Updated In Experience Controls on Roblox

If you want the captures button it won’t be the same as the one you showed but in settings enable captures and there should be a icon to the right of your screen to take screenshots

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Thanks for the bug report, this test doesn’t fix that bug but we just made a change which should make it happen less often and we’ve filed a ticket to complete a full fix.


It’s only in testing right now, we’ll make another announcement once we’re ready to launch


If Leaderboard is enabled for the experience you’re in, it should be available in the drop-down menu accessible from the new Experience Controls


Thanks for reporting, we’ll take a look


There seems to be some sort of performance issue too though




It matches RDL (Roblox Design Language) which is the new design system Roblox is moving to late 2024 ish

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Thank you for your suggestion. I was actually referring to the new feature in the Experience Controls that allows you to take screenshots directly from the top bar, not the setting in the menu. I appreciate your help though!

can you please let use change the coregui? some of our experiences have their immersion completely ruined by the new ui. at least let use disable it with setcoreguienabled, as even if you disable Enum.CoreGuiType.All basically the WHOLE ui is still there.

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The chat icon always being shown when enabled is great, but I’d like to be able to choose which icons are always shown. Perhaps the pinned controls could be draggable to the right of the separator to pin them? With this I also think whats pinned and what always shows should save.

Opinionated design changes I'd make

With these changes, having both the 9-dot menu and the collapsible control bar is unnecessary, so I think expanding the control bar should be replaced with only the 9-dot menu and pinning controls should make them always visible:
Image showing the new experience controls, with the expand button replaced with the 9-dot menu button, the leaderboard and chat icons, below it is the 9-dot menu open with the chat and leaderboard pinned.

Additionally, the new controls are bigger and darker than the current top bar’s icons, which means that it’s much more noticable and experiences have to sacrifice more of their design to fit in with it. That’s why I think there should be a way for experiences to theme the new UI at least to fit in with their design more. I’m thinking corner radius, background transparency, and icon colour.

In the Theme Park Tycoon 2 example, the controls could be themed to match the rest of the UI, allowing the creators to integrate the new controls without having to go out of their way to match Roblox’s UI theme.

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Hi folks, thanks for all your feedback! I can’t respond to everyone, but I assure you that we’re taking all of these comments into consideration.

Removing the toggle button would work in the screenshot you’ve provided, but that’s also where the microphone and self-view buttons live. On experiences with those enabled, that means you’d have a minimum size of 4 icons when nothing is pinned. Being able to collapse the bar brings that down to 2.

That’s correct: we have a few variants floating around at the moment. We don’t have an official way to opt-in to a specific variant, sorry :​(

Once the unibar is fully released, it will be fully consistent. I’m sorry if it’s causing some headache for the moment, but to some extent that’s just the nature of testing.

We’re working on that! Actually, I’m working on that. The problem is… surprisingly complex. Stay tuned.

I’ve seen this question posted in various forms throughout the thread. I can’t really give a firm answer on that right now, but it’s definitely a point of feedback that we’re hearing quite a bit, and it’s something we’ll talk about further as a team. I know that’s not the most satisfying answer, but it’s what I’ve got for now.

Similar response as above, but the most likely answer is “probably not”. We generally keep a level of separation between Roblox-controlled and dev-controlled surfaces. I fear that giving devs access to the unibar would cause a lot of inconsistency between games, which could be confusing for some users. On the other hand, I definitely see how having an API for these things would be convenient. I can’t give any solid answer, I’m just one engineer: but I’ll talk to the team.

Thank you for the positive feedback! I’m highlighting this one because it touches on one of our goals with the new in-experience controls: scalability. One of our values at Roblox is to take the long view, and we’re trying to do that by designing a UI that has room to grow. Obviously I can’t divulge too many details, but the code behind all this is built to be very modular, so that it’s easy to add new components later on. The modularity also makes it easier for my team, since other teams in the company can add their own modules without us having to build a custom one just for them.

Another goal you may have picked up on is universality: we’re trying to make something that works the same way regardless of platform. I know that not everyone will like that direction, but we believe that having a consistent user experience on every platform is something that will only benefit us in the long run. Don’t hear what I’m not saying: we care about desktop just as much as mobile, and vice versa. We want to make an interface that’s great on every platform, without feeling like a compromise. Maybe that’s a lofty goal, but it’s still worth working towards.


Thank you! I think the style and the current features are great, but especially developers would be happier if we had more freedom, like being able to fully disable the feature or hide it in a way so our game UI has more space. One other suggestion I would make is being able to create our own buttons and menus, for example with an API such as StarterGui:RegisterControlButton(name: string, iconId: string, callback: (enabled: boolean) -> ()).

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I like these Experience Controls a lot more now. I know this is not exactly the controls, but for the leaderboard, is it going to end up reaching the top of the screen at all? Right now it just has a gap and it look’s pretty awkward if a developer doesn’t plan to add anything there…

Is it normal that the Topbar buttons are always transparent even when the Background Transparency is at Opaque?

Better example.


Good catch— we’ll try to have that fixed for full release


They forgot the Background Transparency option existed an well, this happened.

First of all, thanks for the response, we haven’t ever really heard much regarding our feedback on the new controls ever since the original announcement.

Here are some changes I’d really like to see. You probably won’t respond to everything but I just want to make sure the team is seeing this.

  • Ability to hide the unibar entirely, if everything is disabled (all CoreGuiTypes, voice/camera communication, and the reset button). (Why?)
  • Take “Report” out of the 9-dot menu, just put it back where it was before. (Why?)
  • Probably unlikely to happen, but the ability to decrease the topbar inset to something less than 58 pixels if we desire.
  • Improvements to Self View.

The original announcement suggests otherwise, did this plan change?

I don’t know if this should be “fixed”. The old topbar buttons didn’t respect the background transparency setting, and changing this could mess up a lot of custom UI that depends on the transparency always staying the same, e.g. custom topbar buttons.


imho i think having the mute, report reset etc is best within the esc menu, which was the case during a test version of the menu, rather then having any sort of ingame collapsable menu like there currently is.

(screenshot isnt mine)


ux feels better and it is much less intrusive.


yeah i agree. InGameMenuV3 is unmatched. The v2 & v4 menus are nothing like this.

please bring this version back, please!!!


An before i forget.
The GamepadMenu is also unaffected by the Background Transparency change last time i checked.