December 2019 Recap: POGGERS

Hey developers,

I hope you had fantastic holidays! We’re back in full swing now and WOW! December was really busy! Let’s take a look.

2019-12-1500-17-07 (1)

thanks for the gif @Tybearic

Updates and Changes

UIGradient [LIVE]

Bring your UI to life with beautiful gradients. Or be like me and relive your middle school days of opening up Paint on the desktops in the computer lab and messing around to no obvious end. The choice is yours, the functionality is live!

Introducing the “Avatar Evolution” Studio Beta Build!

Two words: mesh deformation. Two more words: custom materials. Yeah. You heard me. The Studio beta build for our Avatar Evolution initiative is available in the linked announcement. Why are you still here? Go crazy!

Introducing Configure Group

Our favorite poetry-writing cacti embracers brought us a sleek re-skin of the Group Admin page. Bonus: it’s easier for our engineers to make changes on the functionality, making it easier for new features to be added in the future. :eyes:

Improvements to Object Insertion Workflow [Beta]

We’re trying to let you develop at the speed of imagination. That’s not an easy feat because, as it turns out, imagination is really quick and hand-eye coordination not so much. That said, we’ve made some changes to the workflow for inserting objects and we’re in need of your feedback, so go check it out!

New Terrain Tools - Out of Beta and Live for All

Big brushes, water levels, cylinders, perfect flatness, new UI, and a whole bunch of love just shipped out of beta to all of our epic developers. Enjoy these goodies and read the announcement to learn more.

Introducing: Plugin Marketplace

We said we were looking for more ways to put money in developers’ pockets. Part of this entails enabling you to sell your insanely useful tools to other developers! The announcement has more details about the program.

Collaborative Editing has arrived!

What do you get when you cross a cutting-edge feature and an awesome announcement? Collaborative Editing! Realtime awareness of committed changes, conflict resolution, script merging, and a whole bunch more… this is an extremely exciting feature that a small blurb can’t do much justice. Read the entire announcement to learn more!

Introducing Asynchronous Publishing for Places (Non-Team Create)

Like I said, we want to let you develop at the speed of imagination. Now, you can at least keep developing while your game publishes and saves in the background. Every second counts. Utilize the spare ones wisely.

Release Notes

The digits.

December was INSANE! I can’t wait to see what 2020 brings us!

Developer Relations


please PLEASE PLEASE!!! Don’t use twitch/bttv emotes outside of twitch!
The meme frogs don’t like it!!



that’s not very poggers of you


When do you think mesh deformation will be public and in live studio?

And these updates are awesome, Roblox is becoming more powerful every year.


Thank you for the awesome new features, I love the work you guys put in!

Also I agree the Twitch and BTTV emotes should not be used in this context, it feels wrong.


What a lovely year! Can’t wait to see more.



Can’t wait to see more.


Not sure, that question would probably be better suited in the announcement.


big pog pogchomp
2019 has been an amazing year! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for the next decade :wink:


December sure was a busy month!


2019 was a fantastic improvement for Roblox can’t wait to see what’s coming this year! :grin:


And so the end of a decade and a year’s worth of great progress has come. We move into a new year and a lot of things to look forward to. Something I know that’s been on nearly everyone’s radar is the Avatar Evolution update. :v:

Lame reply and I haven’t broken out a large retrospective because I’m in school, but I’m up to write one when I’m back. Maybe.

I guess all there’s to say this time around is that a great year of progress has concluded and I’m looking very much forward to improving or salvaging what I can in 2020. For example, I’m looking forward to finishing all my ongoing projects (I have way too many) and starting a game (wow, yeah, I’ve actually considered doing something outside the DevForum, what a surprise).

Cheers. Here’s to kickstarting a hopeful year. :tada:


When the fire hydrant dabbed, I felt that :pensive::fist:t4:


It’s great to see so many new things coming to the Roblox platform. Mesh deformation will be very epic when it’s live, can’t wait to see the uses people come up with!

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OMG thank you so much, this is so epic

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Roblox is an incredible platform,with what i think is the best community out there.
I can’t wait to see what else 2020 has in store.

And remember Robloxians we need to keep being awesome at what we do, whether it be building,scripting,GUI,or even getting Flamingo angry.

I know everyones got something to prove, and lets hope we get to se some more amazing work this year.


Really liked some of the updates for this month, especially the mesh deformation!
Hope to get some good updates this month as well!!!


I hope we are going to have more updates, since the december one we’re awesome!

Wow, this is really cool and will bring everything to life along with giving players better experience.


UIGradient was crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

I’m hyped to see what’s gonna be added this year.


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