automod flag or detect suspisious activity and send a report or ticket to a moderator along with player reports and have them decide whether the player is breaking a rule and not the automod so then the moderator can pass the punishment (and have a enough moderators who will actually be serious about their job and who will be honest but also merciful in some cases, such as not issuing account termination for a small issue without giving a warning). In this way, people won’t be wrongly banned or punished by the automod and people will actually use the report system for its intended purpose if, and only if, you guys start being more serious about moderation in the right way. If you need people to take tickets and review reports, sign me up because i’m dead serious when I say i’d do it for free, for justice and for service.

Quotes from Roblox’s voice chat ToS:

For moderation and safety purposes, Roblox may record voice audio anywhere on the platform.

Roblox uses voice recordings solely for safety and moderation purposes.These uses include, but are not limited to, moderator evaluation of abuse reports, training and evaluating automatic safety detection systems, and measuring overall safety of the platform. Please see the Privacy Policy for more information.

Roblox does not share voice recordings with third parties nor use voice recordings for any advertising or marketing purposes.

Access to voice recordings is strictly limited to only the safety and moderation uses described above.

We do not sell your data and we do not share voice recordings with third parties for any advertising or marketing purposes.

If requested by the Law Enforcement and approved by a court, we will provide relevant recording to the Law Enforcement.

We are constantly improving automated abuse detection and moderation systems, and as part of this effort we may collaborate with third party service providers and share anonymized recordings or transcripts of the recordings. Roblox evaluates all of its service providers through a stringent vetting process, including review of their data handling practices.

Anyone who opts-in to use voice chat should know about this as a feature, therefore you are liable if you say anything that should not be said. It would not be an invasion of your privacy, but a foolish act on the behalf of the speaker, that’s why they tell you not to say things like your age or account information in both voice and text chat. Roblox already has rules against any malicious idea a game dev could have if them attempt to exploit this feature, they will be required to follow the same ToS.

I can tell you’ve got pent up frustration over the flaws of roblox and their past mistakes, but there’s a lot of good things to these updates and you’d have to be ungrateful if you can’t see that (not saying that you are). Not everything is perfect for sure, and you may be right on some if not most of your opinions, but your criticism isn’t as constructive as it could be.


Just a clarification on the creator affiliate program: this is quite different from the old ambassador program. For the ambassador program, that was user-to-user-focused and awarded per link location.

The creator affiliate program is intended for experience owners, influencers and marketers, and awards per registered user who signs up for your link, and the award scales with how valuable that user is to the platform in the first 6 months, it is not a small flat reward amount.

I recommend reading up more on the affiliate program here to help complete the understanding!


What companies though? Even with the absolute lowest possible entry price set, Roblox still takes more revenue from entries alone than platforms like steam or epic games. Let’s not forget the cut Roblox takes from everything else within these games. It would make 0 sense for companies to come on Roblox when there are clearly better alternatives out there for them.

Let’s not forget how the engine itself is not really suited for anything other than simple toddler casinos. Even if Roblox didn’t take such major cuts, no other company looking to make a serious game would ever come on Roblox.


The MicroProfiler changes are pretty sweet. The two biggest changes I really am going to enjoy are improved DataStores and more control over avatars. Can’t tell you how much of a hassle it was swatting UGC avatars like flies because of the small hitboxes they’d have.

Roblox has been moving to make their platform more viable for large companies to use (as seen by the changes to their advertising system and more), whether these changes are actually convincing companies to use Roblox or not, I’m not sure.

These changes i am aware of, but even then Roblox still suffers from quite a few major flaws which would logically drive away most companies looking to make a game. But hey, maybe roblox itself isnt looking for actual game companies but rather entities like Pepsi or Adidas which would make sense. After all roblox dosent care about quality.


That’s a good point, I think this is probably the most likely situation.


Why are you hating on me for no reason? First of all the only point you made (the match making system not being in the post) was a lie, and secondly speak for yourself. Lots of developers want a match making system.

Uh ok… but when?

Ok what’s weird is 9yr olds and voice chat in the same announcement.

So Brookhaven will be like “Get VIP + A LEGIT PLUSHIE OF MR BROOKHAVEN FOR ADMIN!” Or something?


Clip It*

6 years late to have it in a legit group?

Group chat*

Thanks for my opinion!


So uh we get this I guess?

You’re assuming games are going to stay around the same level of quality. You can look at the games on Roblox today and note that there aren’t any worth $25+. But you could also look at all the reasons why developers don’t bother to create games of that quality, and then look at the addition of the USD and increased profit share options as something that removes one barrier and pushes the quality ceiling up.

Updates aren’t always intended to make things better now. Sometimes they’re intended to allow for the potential of things to be better sometime in the future.


I’m not only considering the quality. I’m considering the factors and many Roblox players are already pretty much used to prices under $10 when it comes to playing games. In addition, off-platform games had to afford their own server and uptime which many Roblox games do not have to worry about as they consistently get paid per playtime while Roblox deals with the platform.

Honestly, I would pay $20 on Steam but not even $7 on Roblox.


I’m very excited for occlusion culling, it’s also great to see some of the other features announced as well coming to the platform, such as Improved Data Stores.

The DistroKid integration is great, however despite their library being public on roblox and being able to be played on the website, nothing actually ends up working in-game as it tells me that I need to grant access. Is this something that can be fixed or is it a problem on my end?

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You misinterpreted that part of my reply.

Speech to text, assuming there’s no indicator to tell when the game is actively looking for things you say, can easily be abused by malicious developers to read off what people are saying and log all that information elsewhere.
(for example, lets say speech to text only runs code when the developer chosen word/phrase is said. What’s to stop someone from either putting an extremely large list of words in and making it track everything? Or someone finding a way to make it extra vague so it activates on every word?)


Even if the Roblox game was of equal or higher quality than the Steam game?


We are aware of this issue and are working to release the fix shortly. In the meantime, as a workaround, please try removing the audio you added and re-inserting it again into the experience. Doing this a second time should make the audio work in-game as expected.


You should not be looking for excuses.

  1. Roblox games with same quality of Steam games are still backed by Roblox’s services offered to developers such as server uptime, data stores, financial conversion, and such. With the addition of being paid by playtime, you’ll likely get the same or a little bit less amount of money with smaller community and a slower growth rate.
  2. Roblox’s engine and limitations will very unlikely allow games to surpass most high quality Steam games.
  3. Has anyone made a game that is as big as RDR2 with s*** tons of voice line, contents, advanced post-processing effects (impossible), and entity models?

It is your choice whether you want to set your game to the most optimal and earning or failure out of an attempt on raising floor price for paid Roblox games. I won’t stop you. The usual player base will be upset, but if that’s what satisfies your mind.

If you really want to think about setting your game’s price above $20 on a platform that already pays everything and you for each playtime, consider moving to Steam, work with more responsibility but less restrictive engines, and maybe that’ll give you an insight why there are games outside of Roblox that are expensive as $20 or more.