High Seas - Endless Oceans, Rope Swinging, Ship Controls: Devlog #1

Hey all,
I’m Infinite_Visions, proud owner of Visions Games. I’m currently working solo on a project called High Seas, an up-and-coming Pirate roleplay game. Without further ado, let’s begin.

Current Features

Endless Ocean

The ocean is the main feature of any pirate game. As such, it needs to be realistic, exciting, and can’t suddenly end for the player. To combat this, I created an ocean that moves locally with you, but interacts with the server just as it does the client. Using Mesh deformation, I made some nice waves, some simple swimming animations, and a neat camera effect when under water.

Weather will be added (the ocean waves will increase/decrease according to the weather)

Rope Swinging

As we all know, rope swinging is essential to a pirate game. I had some fun messing around with physics, and got:

As you can see, you grab the rope, then move around faster and faster. When you release, you fly off a ways. This will allow you to hop ships in a “Pirate” fashion.
My ship may or may not be sinking.

Ship/Cannon Controls

Ship handling is a work in progress. I have to script my own friction, so I’m working out the kinks. In the future, waves won’t clip through the deck of the ship. The cannon and movement replicates to the server :slight_smile:

Physics will be improved - this is a very, very early stage.

Testing link: High Seas

I’d love to know your feedback on this, and what you’d like to be added! Thank you!

Other High Seas Devlogs

High Seas Devlog 5
High Seas Devlog 4
Devlog 3
Devlog 2


Sounds really cool. I’ll check your links out when I have a chance. Unfortunately the videos are not loading for me. Is anyone else having this issue?

sounds really cool, maybe it can compete with the wild seas?

Thanks @Grim619 and @IceTheOneAndOnly! I haven’t heard of Wild Seas, but it is loosely based off of Wild West (a western roleplay). I hope to make it really cool, with a lot of content. I don’t want it to be the average roblox game :slight_smile:

There are a lot of planned features I haven’t mentioned, I’ll be sure to create more devlogs.

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A cool thing to add would be the twilight zone. It’s this zone in the ocean where a tiny amount of light reaches its waters, and it has some really cool creatures. Humans can only survive very short amounts of time swimming in it, and you need to spend a while slowly transitioning from a high pressure, to a low one. Adding something similar to that would make me instantly play this game, no questions asked.

A good reason to add something like this is:

You could find sunken ships here and collect loot there, but it’ll only be in a few pockets of sea, everywhere else just has a really deep ocean you can’t swim down. Now, how would a player actually hold their breath to actually swim there? I don’t know, which is probably the biggest flaw with this idea, but you can just skip out on the twilight zone itself, and just make sunken ships lootable.


Maybe add a twilight zone, and add sunken ships, that you can loot for items.

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wild seas is indeed made by the studio that made the wild west, also just something to add, you need to make the ship cannon controls look more like they are real because irl that red thing isn’t there and rope swinging should have 2 or 3 spots in which it bends, not just at the top.

it really look like Sea Of Thieve

I’ll definately be adding sunken ships/loot, this will likely be like in minecraft (you can find treasure maps, etc). A twilight zone is a really cool idea, I’ll do my best to implement it :slight_smile: Thanks for your input!

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I’ll be routinely improving all of these systems, this is just a very early stage. I’ll make sure there are a few bends for realism :slight_smile:

Thanks! It is inspired off of that game. My goal is simply to make a nice, realistic pirate roleplay. The red thing with the cannon will have an arrow (texture), it is there just to show where the cannonball will land. I haven’t seen much of Sea Of Thieves, but I believe mine will have different features for variety.

Wow, this look’s really interesting! Can’t wait to see a final product or beta testing. Will defiantly check it out.

Some ideas that might help,

  • Depending on how detailed you want the end to be maybe add stuff like rowing for boats without masts, reloading for cannons, sail pullies for lowering and raising
  • Turning the sail rather than driving
  • Wind directions?
  • Variation in tide levels, such as during storms
  • Weather system that can affect tides
  • Bucket system to remove water from a V-shaped vessel
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These are all great ideas! There will be weather systems, and I’m not satisfied with the boat turning system, so I’ll make sure to improve it (with a rowing feature, sail turning feature, or wheel turning for larger ships).

I sort of accidentally have wind directions due to my fake friction (the boats, when stopping, drift left).

My goal is pretty detailed, I like accurate roleplays. I’m trying to learn blender (my computer only handles Blender 2.79), I plan on modelling some semi-realistic models.

Thanks for your input!

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Keep us posted with updates can’t wait to see where it goes!


i found some bug!
this is the one that i feel super funny
robloxapp-20211112-2110396.wmv (786.6 KB)

basically the cannon spin when you try to aim it in first person

What I was thinking, is that when your ship gets destroyed and sinks, other people can go to where it fell, and collect loot from the ship. Randomly generated sunken ships would fill the same purpose as sunken player ships.

That’s the plan :slight_smile:

Thanks for the bug! I’ll be sure to fix it.

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I have updated the game to include a new chest system (not finished), and a inventory/tool system. The shovel tool is complete :slight_smile:

I’ve taken all of your feedback to heart, and done my best to use it. More updates coming!

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Can I animate your game (free)
because I have nothing to do

also i found another funny bug :rofl:

i tried to dig the sand and it keep popping up instead

I think u trying to cover the hole after player dig when they are digging.

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Hey, thanks for the offer! We can talk in private threads if you’d like.

I’d updated the game to include a new treasure chest system, digging system, minimap, and more. That bug was a result of my testing :joy: It should be fixed now.

The new Devlog: High Seas | Treasure Hunting, Tool Mechanics, Minimap - Devlog #2

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I had that issue on my mobile too. But it worked on my PC.

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