UGC access not restoring after successful appeals , preventing item restoration

Hi there,

I am aware this issue has been reported in the past, but from what I have seen it has been concluded that issue was resolved already in January.

The issue at hand:

Over the last two months, I have had a number of assets taken down by automod often under the category of “spam”, more often than not I successfully appeal these moderations, (I have done this for approximately 4 items in this time frame, 3 that were taken down at once last month, and one recently) , however each time, my 14 day UGC access ban has remained for the whole 14 day, even if I had all appeals approved within the first day or so of the UGC ban, resulting in me sitting through a UGC access ban for 14 days needlessly, and leaving my community starved of content.

This failure to restore UGC access also comes with an additional problem, as the item that has been successfully appealed, is not restored within 3 working days as is the expected behaviour, but waits until your UGC ban is entirely over to restore, so users are going 14 days each time with the item they have purchased. Furthermore, since the ban is 14 days, by the time it is over the item is often removed from their inventory and they are issued a refund and have to purchase it again.

If this issue could be resolved I would greatly appreciate it.

My user ID incase it helps : 6213959811

Thank you for your assistance


Literally the same EXACT thing is happening to me and this is the first I’m Seeing someone else has the same problem.



Thanks for reporting. Can you provide the 4 item IDs that were successfully appealed but did not result in your ban being lifted?


@karolisms You had a face deleted some hours ago which hasn’t been appealed and restored, so your perms are presumably correctly revoked and this bug does not apply to you


Not exactly, I had a face deleted for spam. Then once I get my UGC privilages back, boom face deleted UGC privileges gone again. Been like this for 2 months. Exactly the same problem @M0N0P0LYYYYY is facing.


How long did it take for your original face to be reinstated? Did it even get reinstated?

Losing your UGC permissions multiple times over is not a bug, I don’t believe


They are waiting 2 weeks to strategically delete my items so that I cannot post for months. What are you saying this is not a bug?


This is not a bug… it’s coincidence. Even if you were being targeted, the system is working as intended. It’s not like once your UGC permissions get revoked once, they can never be revoked again and you’re immune from moderation forever. Especially considering that from what I can tell, your originally deleted item was not even appealed and reinstated.

You did the crime, do the time. There’s been recurring instances of creators that have had their perms rightfully revoked coming on here and complaining as if they’re being mistreated due to a bug, when in fact their permission revocation is a direct result of them knowingly uploading rule-breaking content to the platform.

By the way, you’re not being targeted in any sense, your face was reported by myself along with a few other Epic Faces randomly.

Hopefully an engineer can help clarify and correct me if I’m wrong, but this is how I see it.


Especially considering that from what I can tell, your originally deleted item was not even appealed and reinstated.

First of all, you are claiming to know if I appealed the item, there is no possible way for you to know that, so don’t even make that claim.

You did the crime, do the time.

I’ve been wrongfully terminated 3 times by automod and got my account back after appealing. I should not have to deal with the stress of my account getting deleted at any moment and not being able to get paid for weeks.

By the way, you’re not being targeted in any sense, your face was reported by myself along with a few other Epic Faces randomly.


You ignored my question when I asked, so I’m going to assume it’s a no. If it was a yes I’m assuming you’d be more vocal about it, as that’s where the bug would lie—with your perms not being restored after your item was successfully appealed.

This has nothing to do with this situation. You weren’t terminated in this instance, you were given a warning and had your UGC permissions revoked for two weeks. I would take the slap on the wrist if I were you considering how much money you have made from what is widely considered on-the-fence of being rule-breaking UGC items.

It’s worth noting this permission revocation system is essentially the saving grace of UGC moderation right now, at least when it comes to knockoff items. Without it, creators would never receive any notable punishment for uploading UGC copies other than simple account warnings (the “Spam” reason doesn’t ban you at all). Without permissions being revoked in these instances, it would be the equivalent of pretty much no punishment at all given out to users who upload knockoff copies, meaning there would be no deterrent anymore and users could just reupload deleted items without troubles. Not sure if that’s what you’re suggesting, but it’s a good way to think about it.



