Improvements To DMCA system

I never seen anything like that unfortunately. I thought I was free in the clear when I got unbanned until my account was gone again. They never said that you could send a list of assets in the initial termination or appeal. I personally had to direct message an administrator to get my account back otherwise my account would’ve stayed banned. I never got a follow up email after the unban. Nothing with a suggestion to send a remove list or anything like that. Also I never expected any of this, I logged on one day and my account was gone so I couldn’t have done it before.


Well, when one emails the copyright agent any items that anyone would like deleted/archived for copyright purposes, they usually reply with that promise to not strike your account for those items.

However, evidence suggests its a total lie, because people have sent lists of items to the copyright agent to be deleted many years and nothing has happened as of yet. The major fear is that even the promise to not either strike or moderate the account is also a total lie.

Edit: Another thing I find interesting is that the people at Roblox never told you about this since you were an intern.


There was a point in Roblox where a ton of clothing designers and developers would use any brand name on their clothing without penalty. I think a couple years recently, Roblox has taken more control on the copyright and it resulted in a bunch of warnings and bans from very old assets that were once overlooked and forgotten. I suggest they just remove the asset(s) as soon as they get a copyright notice and notify the creator the reason why and what asset was removed. Especially if its an older asset. Most of the supervisors in the internship were part of DevOps so their control over this subject is slim to none I believe.


Yes, in fact the Copyright Agent also promises the assets will be removed within 30 days after you email them. Yet, nothing happens. Nothing. At all.

The copyright agent doesn’t differentiate between assets whether it be Avatar items or Decals or anything else even after asking them. They just say “oh, we’re sorry this process is taking a long time we aim to complete your request at the earliest”

There’s a just a massive list of broken promises.
“We aim to complete your request in 30 days” - Lie.
“You will not receive moderation or a strike as a result of this request” - Possible lie.

Even if you ask Roblox Support the same question it takes them forever to directly address the problem only for them to say “Sorry, we can’t help you”.


that sucks. Hopefully you will be able to talk to a staff member and have that fixed. Your ban is a pure example as of why roblox SHOULD NOT ban users for dmcas, but just take away monetization options temporary. Roblox SHOULD fix their issues with dmca, and unban everybody that has been banned for dmcas. They should bring back everybody that lost their access cause of that, and also find a better copyright strike system, that doesn’t remove people’s access from playing experiences/accessing their avatar, trading, etc. I’m sorry about the issue you faced, but I really suggest trying to contact a staff member if possible, and maybe share this post with other people that faced issues like this, in hopes of having them try to contact copyright agent to delete stuff before it’s too late.


Roblox should re-work everything related to copyrighted content & DMCA system honestly, there’s a lot of people getting their accounts terminated for stuff they uploaded decades ago and we all know that. Really sucks that after months of people talking about it, Roblox is unable to come with a better solution for all of this. We had people on twitter complain about it, people getting unterminated because of it (of course with help of others that have connections with Roblox staff), we had sharkblox make videos on it, there’s clearly a problem Roblox needs to fix here. The problem with copyright agent, is that the system is very slow, that’s why Roblox should give us a way to delete items we uploaded ourselves, and this is also why people shouldn’t be facing any issues, if the item was uploaded under a group they aren’t in anymore

I’ve seen more than 20 people complain about it on twitter, and even big youtubers talk about it… so I guess it’s time Roblox improves that. I hope this year will bring new & better features, but also changes, such as a better dmca system


To expand on this: Users shouldn’t have to worry about getting strikes for things they’ve been previously warned about.

For clarification, clothing items (t-shirts, shirts, pants) cannot under any circumstances be archived or deleted (not even asking support will do this, source: asked support to do it and they never did) so how about if a user gets a warning/strike, any item uploaded before the warning/strike happened should fall under some sort of safeguard as the user has already been alerted that it’s not ok to upload stuff that could get DMCA’d

So in practice, if a user gets a warning, they’ll know not to do it again, but won’t receive further punishment on previous uploads as they cannot remove those assets by any means, but if a user does get a claim for anything uploaded after the date of the strike, it’s fair game as they had their warning previously and they proceeded to repeat that behavior anyway.


