Very Realistic Police Cars

Looks amazing! Though as everyone is questioning did you use inspiration? Or well just Copy N Paste? I think what @phenogarbitol is confused about is that he cant understand if you Copy Pasted the models or took inspiration. Also would ask for a better photo of each car as its hard to see the details.

Thank you very much for your feedback! I can send more photos later when I’m free.

You still don’t understand that I made all the car models?

Eh the cars look fine.
After reading the thread 2-3 times i sort of understand what gam0900 is talking about.
I believe he modelled the cars himself but took “inspiration” from ERLC?
Maybe you want to clear it up a well written post since its a bit hard to understand haha :+1:

I said you didn’t. Your exact words were “Hello, Evil1213TerrenceTrue! Not quite🙄”. So either you made no part of the car or a part of the car.

Oh, you’re also an envious fashion modeler who really wants to hurt someone’s feelings. How many times have I already said that I made all the cars. So stop being jealous, open up a blender or whatever you use and learn modellng💪

He just simply quoted what you said, how is that hurting someones feelings or being jealous?

I’m just kidding him because he’s still trying to prove that I stole the models and didn’t do anything.:rofl:

@gam0900, Due to these models seeming far too detailed to be created in a short period of time and given your previous records of how fast you are posting new DevForum posts about new models you have to share is raising doubts, it is essential that I request of wireframe and viewport images to indeed identify they are your creations.

Otherwise, I will proceed to consider this post invalid and may report it due to unseriousness and how off-topic it is.

You don’t seem to know, but I don’t make the models that I publish in a couple of hours or days, some models are old, and some are several weeks old. From the new ones that I recently made a pack of the easiest models. If you want, then file a complaint.

Hello again! Sorry I forgot to show you more detailed models. If necessary, I can take pictures of all the cars and their interiors

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I share my creativity that I DO.

Only my hands, head, inspiration and knowledge were with me, there was no one else.

I will cooperate and provide any files or evidence only to Roblox employees. File a complaint if you want

I’m done with this conversation, I’m tired of justifying to you and other people almost all day

Your so wrong.

Thats not how it works. OP here is asking for feedback on his creation. It does not matter if there is a story behind it. He may be trying to simply improve?

You are taking the topic the wrong way.

Stuff like this happens m8. The world just wants to find ways to cancel you. Thats all. Do what you love and do not give a crap on others opinions UNLESS… they are helpful. If its like people on my actual good resource saying it causes lag when it does NOT. People are surely just jelous of your skill and want to demotivate you so that you can just quit doing that. So just dont listen to them and keep on making models. And giving me tips on how to get gud topology :sob:

Hahah, best joke I’ve heard, I was never jealous of your “skill” when throwing the fact that many draw commands would cause lag. But if you want another argument with me, I’d be happy to do so :grinning:

The only thing causing lag is your stupid argument with me in the progress of my game. So please keep your finger tied from typing on your keyboard to respond to me. I am not gonna argue anymore.

So rude and arrogant. You’re always on passive-aggressive rants, that’s a shame, tells that you might identify yourself as inferior. But well, what I can expect from somebody like that.

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