Weekly Recap: October 21 - 25, 2024

Hi Everyone!

It’s time for the Weekly Recap - Halloween Edition!! What’s the difference between this recap and the others? The inclusion of spooky emojis lol :ghost: :scream:

Just reminding yall that this recap brings together all of our announcements and updates from the Developer Forum into one convenient post. By doing so, we hope it’s easier for you to stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments from Roblox.

For more information or to leave feedback, please comment in their official announcements.

Let’s dive in and have a fun & safe Halloween! :jack_o_lantern:

Betas & Updates

[Test] Platform Text Chat is coming to Experiences

  • Testing a new entry point for “platform chat” within experiences. Platform chat is a way to ensure users can seamlessly communicate with their friends both inside and outside experiences.

[Studio Beta] Major updates to in-experience Mesh & Image APIs

  • We have been working hard on a new workflow to enable shared references for EditableImage and EditableMesh.
  • Enabling strong references with shared ownership required us to make major changes to the core DataModel API design paradigms around the EditableMesh and EditableImage APIs. We’re finally ready to share these changes with you in this Studio beta feature update.

Script Capabilities Preview [Client Beta]

  • Today we would like to announce a preview release of “Script Capabilities,” a new feature designed to give you finer control over actions that scripts can perform in your experience.

Announcements & Updates

New UGC Homestore Template!

  • Released a brand new template: the UGC Homestore! This template makes it easy to sell your UGC items directly in-experience!

Creator Roadmap: Fall 2024 Edition

  • This update covers what we announced at RDC, showcasing the recently shipped features and adding several new projects. We’ve also cleaned up the roadmap by removing some older launches that shipped over six months ago.

  • Click here to view the full Creator Roadmap.

Featured Plugins in Creator Store

  • We are testing a new curated section of featured plugins in the Creator Store. For the next few weeks, we’ll showcase plugins of different categories, such as building, UI, avatar, and scripting.

Get your thumbnails ready for thumbnail personalization

  • We are announcing thumbnail personalization to help users discover your game by automatically showing the most relevant thumbnail to each user on Home

  • Sign up for our live stream on Monday, November 4 at 1 pm PST for a live walkthrough and Q&A. (we’ll also upload the recording after).

Introducing MicroProfiler memory profiling, flame graphs, diffs, and much more

  • We’ve recently made many improvements to the MicroProfiler. The latest update introduces detailed memory profiling, flamegraphs, and dump comparisons.

Release Notes

Deprecated Web Endpoints

Official List of Deprecated Web Endpoints


A Random Halloween Game Jam

  • We are doing a 3 hour game jam to create a halloween themed trick-or-treating experience that’s built off a random tile map generator.

This topic was automatically opened after 5 minutes.

Ok, the new scripting capabilities feature is genuinely amazing. That feature alone makes free models infinitely safer to use now!

Also, could wrappable SurfaceGuis be considered again? That feature would help make the process of making immersive guis in Roblox so much easier. Roblox as an engine has come a long way since 2015, so I could imagine it’s much more feasible now!

Request I’m referencing:


The Script Capabilities link is incorrect.


AHHHH my bad :melting_face: Link has been fixed!


whoever wrote this is my favorite member of Developer Relations

anyway to contribute to this topic, i like the [Test] Platform Text Chat is coming to Experiences because it is good for mobile users


The Game Jam Link Is Incorrect, But I Think I’ll Participate!


Ugh I think I was off my game on Friday when I posted this. Link is fixed! Thanks for flagging :slight_smile: