In order to make the process of fixing typos and minor edits easier and more streamlined, this thread shall be the place to post all such requests. Don’t forget to link the relevant pages in your post!
What is a “typo”?
A typographical mistake, or an error in typing
Misspelled, swapped or repeated words
What are “minor edits”?
Grammar fixes
Broken links, such as article/Some Missing Article or class/Whoops
Re-ordering or re-organizing existing content
Changes that don’t affect the meaning of existing content
Any other edit that takes 5 minutes or less to fix
What should NOT be posted in this thread?
Code sample related issues – syntax, logic or runtime errors – including small variable name typos.
Errors in data types, function/event parameters or other API stuff
Deprecation/removal of existing API members
Missing or incorrect documentation, even if it’s just a short description
Anything else where the change needs more than just English skills to verify and fix
If your request falls under either of these two categories, then please post it here instead of creating a new thread. Additionally, we can’t guarantee a direct response to everything posted in this thread – but you will be heard nonetheless.
Thank you for keeping the Developer Hub category efficient!
P.S. Links to threads posted before this that should otherwise have been posted here are also welcome.
Ordinarily creating a mega-thread/post is bad practice, however to avoid being rate limited for excessive posts in a short period I’ve compiled a list of articles under the UserInputService class which contain broken links (at the time of posting).
For reference, these pages have been tested in both Firefox and Microsoft Edge, and is not localised to my region (not an issue with the cdn and cache I’m guessing).
Under “Code Samples”, the description reads The below example would save the value of the key “FirstTime” as false. While in reality, the code sample uses “RanBefore” and sets the value of this key to true.
There’s an additional header that reads “Plugin:SetSetting1” as well, which has both an odd name and doesn’t add much.
Many web endpoints use JSON, as it is commonly used on the Internet. Visit to become more familiar with the format. redirects to the JSON Storage Format Page: []( instead of the actual page: [](
The blue tip that says “Currently, only badges can be localized, but other game products will eventually be added to the localization portal.” isn’t accurate anymore and can be deleted.