Unable to view Developer Products or create new products

Hey there, we are unable to view and edit our developer products for Car Dealership Tycoon.

A private message is associated with this bug report

Hi - i’m pushing out a short term fix to unblock this page. This is because at some point, a developer product was created and a subsequent call to create the economy product (a separate entity) failed. Because these operations aren’t atomic, your game is left in a state where some dev products don’t have corresponding economy products.

I am pushing a fix to filter out these faulty products so this page loads correctly. However, this comes with the caveat that the names used by the faulty dev product cannot be reused again until a long term fix is established.

The long term fix will require a fundamental restructure of how other developer products/other monetization entities integrate with how we handle purchaseable things. Because right now, there is no way to guarantee that either all intermediate steps succeed, or that upon partial failure that we can guarantee rollback to a state before the dev product was ever created


This fix will automatically resolve the issue for all games affected, right? Not just the ones that have devs who have reported this issue?

Thanks a lot for finally looking into this :relieved:

Hey, we’re having problems with now the Roblox API to view developer products information - should be related and is the fix already rolled out’?