About the Documentation Issues category

This category is for reporting issues and requesting new content and features for the Creator Documentation, which is the place to find technical documentation and tutorials on Roblox development.

You can use this category for anything related to documentation, including (but not limited to):

  • Reporting missing API documentation.
  • Requesting new tutorials, articles, recipes or code samples.
  • Requesting clarifications, reviews, and updates for existing documentation.
  • Requesting fixes for typos, formatting issues, and other minor changes – post these in the pinned megathread

How should I write my documentation request?

Make sure that your request has not already been made! Use the search in the top-right to look for topics!

Keep this in mind while writing your topic:

  • Your request should only be about the Creator Documentation, not other web pages managed by Roblox!
  • If you are talking about specific articles or resources on the Hub, make sure to add links to them!
  • Include screenshots if they help explain your issue.
  • Keep it short and precise!

Who can post here?

  • People in the AllowBugReports group can create topics in this category.
  • All forum members can reply to topics.
  • Everyone can read all the contents in this category, even when not logged in.

Want to contribute, but you’re not a forum member yet?

See: How to join the Roblox Developer Forum