Design Changes to Game Tiles (Limited Rollout)

Suggestion: Center everything and size up shorter titles! Much more pleasing to the eye.



The inconsistency of text-size on your example hurts my eyes.


I actually really like this, one of the best updates on the site this year imo

Interesting… Still have the old game page so I will have admire it until it gets removed :frowning:

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Re: Removing Creator Name
@jewelycat @CodingLucas @Azutreo

We removed the creator name because the only way to access it was on hover on Desktop, and we wanted to make the information being displayed to the user as simple as possible. You will always be able to access the creator name on the Game Details page. Brand development is going to encompass much more than Desktop users hovering over your game tile.

If you are concerned about scammers or bots, we have projects rolling internally to tackle this difficult problem. As always, you can report clones directly to our customer service team or post them here in the DevForums.

Re: Blurry Image on Hover

This has to do with how we fetch users Game Icons after they are uploaded. We wanted to implement a hover state, and this is what we did for the time being until we get around to changing that implementation detail.

Re: Decision on Left Alignment
@berezaa @4Sci

We aligned all our elements because it handled more cases elegantly than the other options we played with. Centering can get really strange as numbers shift. The design suggested by @Azutreo seems like a good compromise, however; the rating number just chilling on the right side can look off with all that content sitting on the left.

As I posted in my previous post, we also had to account for localization and numbers shifting.


We should have

  1. Game Icon
  2. Game Name
  3. Show if you have it favorited (Optional, but would be nice to easily show if you favorited it already next to the name)

What we don’t need

  1. Like/Dislike percentage
  2. Players online
  3. Creator name (already gone)


All of the things not needed are easily found on the games page once clicked. Roblox should move away from directly displaying stats to players on the games page and focus more on game icons and names. It would not only give a clear and concise view of all the games available but would also be pretty on the eyes with the minimal amount of information players need to take in while browsing.

Another reason why a minimalist approach is good is because it also mimics other gaming platforms with a simple style. Steam for example does not display stats to people browsing the store other than the systems the games available on and the price (and genre but Roblox removed genre sort GRRRR) as seen below:

Why? I don’t want to have to click on every game one at a time to find one with a decent rating.


I don’t agree.

  • Likes/Dislikes are a quick way to judge whether or not a game that’s not well known is worth a look. We should be able to spot decent games in the tile ocean without clicking on every single one.
  • It is very disappointing to click into an interesting looking game only to find out there’s nobody playing it. We should be able to spot an active game from the tile view.
  • It would be interesting to be able to see whether or not a game is in our favorites from the tile view, however, that’s literally what our favorites list is for. Including it on the tile would be unnecessary clutter.
  • Mimicking a gaming platform like Steam when Roblox is fundamentally different is unwise.
    • Roblox is primarily a multiplayer social gaming platform. Steam is very much not that.

A post was split to a new topic: No useful information available in new homepage

A post was split to a new topic: New home page shows games that aren’t playable

This forum post is in no way related to the new Home page. Please post this in Bug reports and/or feature requests. Thanks

@EchoReaper @BuildIntoGames

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Q: Where did the creator name go?
A: The creator name has officially been removed from the hover state on the game tiles. We did this to make it easier for players to find the best games we have to offer by refocusing on what is most important to them. Your group and username will always be viewable on the Game Details page.

I feel like this change was unneeded, as @Dawgra said, it could give scammers an advantage because the name is harder to access.

I suggest at least implementing a tool tip when hovering over the icon and name of the game that shows the name and creator of the game, such as “[Game] by [Creator]”.


Getting the name takes less than a second if you click the icon since its on the game’s page.

For users with a slower internet connection it can take several seconds to load the game page, which is unacceptable when all they want is fundamental information. In addition, if a user clicks through ~6 game tiles looking for one made by one specific user and doesn’t find it right away, they’re very likely to just give up looking, which could hurt developers if the game search page returns a giant pile of identical icons for games that may or may not have bots playing.

A tool tip is a decent idea.


A post was merged into an existing topic: No useful information available in new homepage

One of the first rules of UX… Centered text is almost always bad.
In this case, I strongly agree with left-alignment.

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It looks really bad imo unless your game title fills up 2 lines and doesn’t use emojis in the title (which is quite specific)

In this case, I think the card for Bloxburg actually looks pretty nice, but the one for MeepCity is terrible (relating to the alignment) cause of the emoji (out of place) and the one-line title (lots of empty space)

If you find yourself clicking on inactive games you don’t want to play, the problem is with the sorting.

The algorithm that decides what tiles to display is much more important than the information displayed on individual tiles. It just needs to be easy for the player to find the game they want to play with the people they want to play with.

If a game has no players or extremely poor ratings it should be harder to find. New games trying to grow can run ads to be found, but old games with many poor ratings should be able to improve without less-relevant ratings holding them back.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: No useful information available in new homepage