I think strikes shouldn’t scare all users honestly, they should make it only scary for people that monetize copyrighted stuff, not those that make them for fun.

another idea i thought of, was making people complete an agreement before allowing them to devex and other stuff, which would include all rules with copyright.

If people don’t sign this, they could still sell stuff on the market, but make 0 profit

We should be getting an update that allows for privacy “All Asset Types”, as was announced by Roblox last year as part of the 2023 - 2024 creator road map, but Roblox hasn’t defined what “All Asset Types” even means nor when this would be fully implemented, just sometime in 2024. All this anticipation just heightens the sense of urgency.

Creator Road Map Pt. 4 of 4


I hope that will come, and will include accessories/avatar items, because right now, it’s literally impossible to avoid being dmca striked if you uploaded 2d clothing with copyrighted material and you risk having your account deleted because of something you did a decade ago, as a kid, when roblox didn’t really do so much about copyright, and you didn’t know about the copyright laws.

Wishing the best for 2024 updates. I know roblox won’t disappoint us

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Well, when it comes to this topic of reforming the DMCA system on Roblox and/or changes to classic Avatar Clothing items, I am very pessimistic unless Roblox is continuously reminded and the issue constantly pressed until changes are made. Roblox had since 2008 to establish some kind of system for classic avatar items to be deleted/archived and instead allowed the chaos around classic avatar items to fester until it became untenable until they had to retrofit the current DMCA system.

Same here too I uploaded lots of random crap when I was like 12 or something. You know it’s really bad when the system bans people who are super high profile or used to work for Roblox. Like Roblox tells us to email their “Copyright agent” to remove the stuff. Can someone sue them for that since they do nothing. The two copyright agents are the only roblox support who actually show their real (Indian) names too, which tells me something is off about them and the rest of the Indian/bot moderation team.


i have resorted to legal action against the copyright companies


Changes to this are really needed, a problem I havent really seen mentioned is that the current system is very abusable as you don’t really need much proof at all to DMCA someone or something at least when it comes to Meshes or Textures this can lead to tons of false DMCA claims.

Sure you can say that countering the claim is a solution to false claims, However then ROBLOX take your revenue from that item, kill momentum and ultimately kill any hope for it being picked up by the algorithm.

Alongside that it takes 14 business days to get your counter claim accepted and with a maximum of 3 strikes that take no time at all to be placed on an account. A person abusing the system can effective keep someone falsely terminated or continuously take money from them for however long they want in a cycle of false dmca and counter.

Currently I am being false DMCA’d by this account: DMCA_DEVIANT - Roblox on stuff that I have modelled and textured myself and have no way to really deal with it other than countering only for it to happen on another model or texture or item.

A minimum of evidence and/or better background checks to the items prior to actually accepting the DMCA should really be a thing, and if it already is a thing it clearly isn’t good enough when models.

It is also wild that there are no punishments to players submitting false DMCAs and also no real way to solve the issue without legal action.


Why is Roblox accepting DMCA requests from a user literally named Legal_Beamer


What if they spent all of the 100k Robux (negative robux :skull:)


I assume that then they (roblox) will pay the refunds so long as it isn’t in your pending or your current robux.

For me since I constantly have above the amount required to refund everyone for the purchases of the items temporarily taken down they had no problem taking the money from OTHER accessories pending amounts which summed up to all the sales from the item taken down temporarily.

Though when the item is restored which should be within the next 3 days they wont return the money they used to refund all the people, so basically they all just get my item that I spent time working on for free unfortunately, obviously not the end of the world just mildly annoying that a once profitable item is now a 5k robux loss counting upload fees lol

No consequences to the person who initiated the false DMCA.

I got this rather strange email that says,

  1. They couldn’t even verify that my account is the owner of the uploaded assets I want removed. (Ok, that’s really strange). I have no idea which items they’re referring to.
  2. The email also lists the email. Hold on, I thought this email was dead. I thought all content removal requests are supposed to be direct at the

What is even going on? Nothing makes sense.


Bruh is this some troll account that just false DMCA’s random people because it works?

We need a way to delete assets from our inventory, it’s 2024!