Built a rendering engine on roblox from scratch!
It has:
- diffuse lighting calculations
- raytraced shadows
- raytraced reflections (!)
- fog
Here are some images rendered at (almost) realtime
Each pixel rendered is a GUI Frame which makes it very inefficient because it needs to change the color of tens of thousands of frames each time. Unfortunately there’s no better way to do this since roblox doesn’t allow us to directly draw pixels on the screen.
Here’s a gif of it running in realtime
(very low res needed to actually get some decent fps)
Thats amazing. I wouldn’t have thought that possible without roblox supporting it.
Updating this
I think you mean blender as he stated in his reply.
Obviously the tree was modeled in blender but I think what he meant was the snow, did you just duplicate and resize the tree or did you actually go to to blender to add snow? Better?
No offense but this map look futurist but bland, no extraordinary architecture, the only colors that i really see is purple and blue, the road is very bland, no futuristic road and sidewalk systems (Designs not scripts). I think you understand what i’m trying to say. You stated the as an “tropical glowing metropolis” but i see only one plant… also there are too many skyscrapers, you could maybe add some stadiums, attractions like statues and really weird statues lol but that would make this map extraordinary
Thanks for pointing out the empty roads and the lack of building variety. However, the palmtrees and the colors are everywhere (palmtrees on the highway, some roads, near buildings etc, even including some artificially recolored ones), but the purple and blue sticks out much more during night time. There are also some unique landmark structures, though I haven’t shown them because they’re in unfinished parts of the city. Still appreciate the criticism though.
Ok what I meant by i only see one plant was i only see one type of plant. Maybe add a variety of other plants including more trees (also the tree at set at one rotation which may cause a little more blandness). I only pointed that out because you gave the Tropical glowing metropolis an over exaggerating title.
I can assist you with your project Queegly#6513
Music for my game
Note to self: Don’t UV Unwrap something if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Working on a pig head for something…
Here’s something I’m working on, it’s part of a massive project I’m working that’ll be space themed currently it’s only around 10% done and there is way more detail that’s missing as well as lighting.

Made some food which definitely isn’t the best since I’m still pretty bad with textures
also improved an old render(just adjusted the colors a bit and ice still looks bad but yeah)
also some christmas trees for a commission
oh yeah and my first two gfx I made
I’ve been trying to learn my way around substance painter, and I think I’m beginning to understand it a bit better. I just textured a simple bench model I made, and it turned out pretty cool.