Reproduction Steps
1. Open Roblox Studio on a Hi-DPI display at a large window size.
2. Open Baseplate template.
3. Ensure design refresh with new layout system.
4. Select anything belonging to Workspace - the spawn location, for example.
5. Move the camera around.
It seems that this occurs after selecting anything belonging to Workspace, regardless of instance type.
It still occurs after disabling and/or removing all plugins.
Additionally, I only notice this issue occur when running at larger window sizes on Hi-DPI screens. Making the viewport smaller doesn’t resolve the issue.
Expected Behavior
Roblox Studio should continue to run smoothly when moving the camera and dragging around objects. Doing anything, really.
Actual Behavior
After selecting the object, Roblox Studio runs choppily, interrupted by consistent framerate drops thereafter.
This doesn’t seem to be an issue when running studio on my standard, unscaled 1920x1080 monitor. Some performance impact is noticeable when running solely off my laptop’s display though, since it’s a retina display, albeit minimal. It might be more noticeable on a 16" macbook, not sure.
EDIT: ok, if you’re running any sort of iMac with a retina display, this basically makes studio unusable unless you want to work at a very tiny window size lol.
Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Performance
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-09-24 22:09:00 (-06:00)