I believe the date was the 21st of January where 3 items of mine were taken down by automod

IDS: 74262788282178 , 86572787668086 , 75107562080039

All 3 items were accepted through the appeals process to be restored (ETA of within 3 working days) , and 75107562080039 was restored within 24 hours, but the other two which were layered clothing items did not get restored until the entire 14 day UGC ban was over, resulting in users receiving refunds and then having to purchase the items again, as the ban duration had lasted so long. Whilst also keeping my UGC access suspended at that time where all active negative moderation should have been reversed.

Currently, I am still UGC banned for this asset : 97856191151620

Which was accepted to be reinstated through the appeals process to be reinstated 5 days ago, but the item is still not back, and my ugc ban is still counting down from the day it was taken down, (6 days left currently)

Many thanks


To give credit where credit is due, this is a clear bug if what you’re saying is happening is the truth. Karolisms’ case, on the other hand, is not. I hope engineers have acknowledged my points here—-I’ll stop responding now unless there is good reason for me to as I want this conversation to stay civilized


I’m going to assume it’s a no.

I did infact appeal the item, and my appeal got denied.

It’s worth noting this permission revocation system is essentially the saving grace of UGC moderation right now

I agree for 1:1’s, but it’s a bit strange when you are the one deciding people’s fate by somehow convincing Roblox Staff that my items are spam.


Thanks! How did you request the appeal for these four items—through the Appeal Portal or by submitting a ticket?


Thanks for the quick response, I submitted a ticket through Roblox Support for each of those as I found that I receive better responses through there

the support ticket for the approved item that i am waiting to be reinstated: 112523736
and the asset id : 97856191151620

(I use the support tickets as when when appealing decals/meshes that get automatically removed, when using the appeal portal I often found that my would get immediately rejected automatically, but felt they were more fairly reviewed and reinstated when sending in a support ticket)


Thanks for the context. We’re investigating why the ticket review took so long in the support ticket flow. We have a strict response time for these requests to prevent refunds.

The appeal portal should follow the same review process as the support ticket flow while providing more detailed information. We will also investigate why the appeal portal creates friction for creators.


Alright, thank you so much for the response, and highlighting each area of concern, I hope you guys are able to get to the bottom of the issue.

Hopefully you guys are able to UGC access & items not being restored swiftly following successful appeals, many thanks :happy3:


With the new DSA report system, items that get deleted don’t automatically get an appeal panel in the Appeals Portal anymore, unlike before. A lot of items have been deleted through DSA in the past few weeks, so these complaints are pretty valid. The only channel that could be used to restore UGC access has become useless now.

It seems like they could add an appeal option for DSA-deleted items in the portal, which would help. But outside of that specific channel, restoring UGC permissions is nearly impossible.

I’ve already brought up the issue with Roblox Support, and they clearly said they can’t help. So, if your item gets reported through DSA, your only option is to wait for the time to pass.

Edit: I was wrong about that. When items are restored through Roblox Support, the UGC access punishment that comes with it also gets revoked because the item itself becomes available again. They’ve already thought of this, so it’s not really a big deal. I just wasn’t aware that this existed.

Still, there should be a quick option to appeal for assets deleted via DSA, and I’ll create a bug report for this if I get less busy.

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This isn’t entirely true. I got some catalog items deleted via DSA and the Appeals Portal worked just fine for their issue, disregarding the fact that they changed the reason to ‘Spam’ when the text was something endangering children:

Point is, the option was created to appeal via the portal. I’m not sure what your issue is, maybe when there’s many deletions happening the portal bugs out and stops creating tabs for each of them? Or maybe it’s now intended that deletions for ‘Spam’ are not appealable via the portal, due to the huge amount of obviously copied faces that were incorrectly restored through here?


Your item was removed due to “Child Endangerment,” not “Spam,” so I’m confused about how you’re making this comparison. Since the reason was different, maybe that’s why the appeal panel didn’t appear in the first place. They may have changed the reason later, but the initial reason determines whether an appeal panel is created or not. For some reasons, you can never appeal, for example.

I’ve experienced that UGCs initially removed for “Spam” didn’t have an appeal panel.

Even when only one item was removed, I still didn’t have an appeal option, which also disproves your other argument. That’s why this is still a valid issue for a bug report.

Not to mention, everyone I’ve spoken to who’s been affected by this issue also didn’t have appeals created, so the problem isn’t specific to me.