My Method:
Press CTRL + SHIFT + F
The most common backdoors use require()
So search for “Require”
Browse for anything out of the ordinary for example a part with a script in it should raise red flags
BUT Not all require scripts are bad. Many good scripts use require() For example adonis admin.
So if you see something suspicious open the script by clicking on it. If you are unsure about if its a backdoor. You can copy the ID and paste it in here:
This way you can check reviews/Likes/Dislikes and comments and inspect the source code.
If you think its a backdoor then right click the script and click show in explorer and delete it!
REMEMBER: There is usually more than one backdoor.
I hope this helped
I appologize if this was unclear.
People can sometimes use
instead of require, so make sure to search for that as well. Some scripts can be backdoors without usingrequire
too, search foril1
as well, it’s something that a lot of script obfuscators use. -@brokenvectors
Also, Some viruses are made just to destroy your game. Search for “Destroy” or a related function if this is the case.
Another thing to search for: getfenv.
It may be useful to check the output/console.
Don’t rely on plugins to do it for you.
Another note: AntiVirus scripts tend to be Virus Scripts
What you should do if someone is using a backdoor:
Step 1: Serverlock the server if possible
Step 2: Ban the person if possible
Step 3: Shutdown and Close the game
Step 4: Remove the Backdoor using this guide
Step 5: Re-open your game!