Introducing Roblox Communities

Hello Creators,

Today, we’re excited to announce that Roblox Groups has now been renamed to Roblox Communities. We’re also introducing more capabilities for community admins and moderators with the highly requested Ban User feature, renaming the Exile User feature to Kick User, and updating the Open Cloud API. These changes align with our commitment to providing tools to help you better manage and build deeper connections with your users and active communities on Roblox.

Earlier this year at RDC, we shared our goal to make Communities the central place where creators can engage with their members, gather feedback, and connect with them directly on Roblox. When users join your community, it can get them excited about the content you post and bring in more users by widely sharing their excitement for the community. Plus, their feedback can help you make the right improvements for your experience, content, or community.

In addition, while Communities will be focused on engaging with your users, we have been building out a robust system for you to collaborate with fellow creators on what you’re building. This product continues to be called Groups, and will exist exclusively within Creator Hub. Work has been ongoing, including a new roles and permissions system, as well as revenue management features. Stay tuned for more updates!

What’s New

We’ve heard your feedback, and we’re excited to introduce Ban User, one of the most requested safety tools. Alongside the renamed Kick User, these features give community admins and moderators the control to maintain a positive, respectful environment by removing users who don’t follow their community’s guidelines. Finally, we’ve updated the Open Cloud API to make it easier to automatically assign group/community membership & roles.

Ban User: Community admins and moderators can now issue bans from their communities.

  • Banned users are immediately removed from the community.
  • Banned users will be unable to rejoin the community unless their ban status is reversed by a community admin or moderator.
  • Community admins and moderators can be given permission to ban lower ranked users.
  • Banning a user is at the community admin or moderators’ discretion, meaning Roblox will not issue or reverse bans made by the admins and moderators.
  • Roblox will attempt to block detected alt accounts from joining when a member is banned from the community.

Exile User renamed to Kick User: Previously known as “Exile”, this tool allows community admins and moderators to temporarily remove members from the community.

  • Relabeling “Exile” to “Kick” brings this feature in-line with community admin/moderator expectations and is more consistent with other community products they may be familiar with.

Open Cloud API Updates

  • New Open Cloud endpoints to change a member’s role and update their membership in your community.
  • You can use off-platform tooling to receive an event from your experience and update the rank in the group.
  • For example, once a member plays your experience you can have your tooling call this API to give this user a role with higher permissions.

Looking Ahead

We’re also thrilled to share that we’re making great progress on Forums! Forums will be a dedicated space where users can provide feedback, discuss gameplay, and report issues. We’ve begun testing and our plan is to roll out Forums as part of Roblox Communities in early 2025.

As always, we appreciate your feedback and continued support. Let’s work together to create amazing experiences!


Click here to view the FAQs

Can I appeal my ban from a Community to Roblox if I believe I was banned unfairly?

Community bans can be issued by community admins and moderators who have been granted permission to issue bans. Communities choose how to manage their own membership, including bans and kicks, at their discretion. Roblox will not override membership decisions made by community admins or moderators.

How can I get into the Forums early access?

We’re thrilled by the strong interest in Forums early access! Due to high demand, we’ve reached our current limit for participants and aren’t able to accept new requests right now. We appreciate your patience and can’t wait to roll out Forums with everyone.


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Banning users from groups seems like a great update but maybe a option to ban the user from all or specific games connected would be nice aswell


Changing roles via Open Cloud and group bans at the same time?! Awesome!

I assume kicking/banning will be Open Cloud APIs at some point. Is there a rough estimate of when we can expect these (mainly, this year before the code freeze, or sometime next year)? I’d like to integrate this into a larger ban system for games (GitHub - TheNexusAvenger/Sovereign: Orchestrates bans across multiple games and groups on Roblox.) instead of having to manage join requests.


That’s a really awesome update! After so many years, we can finally ban someone from our communities.


This is nice, but do you plan to actually fix the alt-account detection system? It simply does not work currently and this has been a common complaint for months now. It is not enough currently to stop people from rejoining on alts.


Jokes aside, I love the update, however I can’t wait for the other upcoming features such as forums! (please send me a PM or invitation once there’s more slots for feedback!

Will the group apis remain untouched however? I’d like to know if there’s gonna be any changes to script-related stuff for groups.

Also, will we ever be able to join more than 100 communities in the future?


This guy was faster than the official announcement, congratulations (?


Literally saw this earlier, this is a wicked update. I went to configure group and it was so cool to see ‘communities’ pop up for the first time.

Can we have a seperate checkbox for this? I feel like this should only be applied for really strict punishments, instead of being automatic.

1 word: Marvelous

Feature I would like to be added

Like I said in this post, I would like it so:

A thing implemented into :BanAsync() that would make it so you could ban people in a group with their punishment in-game, that would be cool.


Open cloud API for editing group roles is great news.

Is this doable from a game server or do we need to go through a proxy? If there is still a need for a proxy with open cloud then I hope there is a future where we can just call these methods from our games. I have almost no need to run my own service and it would be a lot more convenient if we can call these methods from our games.


To be honest it’s about time roblox add ban member option, cause i have people that I don’t want to be able to rejoin my group.


Awaiting approval ranks are no more! This is overall a win, although is there any way to disable alt account detection?


The announcements always come after the feature has been released for a few hours. Probably so it can be made sure that it runs smoothly before it gets announced to everyone.


Guy, it’s a joke, nothing bad.


A bit funny that the OpenCloud endpoints are labeled as “Group” instead of “Community”, but great changes so far!

I also second @Extuls question about what “triggers via your in-experience code” really means here. It would be nice to access OpenCloud APIs through engine APIs (OpenCloudService or at least HttpService).


I have a suggestion:

  • Autospam Detection. Our community is getting lots of spam on the Community Wall that could be easily identified as spam E:G: by AI.

No worries, it will be deleted soon.


Will I have to create a Guilded server in order to use forums?


No forums will be on the Community page, replacing Group Walls

